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Shame Punishment Research Paper

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Shame punishments are a nightmare that live on forever in the memories of people who witnessed the medieval sanction. The real penance comes after, in the form of ignominy. Shame punishments are a cruel way to demean the accused into submission. They say punishment fits the crime but what if the punishment is just as bad? Alternative penalties such as shame punishments are an unjust way to correct undesired behavior. They are an abuse of power that is entrusted in the judges hands. This abuse of power is striking up all over the nation. Authority in the wrong hands is the reason these absurd penalties even exist. It's a selfish way for the judge gets an adrenaline rush from the control they have over degrading the convicted person. There are more humane ways to correct illegal behavior than humiliating people. Community service is a great way to get the offender on the right path and making connections with others. Giving back to your community not only feels good but has a change that lasts longer. Jail …show more content…
The psychological effects of public humiliation can leave a person feel less like a person and more like a kicked puppy. The shame can turn a criminal in to a victim of a traumatic event caused by a court of law. The mortification this person feels could change who they are for the rest of their life in a dramatic way. They could feel guilty for the rest of their life. The social ramifications are just as severe. The culprit may be shunned from their family for a small infraction. It can effect future job eligibility, their potential boss could google their name and dozens of images of them being publicly humiliated pop up. A 13 year old girl had to chop her hair into a bob after doing so to a toddler, she would walk around school and everyone would know what she did, every look into the mirror is a reminder of a previous action that she did as a child. Is this what is

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