...The effect of human interaction on Shannon diversity along the organic horizon Craig Michael Hansen Department of Botany, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Ok 74078 ABSTRACT This study aims to ascertain information on diversity of invertebrates in samples gathered from both near a trail and 1.5m away from the trail on a preserve in Payne County, OK. Samples are examined for invertebrates. Diversity, evenness, and richness are calculated using the number of each taxonomic order found and then compared using a t test. I found that there is not a large difference in mean diversity values between the two samples. I also found that there is not a correlation to human interaction at this study site. Keywords Species Diversity, Richness, Disturbance, Evenness, INTRODUCTION Diversity of invertebrate populations varies with the habitat or niche inhabited by the organism. For example, the differences between grass-dominated fields and cultivated fields affect species diversity because of the different conditions and amount of disturbance in the area. Having an understanding of the importance of soil invertebrates is important to understanding the purpose of the study. Soil invertebrates play a large role in maintaining soil nutrients, and therefore the plant life in the area. This correlates to oxygen in the ecosystem and affects us directly. This also provides a necessity for research of invertebrate species in the organic horizon. Studies conducted to find the...
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...Civil War (1861–1865) and the Reconstruction Era (1865–1877) that followed the war. The novel unfolds against the backdrop of rebellion wherein seven southern states, Georgia among them, have declared their secession from the United States (the "Union") and formed the Confederate States of America (the "Confederacy"), after Abraham Lincoln was elected president with no ballots from ten Southern states where slavery was legal. A dispute over states' rights has arisen[10] involving enslaved African people who were the source of manual labor on cotton plantations throughout the South. The story opens in April 1861 at the "Tara" plantation, which is owned by a wealthy Irish immigrant family, the O'Haras. The reader is told Scarlett O'Hara, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Gerald and Ellen O'Hara, "was not beautiful, but"[11] had an effect on men, especially when she took notice of them. It is the day before the men are called to war, Fort Sumter having been fired on two days earlier. There are brief but vivid descriptions of the South as it began and grew, with backgrounds of the main characters: the stylish and highbrow French, the gentlemanly English, the forced-to-flee and looked-down-upon Irish. Miss Scarlett learns that one of her many beaux, Ashley Wilkes, is soon to be engaged to his cousin, Melanie Hamilton. She is stricken at heart. The following day at the Wilkeses' barbecue at "Twelve Oaks," Scarlett informs Ashley she loves him and Ashley admits he cares for her.[10] However...
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...------------------------------------------------- Biography by Mike Cummings [-] John O'Hara received high critical acclaim for his short stories, more than 200 of which appeared in The New Yorker. But it was mainly his novels, though mostly of dubious literary merit, that won him the attention of Hollywood. Their focus on ambition, class conflict, money, troubled marriages, and promiscuity was the stuff of film melodrama in mid-20th century America, and producers turned several novels into major motion pictures, including Butterfield 8, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Laurence Harvey; Ten North Frederick, starring Gary Cooper and Geraldine Fitzgerald; From the Terrace, starring Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward; and The Best Things in Life Are Free, starring Gordon MacRae and Dan Dailey. Broadway used a series of short stories O'Hara wrote to produce the script for a Rodgers and Hart musical, Pal Joey, featuring three of the most popular show songs ever written: "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered," "My Funny Valentine," and "The Lady Is a Tramp." Hollywood later produced a film version of Pal Joey, starring Frank Sinatra, Rita Hayworth, and Kim Novak.O'Hara was born on January 31, 1905, in Pottsville, PA. Though he left town at age 22 never to return, he based more than 50 short stories and eight novels on life in Pottsville, a burgeoning coal town when he was growing up. In his novels, he called it Gibbsville and used real-life residents of the town -- often only thinly disguised...
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...Amanda Foerstner Group: F09 Amanda Foerstner Group: F09 Fi. Due Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Course Number: 1020H Student Number: 0533504 Due Date: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Course Number: 1020H Student Number: 0533504 Herbaceous dicots (or the scientific name for it, Herbaceous dicotyledoneae) are flowering plants with no woody stem. They are found in grassy and herbaceous areas, and are used in gardens for various tasks such as boarders, or having pleasing features to look at. Before this lab, what I already knew about herbaceous dicots are that, herbaceous dicots are normally soft and fleshy and die around fall time annually (vcbio.science.ru.nu, 14.Oct.2012). “They have a grouping of vessels into vascular bundles in primary xylem of stems and leaves in dicotsform of non-randomness, and the significance of vascular bundles (as opposed to steles) as adaptive forms of organization is considered briefly” (Carlquist, cabdirect.org). They have net variation for their leaves can produce colourful flowers and survive in temperate conditions. What our group do not know what herbaceous dicots is if human intrusion would affect their biodiversity, which is why our group did this lab. Our experiment was to collect data from two different types of locations, one area being human interfered and one that was not. This ultimately would help us find out if human intervention affects the richness in biodiversity of herbaceous dicots. By finding out if human interference...
