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Sexism Argument Essay

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I am allowing myself to write you this letter about an issue that I feel strongly about. I am a teenager going to school in Switzerland. I am writing you this letter to express my own personal opinion on the matter of sexism. How your magazine contains advertisements that encourage sexism.

I fully understand it is not your company that creates such adverts but you make the choice to use them in your magazine. I hope after having read this letter you will have the will to reconsider the use of these sexist advertisements in your magazine causing your audience to suffer different consequences.

In your magazine, you include advertisements playing on stereotypes of women. The models in these advertisements are often naked or almost naked …show more content…
Women are seen as or shown as a sexual object or as a decorative object. The advertisements that we see today on all kinds of social media platforms, on television or on the streets show false value of women. It is her body and body image that has greater significance rather than demonstrating their abilities to perform tasks. An example of an item that often uses women to sell the products due to the beautiful looking woman dressed and used to attract the attention of the consumers is beer. In this case, the woman is used as an object but also in cases like this, we cannot merely appreciate the use of these women as objects but additionally as a "men's product". In this instance beer is considered, as a product used simply by the male gender, as is also the case for other articles for instances related to …show more content…
Almost all advertising we observe everyday is usually created for males. This creates the thought that females are commonly yet another item in the market, which can be purchased through buying the beer or car products. Men often do not even have to buy them since women like men that have a luxurious and an appealing car. These women are perhaps able to race after a man who applies a specific deodorant or sprays a distinct perfume on himself decided by the advertising industry. This creates inside the men’s minds the idea that women are trophies and with the ability to obtain women by using defined

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