...to differentiate products in a cluttered marketplace. In order to increase the effectiveness of advertising for a product, advertising messages should be unique and meaningful. There are many techniques that advertisers use to distract the consumer to pay attention to their product. Advertisers use humor, sex appeal, and feel good emotion to connect to the consumer of the product in which they’re advertising. Many marketers use humor in advertising as a way of appealing to consumer’s emotions. These positive emotions can potentially lead the consumer to purchase the related product. Doing it right means not only engaging the prospect but getting them to remember the product. As In one of Doritos commercials, a cute baby was launched across a yard to snatch a bag of Doritos from his brother, who had been teasing him. The baby safely won the Doritos, and ate them, creating humor. Doritos always uses humor, the goal of the company is to make money and persuade the consumers to purchase their product. By using humor technique it allows the consumer to relate positively funny and by doing that the consumer will remember the product. Another technique used in advertising is sex appeal, in advertising is generally viewed as an effective strategy to attract attention to your brand. For instance the Carls Jr commercials, advertise their juicy delicious looking Five Star burger, by using...
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...inexpensive dinners. Or you can go to the farmers’ market for things like Italian turkey sausage made by the Amish for your pasta meals also. You can pick up your fresh produce there too. But, you really can’t beat Trader Joe’s fresh fruit and vegetable prices, unless, they are on sale somewhere else. And, than it will only be a few cents more. So why run around? Eggs are pretty inexpensive and can be used for egg salad sandwiches and/ or omelets for a breakfast or a dinner meal. Lastly, all you need is some really tasty cheese for meal toppings and/or snacks such as cheddar, Greek, or parmesan, etc. Rice, pasta, beans and, bread are fillers, and cheaper than meat. Using this type of meal plan a family of three (depending on the ages, sex, and size can eat healthy and well at a cost of about...
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...Market Research Businesses can either succeed or fail. Sadly, a lot of really good businesses fail because they failed to take any number of factors into account. What begins as a great idea soon gets lost in the unanticipated second and third orders effects of running a business. Proper market research may not eliminate all the pitfalls, but it can provide a clear and negotiable path for a business to make informed decisions. This paper will discuss one such company who has seen sales dwindle in one of its products and is looking for ways to bolster sales. The Company Frito-Lay North America, Inc. is experiencing a drop in product sales covering the last three quarters on their Tostitos Bite Size Tortilla chips. Tostitos have been on the market since 1990 and initially enjoyed tremendous success. At the present time there are 16 different types/flavors of Tostitos and Frito-Lay has over 30 separate products on the market. The other products range from tortilla chips to Cracker Jacks. “For more than 75 years, we have enjoyed making the best snacks on earth, starting with simple, farm-grown ingredients” The focus of this market research was on the bite size chip due to its dwindling sales. The Objective The overriding objective of market research is to obtain data on customers and potential customers. The collected data will provide valuable information for business decision making. Thereby, reducing the risks involved in making these decisions. There...
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...Wr-121 2:00 p.m. Rise with Red Eyes Marijuana has been unjustly criticized for the past century. In the 1950s, the U.S. Congress was advised that marijuana incited, “many of our most sadistic, terrible, crimes… such as sex slayings” (Manderson 1). I myself have chosen to experiment with this allegedly vicious substance and have never had any deliberation of committing anything resembling a “sex slaying”. Possibly a slaying of a 1-pound bag of Doritos and a 12 pack of grape soda, hardly something I would categorize as “sadistic”. Nonetheless our government still refuses to acknowledge the undeniable benefits of marijuana. James Masin, the head of the United States Public Health Service, said that we should not give AIDS patients marijuana to help with their debilitating symptoms because, crazed by the high, they would be much more likely to engage in unsafe sex (Manderson 2). This quote is not only frivolous; it also holds no medical evidence to support such an outlandish claim. There has been no reputable scientific study that suggests marijuana causes it’s users to become sex-crazed maniacs that will do anything to pleasure their id personality. I was under the assumption that our government was in a position of power to create laws and regulations for the benefit of the country based on non-biased facts. I was obviously mistaken. Marijuana can be used in many functional and valuable ways. Thirteen states have legalized the use of medicinal marijuana. A...