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...Forest Fragments – Assignment Questions The ‘Forest Fragments’ Assignment is an individual assignment, completed and submitted individually to the dropbox PART II: Data Interpretation (9 marks) Examine the data you collected and the calculations you made to answer the following questions: 2.1 What extra information is included in the Shannon’s Diversity Index (vs. richness), and how is this information useful? Why would a scientist use Shannon’s Diversity Index in addition to a richness value? (2 marks) Shannon’s Diversity Index accounts for not only the number of species in a habitat (species richness) but also the evenness of the species within that same habitat. A scientist would use Shannon’s Diversity Index in addition to a richness value because the richness value does not depict the evenness of the habitat, whereas Shannon’s Diversity Index shows both the species richness and the evenness. 2.2 Compare the richness value for your plot with the richness value based on the data collected from all the groups in your Seminar section. Now compare the richness value based on the data collected from all the groups in your Seminar section to the richness value for the entire Dairy Bush (found in the spreadsheet). Explain why these three richness values might be different. (2 marks) The richness value for my plot was a lot less than the richness value collected for my seminar section. The richness value for my seminar section was less than the richness value for...
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...Mahmoud Mandour Mrs. Kuhl English Lang. and Lit. 25th February 2013 Rational I chose to write a movie review, as a critic pointing out the inaccurate depictions made through characters in the movie, ‘Gone With The Wind”. What motivated me to do this, is that it is difficult to criticize movies as successful as this. So, I wrote this as a critic pointing out some huge flaws in the portrayals made through the movie’s characters, rather than focus on the story plot, like other movie reviews. The audience I target for this critique, is any “GWTW” fan that thinks this movie is flawless. This written task is intended to focus on part 1 of the course, as language in this movie is used in different contexts to portray race relations and gender roles in a certain society at the time the movie was set. The tone used in the very title of the article is humorous and a bit exaggerated, as I make a pun by using the name of the movie in making a point about how this movie abolishes accurate perceptions on the nature of the confederate states. The first half of the introduction is stated in an admiring tone, as I praise the movie’s success with sentences like; “ leaving viewers with a warm feeling towards a great story that was beautifully told.” I then shift to a rather aggressive tone, as I directly point out the issues in the movie. As for the rest of the article, the tone is strictly formal and informative, as I elaborate on the introduction. I made sure to stick...
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...Once, in a dry season, I wrote in large letters across two pages of a notebook that innocence ends when one is stripped of the delusion that one likes oneself. Although now, some years later, I marvel that a mind on the outs with itself should have nonetheless made painstaking record of its every tremor, I recall with embarrassing clarity the flavor of those particular ashes. It was a matter of misplaced self-respect. I had not been elected to Phi Beta Kappa. This failure could scarcely have been more predictable or less ambiguous (I simply did not have the grades), but I was unnerved by it; I had somehow thought myself a kind of academic Raskolnikov, curiously exempt from the cause-effect relationships that hampered others. Although the situation must have had even then the approximate tragic stature of Scott Fitzgerald’s failure to become president of the Princeton Triangle Club, the day that I did not make Phi Beta Kappa nevertheless marked the end of something, and innocence may well be the word for it. I lost the conviction that lights would always turn green for me, the pleasant certainty that those rather passive virtues which had won me approval as a child automatically guaranteed me not only Phi Beta Kappa keys but happiness, honour, and the love of a good man (preferably a cross between Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca and one of the Murchisons in a proxy fight); lost a certain touching faith in the totem power of good manners, clean hair, and proven competence on the...
Words: 1864 - Pages: 8
...The cows lie more straight in the free stalls – the cows lie more relaxed – the consumption of bedding is almost reduced by half – no more damage on the udder since GreenStall Easy has been installed – the cows are more relaxed – no more problems with the hollow of the knees – better resting comfort/longer resting time/higher milk production – more space for the head of the cow – cheaper compared to the traditional free stall. GreenStall Easy is a further development of GreenStall, which has won a lot of awards in all of Europe for the innovative form and flexibility. GreenStall Easy is developed by Tommy Wollesen who is the general manager of Cow-Welfare. It was designed by Tommy Wollesen, a Danish buildings consultant, an idea from a cowman in the south of Denmark and by the farmer Esben Larsen, who was the first farmer to test GreenStall Easy. Afterwards, he got it installed in the rest of the barn. One of the special things, when it comes to GreenStall Easy, is the low flexible plastic pipe which guides the cow into the right resting position. Furthermore, the slanting angle of the plastic pipe guarantees a lot of space for the cow's head. The straight plastic pipe in the top, guides the cow when it goes in and out of the free stall and also prevents the cow from turning around in the free stall. The neck bracket is mounted on the plastic pipe in the top. The neck bracket is made out of the same soft plastic material as the other pipes in the construction. This kind of...