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...Edilberto G. Enriquez Jr Busineess Ethics: Final Paper THE PEPSI COMPANY All corporations operate with a license from society, and it’s critically important that we take that responsibility very, very seriously. We have to make sure that what corporations do don’t add costs to society. - Indra Nooyi, CEO PepsiCo The first job of management is, therefore, to identify and to anticipate impacts – coldly and realistically. The question is, Is what we do right, in the best interest of the customer and society? - Peter F. Drucker, Management: Tasks and Responsibilities Company Background In 1965 the Pepsi-Cola company and Frito-Lay companies merged to form PepsiCo,Inc. Pepsi-Colas roots extended back to the 1890’s, when a North Carolina druggist had begun to produce and sell the carbonated soft drink of the same name. Frito-Lay was itself the product of the 1961 merger of two snack companies, the H.W. Lay Company, which had begun selling potato chips in 1938, and the Frito Company, which began its corn chip business in 1932. The combined company, which had 1965 sales of $510 million and employed 19,000 people, expanded rapidly over the next several decades. By 2009, it was the second largest food and beverage business in the world, with revenues of $43 billion and approximately 200,000 employees. It boasted some of the world’s most recognizable brands, including Pepsi-Cola, Tropicana, Quaker Oats, and Frito-Lay. The company’s expansion...
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...External Analysis: Macro environment: The environment is constantly changing and therefore also influencing PepsiCo’s operations. Environmental changes which are not directly involved with the company but do influence it can be put in six categories: economic, technological, political, cultural, natural and international changes. These changes and their influence on PepsiCo Canada are described per category. Management R. L. Draft, M. Kendrick, N. Vershinina, the general environment page 85-91. Economic In March 2012 Canada’s economy was ranked 11th of the world with a GDP of $1,759 billion. Canada is a wealthy nation with a very high standard of living and is also one of the world’s top trading nations. Since the 2008 world financial crisis Canada has emerged as one of the strongest developed economies in the world. The GDP growth of Canada in 2010 was more than 3% even though most of the World’s Western countries were in an economic recession. The stability of the Canadian economy even during a World financial crisis makes Canada a great country to operate in for a multinational like PepsiCo. http://www.rediff.com/business/slide-show/slide-show-1-worlds-20-economic-superpowers/20120312.htm http://www.economywatch.com/world_economy/canada/?page=full Technological The last decade many technological advancements and new innovations have been implemented in people’s life. This is also greatly affecting businesses. Internet, mobile phones and interactive TV...
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...table of content External Analysis: 2 Macro environment: 2 Meso environment: 5 Internal Analysis 7 SWOT Analysis Pepsi case: 9 Objectives 10 Marketing Strategy 10 Marketing Plan 12 Product 12 Place 14 Price 14 Budget & Control 15 External Analysis: Macro environment: The environment is constantly changing and therefore also influencing PepsiCo’s operations. Environmental changes which are not directly involved with the company but do influence it can be put in six categories: economic, technological, political, cultural, natural and international changes. These changes and their influence on PepsiCo Canada are described per category. Management R. L. Draft, M. Kendrick, N. Vershinina, the general environment page 85-91. Economic In March 2012 Canada’s economy was ranked 11th of the world with a GDP of $1,759 billion. Canada is a wealthy nation with a very high standard of living and is also one of the world’s top trading nations. Since the 2008 world financial crisis Canada has emerged as one of the strongest developed economies in the world. The GDP growth of Canada in 2010 was more than 3% even though most of the World’s Western countries were in an economic recession. The stability of the Canadian economy even during a World financial crisis makes Canada a great country to operate in for a multinational like PepsiCo. http://www.rediff.com/business/slide-show/slide-show-1-worlds-20-economic-superpowers/20120312.htm http://www.economywatch.com/world_economy/canada/...
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...300 Case Studies of Social Media Marketing – An e-guide by Roderick Low of Expeditus Media What is Social Media? Social media is best understood as a group of new kind of online media which share the following characteristics: Participation Social media encourages contributions and feedback from everyone who is interested. It blurs the line between media and audience. Openness Most social media services are open to feedback and participation. They encourage voting, comments and sharing infomation. There are rarely any barriers to accessing and making use of content – password protecting content is frowned on. Conversation whereas traditional media is about “broadcast” (content transmitted or distributed to an audience) social media is better seen as a two-way conversation. Community social media allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively. Communities share common interests, such as a love of photography, a political issue or a favourite TV show. Connectedness Most kinds of social media thrive on their connectedness, making use of links to other sites, resources and people. Need Inspiration? Now that you know what social media is, do you need any inspiration in getting your social media campaign under way? One of the best way to get inspiration for your organization can use social media is to check out what others are doing. This ebook is intended for anyone who wish wants to start a social media campaign, but will be most useful to people working in...
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...Better Asshole ix xiii 1. From Birth to Beating Off The Birth of an Asshole The Purest Form of Asshole Gimme My Toy, You Bitch! Crossing the Dance Floor How Do I Get Her? The Beginning of the End Roughing Up the Suspect 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 2. High School Welcome Mat Firsts The Back-Seat Boogie Chicks Are the Enemy Watch Your Back—Your Friends Won't 8 8 9 15 16 20 vi C O N T E N T S Pecking Order Your First Pincushion So You're Looking to Get Laid High School Final Examination 22 29 31 32 3. College Welcome Mat Your High School Girlfriend You're Not in Kansas Anymore The Chick Roster—Understanding the Enemy The Male Pecking Order Whither the Chicks? Building Your Rep Dating (i.e., Getting Blackout-Drunk and Having Sex) Buttering Her Biscuit College Final Examination 34 34 35 38 42 51 52 56 63 69 70 4. Ages 21-27 Welcome Mat You're Not in...
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...VIDEO GUIDE Advertising: Principles and Practice, 8th Edition Moriarty/Mitchell/Wells Segment 1: AFLAC Summary That wacky, quacky duck brought AFLAC to a high spot among most-recognizable ads and brand names. The insurance company is growing quickly as a result of this greater name recognition. It achieved 89 percent brand recognition in a relatively short time, resulting in $10 billion in sales and about a 25 percent compound growth rate. AFLAC had spent millions of dollars on advertising with little or no effect and almost no market awareness. Clearly, the current strategy was not working. This led the management team to decide to try something bold to increase market awareness. The advertising agency came up with many different ideas, but one crazy one—a duck. AFLAC tested the ad concepts and, as we know today, the duck yielded the highest results. The goal of advertising is to create awareness, while the actual sale comes from the agents selling the complicated insurance products. Discussion Questions 1. What other industries, products, or brands have used humor in advertising to help position themselves in the marketplace? Do you think the strategies have worked? Where wouldn’t humor work? Humor wouldn’t work all that well with serious purchases (e.g., health), but one might think it wouldn’t have worked with something as serious (boring?) as insurance. Might that be because the humor is associated only with the name and not the insurance company’s attributes...
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...30 May 2010 Pg 2 THE YOUTH RULE! Pg 9 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Pg 17 NIKE BOUNCES BACK 2. GENERATION NEXT 30 May 2010 MASTERS OF THEIR UNIVERSE: MEET THE GROUP THAT ACCOUNTS FOR MOST OF OUR POPULATION WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT ... Today’s youth rule! Picture: JEREMY GLYN HOW AND WHY THE STUDY WORKS ● Their annual direct spend, as per the study, is over the R95bn mark ● They are the key household inf luencers — to the tune of more than 60% ● They are the future consumers of all brands “They are mavens who give a good sense of the ‘next big thing’. They provide strong indicators of where the market is going” JASON LEVIN, MD OF HDI YOUTH MARKETEERS W HY should the world care if nine-year-olds prefer Milo cereal to Coco Pops? So what if teens want to watch Trace this year when they were hooked on MTV last year? And if youngsters’ primary device is a cellphone, is that really going to change the world? Although less often than before, we are still confronted by “youth cynics” after the Sunday Times Generation Next study is published every year. Their concern, generally, is that youth are still a relatively marginal market segment, so why do a brand preference study? South Africa, like most developing countries, has a very young population — more of our citizens are 22 — the age limit of the study — or younger than those who are older. So, with a sample set aged between eight and 22, the study tracks the consumer behaviour and...