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...Miller January 21, 2014 That Was So Hard “Okay, now who wants to get this book Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens?” asked the teacher. “Me”, a meek voice answered. Yup, that was me, little Oshien, checking out books from the 4th grade teacher. What a nerd! From that day onwards my love for reading blossomed, I went crazy reading books and not paying attention to class, missing out on a very vital part of childhood; socialization. I would spent hours and hours reading a book from cover to cover and sometimes glance through the window where the children would be playing on the field and think, “this is so much more clean and fun”. That’s how I became a very shy, not so social person. I grew up reading books such as The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale and Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. But this was before I moved to America. After I moved, the books I started reading were a bit less social novels and a bit more cartoonlike. Books such as Captain Underpants, Judy Moody and Stink: The Incredible Shrinking kid. This was also the time when I got a Garfield book and loved the plot so much that I decided to rewrite it again. But gave up halfway through the writing process. Since then I kind of gave up on writing and stuck to reading. The main reason on which I gave up on writing was because none of my thoughts would come out the way I intended them to be, even if I were to fix the sentence it would only sound even worse than before with no relation to the topic. My sentences were...
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...00529m³的三个石块当作棘螈产卵和躲避天敌的极佳场所,这位棘螈的提供良好的生存和繁衍的空间。 关键词:镇海棘螈;生境;保护区;多样性; 中图分类号:X36 The investigation of the rare specie ——Echinotriton chinhaiensis Abstract: Calculate the plant diversity index of Echinotriton chinhaiensis habitat by means of respective measuring density of arbors and total number of herbaceous plants in Echinotriton chinhaiensis residence. After figuring out the number of herbaceous plants and density of arbors, apply Simpson index and Shannon-Weiner index formulas to verify the habitat plant diversity index; obtain such data of different environmental habitats as separate distance between habitat under measurement to path and road, path and road widths, surface temperature and evaluation and analysis of every single habitat; same required data of area, water temperature, water depth, defoliation thickness and rock volume of the breeding pond are to be measured in the Echinotriton chinhaiensis reserve to investigate different influences on Echinotriton chinhaiensis brought by different environmental factors in pond. The average Simpson index and Shannon-Weiner index based on each habitat in the Beilun tree farm are respectively 0.54010 and 1.17561, indicating more preferable plant diversity index for Echinotriton chinhaiensis...
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...Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis Background Habitats and the ecological communities they support are often greatly impacted by disturbance. For example, forest communities can be disrupted by fires, blow-downs, floods, and hurricanes. Alpine plant communities can be devastated by landslides or avalanches. Marine systems such as coral reefs can be decimated by storms, ravaged by predators, or trashed by inconsiderate tourists. On a smaller scale, many habitats can be disturbed both above and below ground by burrowing creatures such as gophers or moles. All of these disturbances can change the composition of species in a habitat and can also change relative species abundances. Both the intensity and the frequency of disturbance can influence how the composition of species in an area will change. In general, when disturbance is minimal or rare, then the species that are best at competing with other species for resources will eventually take over. Alternatively, when disturbance is extensive or frequent, then species that are good colonizers or can recover from disturbances rapidly will be at an advantage and will dominate. For example, a forest that has not been disturbed for a long time generally hosts species of trees and other plants that can grow under low light, but will not include many grasses or bushes. If the same area were burned periodically, the trees would rarely have time to become established. Instead, a grassland community comprising species capable of...
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...Project Report The Jomera Hotel March 2013 Project Report TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE NO. 1. About the project, Tourism in Galway 3 2. Location Advantage, Business in Ireland 4 3. Competitive analysis, Advertisement 5 4. Transports to Galway, Investment 6 5. Our service, Wedding Package 7 6. The profits, The prices 8 7. Security and Safety 9 8. Bibliography 10/11 About the project To set up a Hotel in an area of 20 acres, having the entire modern facilities and we going to name it The Jomera Hotel. Tourism in Galway Galway is the fastest growing and the fourth largest city in the Republic of Ireland and the only city in the province of Connacht in Ireland. The city is located on the west coast of Ireland. The population of Galway City is 72,729 (based on the 2006 census carried out by the CSO), if the current growth rate continues; the population of the city will hit 100,000 by 2020. Galway has a strong local economy with complementary business sectors including manufacturing industry, tourism, retail and distribution, education, healthcare and services that include financial, construction, cultural, and...