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...1/13/16 The Basics of the Legal System – Chapters 1 & 4 Sources of Law in the U.S 1. The Constitution * The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land * The U.S Constitution establishes the federal government and enumerates its powers * The body of the constitution * Creates the three branches of government and grants certain powers to each branch * The amendments to the constitution * Protect individual rights by putting limitations on the governments ability to act in certain ways * Amendments protect the government, not private individuals The Legislative Branch * Created by Article 1 of the Constitution * House of Representative * Senate * Responsible for the creation of new laws * Congress is generally responsible for where the money comes from and where the money is spent * All statutes start as BILLS * Bills must be passed by both the House and the Senate * Bills that pass both houses must be signed into law by the president or.. * The president can VETO the bill * If signed by the president the Bill becomes a STATUTE 2. Statues, Codes and Ordinances * Statutes are enacted by Congress and state legislatures * Ordinances are enacted by municipalities and local government agencies * Code = Codified Law = Statute The Executive Branch * Created by Article 2 of the Constitution * President * Vice President * Cabinet Members * Responsible...
Words: 17272 - Pages: 70
...Country of Asylum T. Cole Andrews Chapter 1 4 Chapter 2 11 Chapter 3 21 Chapter 4 30 Chapter 5 40 Chapter 6 53 Chapter 7 65 Chapter 8 86 Chapter 9 98 Chapter 10 107 Chapter 11 123 Chapter 12 136 Chapter 13 150 Chapter 14 167 Chapter 15 173 Chapter 16 188 Chapter 17 202 Chapter 18 216 Chapter 19 219 And among the cities which ye shall give unto the Levites there shall be six cities for refuge, which ye shall appoint for the manslayer, that he may flee thither. Numbers 35: 6 Country of Asylum Chapter 1 It was just beginning to get hot in Tikrit when I first realized I might have to kill this new man of my wife’s. It’s possible I overreacted to everything. You have to get up pretty early to call the States, if you want your privacy and you want to catch anybody awake at home; at home it’ll be sometime the night before. The desert is cool in the mornings too, or cooler, so that you’ll see the occasional soldier getting his PT in before it gets too hot, but he’s usually far enough away that you don’t have to whisper. I would watch the big black beetles fighting with each other in the dirt (they’re way bigger here than they are at home) while waiting for the call to go through. It always...
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...ALSO BY MALCOLM GLADWELL The Tipping Point To my parents, Joyce and Graham Gladwell Introduction The Statue That Didn’t Look Right In September of 1983, an art dealer by the name of Gianfranco Becchina approached the J. Paul Getty Museum in California. He had in his possession, he said, a marble statue dating from the sixth century BC. It was what is known as a kouros—a sculpture of a nude male youth standing with his left leg forward and his arms at his sides. There are only about two hundred kouroi in existence, and most have been recovered badly damaged or in fragments from grave sites or archeological digs. But this one was almost perfectly preserved. It stood close to seven feet tall. It had a kind of light-colored glow that set it apart from other ancient works. It was an extraordinary find. Becchina’s asking price was just under $10 million. The Getty moved cautiously. It took the kouros on loan and began a thorough investigation. Was the statue consistent with other known kouroi? The answer appeared to be yes. The style of the sculpture seemed reminiscent of the Anavyssos kouros in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, meaning that it seemed to fit with a particular time and place. Where and when had the statue been found? No one knew precisely, but Becchina gave the Getty’s legal department a sheaf of documents relating to its more recent history. The kouros, the records stated, had been in the private collection of a Swiss physician named Lauffenberger...
Words: 74585 - Pages: 299
...MARKETING 7E People real Choices This page intentionally left blank MARKETING 7E People real Choices Michael R. SAINT JOSEPH S SOLOMON ’ U OLLINS NIVERSITY Greg W. MARSHALL R C OLLEGE Elnora W. THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA UPSTATE STUART Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Editor in Chief: Eric Svendsen Acquisitions Editor: Melissa Sabella Director of Editorial Services: Ashley Santora Editorial Project Manager: Kierra Bloom Editorial Assistant: Elisabeth Scarpa Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Anne Fahlgren Marketing Assistant: Melinda Jensen Senior Managing Editor: Judy Leale Project Manager: Becca Richter Senior Operations Supervisor: Arnold Vila Creative Director: Jon Christiana Senior Art Director: Blair Brown Text and Cover Designer: Blair Brown Media Project Manager, Production: Lisa Rinaldi Media Project Manager, Editorial: Denise Vaughn Full-Service Project Management: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Composition: S4Carlisle Publishing Services Printer/Bindery: Courier/Kendalville Cover Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: Palatino Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Microsoft®...
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