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...[pic] “THE COW” BOOK REPORT TANYA ROJAS PÉREZ PROFESSOR: ARIEL VARGAS VÍNDAS JUNE 3rd, 2016 The story of “La Vaca” is a story about how to get rid of those habits, excuses and beliefs that keep us bound to mediocrity. The book begins with a story of a family with eight members living in the state of poverty in a small village in the middle of a vacant lot. All they had was an old house about to collapse and a cow, which gave them poor but nutrient milk. That cow was all that separated them from the absolute misery. One day the cow dies and the family was left with nothing, in total ruin. After that tragic moment, their luck began to change, and they themselves decided to change. First they cleared the space in their house and harvesting vegetables and then selling them to neighbors and even a market place. The family’s income started to increase and they started to dressed better, they fixed their house and they realized that their life could change, even with no cow around. Through its nine chapters, the book gives us clear and concrete examples of people that were holding on to “cows”, which symbolize fears, negative thoughts and comfort zone, and how they came to realize that they could overcome these “cows” and achieve success. Each and every one of us have cows in our lives. We tow our beliefs that sometimes parents impose to us or we use excuses and justifications that keep us tied to a...
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...[pic] DATA COMMUNICATION THEORY LAB REPORT Report on Digital Transmission of Analogue Signals Pulse Amplitude Modulation INTRODUCTION: The experiment uses the L.J.Electronics Modicom-1 board to investigate the sampling of signals, and the filter effects on the reconstruction of the original signal from the sampled input. The sample/Hold operation is also investigated in this experiment. The Modicum -1 board allows an analogue signal to be sampled at a number of different rate(2kHz,4kHZ,8kHZ,16kHz,32kHz).The pulse width is varied in the steps of 0% from 0 to 90 of the sampling interval. Second order and fourth order low pass filter are available with cut-off frequencies set at 3.4 kHz. BACKGROUND: L.J.Electronics MODICOM-1 board is used to investigate the sampling of signals, and the effects of filter on the reconstruction of the original signal from the sampled input. In addition to this Sample/Hold operation is also investigated. [pic] MODICOM-1 board The MODICOM-1 board is considered as five different blocks namely 1.) Power Input 2.) Sampling Control Logic 3.) Sampling Circuit 4.) Second Order Low Pass Filter and 5.) Fourth Order Low Pass Filter Sampling Control logic: It is used to generate the timing and control signals that sample the input waveform, and also creates a sinusoidal...
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...Este artículo o sección necesita referencias que aparezcan en una publicación acreditada, como revistas especializadas, monografías, prensa diaria o páginas de Internet fidedignas. Puedes añadirlas así o avisar al autor principal del artículo en su página de discusión pegando: {{subst:Aviso referencias|Bruce Lee}} ~~~~ Bruce Lee Bruce Lee - son.jpg Bruce Lee y su hijo Brandon en 1966. Nombre real Lee Jun Fan Nacimiento Bandera de los Estados Unidos San Francisco, Estados Unidos 27 de noviembre de 1940 Fallecimiento Bandera de la República Popular China Hong Kong, China 20 de julio de 1973 (32 años) Ocupación Maestro de artes marciales, actor, filósofo y escritor Familia Cónyuge Linda Emery Hijo/s Brandon Bruce (1965–1993) Shannon Emery (1969) Bruce Lee Sitio oficial Bruce Lee en Facebook Bruce Lee en Twitter Bruce Lee (chino tradicional: 李小龍, chino simplificado: 李小龙, pinyin: Lǐ Xiăolóng —nacido Lee Jun-fan (chino: 李振藩, pinyin: Lǐ Zhènfān)— San Francisco, 27 de noviembre de 1940 - Hong Kong, 20 de julio de 1973) fue un destacado y carismático artista marcial, actor y filósofo de origen chino, catalogado como el más famoso del siglo XX por la perfección que logró en el desarrollo del kung fu y responsable de la apertura de las artes marciales chinas a Occidente. Índice [ocultar] 1 Introducción 2 Biografía 2.1 Primeros años 2.2 Retorno a Estados Unidos 2.3 Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute 2.4 Oakland 2.5 Bruce Lee: Estilo 2.6 Bruce Lee: Los desafíos reales ...
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