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Shark Outline Example


Submitted By baremz
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Pages 6
PREPARATION OUTLINE | Title | : | Shark | Order | : | Topical order | General Purpose | : | To inform | Specific Purpose | : | To inform our audience about why sharks attack human, type of sharks that usually attack human and precautious steps on how to avoid from being attacked by a shark. | Central Idea | : | Even though the likelihood of you being attack by a shark is low, it is still common and that is why it is important to know why sharks attack human, the type of sharks that attack human and knowing the steps on how to avoid being attacked by a shark. |
I. Imagine this, A. You are happily swimming and playing in the sea with your friends or family. B. Suddenly, something brushes against your leg and you look around but could not identify what it is because the water is a bit murky. C. The next thing you know, someone is being attacked. II. Shark attacks are common but the probability of you being attack is low compared to being struck by lightning or being stung by a bee. A. On average, 10 people are killed by sharks per year. B. In 2011, 17 fatalities occurred out of 118 recorded shark attacks. C. Even though the duration of men and women spend their time in the ocean are almost the same, 90% of shark attacks happened to men. III. The information that we are going to share to you today mostly from Discovery’s website and National Geographic’s website. IV. Today, we would like to inform you why sharks attack human, the species of sharks that commonly attack human and how to protect yourself from being attacked by sharks.
(Transition: Let’s start with the reasons why sharks attack human.)
I. In most cases of shark attack, it is actually an exploratory bite. A. Large sharks, like Great White Shark, are apex predator; hence they have little fear of any creature they cross path with. 1. Sharks are very curious when they stumble upon something unusual in their territories. 2. Without any limbs, like hands or feet, the only way they can explore the object or organism is to bite. 3. Nevertheless, once a shark bit you it can cause grievous injury. B. Sometimes a shark can mistake a human as its prey. 1. When a shark hunt for food, it uses a sensory organ called the Ampullae of Lorenzini that can detect the electricity generated by muscle movement. 2. It picks up electrical signal that is produced by the wounded or weak prey.
(Transition: Now that you know the reasons why sharks are attacking human, now let’s look at the types of shark that commonly attacks human.) II. There are about 470 species of sharks known to man, but only three species of sharks that are known to attack human. A. Great White sharks, also known as Ragged Tooth or White Death, are probably the most well-known shark species. 1. It can grow up till 6m long and weight up to 2268kg, hence making it the largest predator in the ocean. 2. Once a Great White bites its prey, it would shake its prey back and forth, ripping them apart and swallow the chunks of meat whole. 3. Great White shark can be found in almost all coastal and offshore waters. 4. Great White shark mainly consumes rays, other sharks, dolphins, whales, seals, sea lions, sea turtle, sea otter and seabirds. B. Another well-known species it is the Tiger shark or Sea Tiger. 1. Young Tiger sharks have black stripes on their back, but as they get older the stripes will fade away and this also how the Tiger sharks got their name. 2. Tiger sharks may look ferocious, but they are actually not aggressive and they are nocturnal hunters, meaning they only hunt at night. 3. Tiger sharks mainly live in the tropical and subtropical waters.

4. Tiger sharks have a peculiar habit; they would come to the surface to gulp air. a) After swallowing the air, it ends up in their stomach. b) This actually helps the sharks to be more buoyant, so they can float motionless in the water. C. Lastly, it is the Bull Shark or Zambezi shark. 1. Bull sharks can live in both saltwater and freshwater. 2. Among all the spices of sharks, Bull sharks are the most aggressive and they have the tendency to hunt in water where people always swim. 3. Bull sharks use the bump-and-bite technique to attack their prey. 4. Their diet consists of mainly bony fish and other sharks.
(Transition: After knowing the type of sharks that usually attack human, let’s look at some useful steps on how to avoid being attacked by sharks.) III. Here are some useful steps on how to prevent not only yourself, but also your family and friends from being victims of shark attack. 1. Sharks have a tendency to attack individuals, therefore stay in groups. 2. Sharks are actively feeding during early morning and late afternoon, so avoid going into the water during those times. 3. Avoid doing excessive splashing, because it mimics the movements of wounded or confused prey. 4. Avoid swimming at sandbars, steep drop-offs and estuary inlets because these places are known to be shark hangouts.
I. As you can see, not all sharks are man eating predators and in fact, they are actually docile creatures and only turn aggressive if provoked. II. The next time you go for a swim in the sea, do remember the precautious steps to avoid being a victim of shark attack. III. Prevention is better than curing.

80 Random Facts About Sharks. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Random Facts Website:
Bull Shark. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Wikipedia Website:
Bull Sharks Facts and Pictures. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from National Geographic Kids:
Bull Sharks Mean Business. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Discovery Channel Website:
Great White Shark. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Wikipedia Website:
Great White Shark Facts And Pictures. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from National Geographic Kids Website:
Great White Shark: Discovery Channel. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Discovey Channel Website:
Samantha Stallard, Victoria Plummer, Rachael Schultz, Anni Pullagura. (n.d.). Top 100 Shark Facts. Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Discovery Channel Website:
Sand Tiger Shark. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Discovery Channel Website:
Sand Tiger Sharks Facts and Pictures. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from National Geograpic Kids Website:
Shark Attack. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Wikipedia Website:
Tiger Shark. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Wikipedia Website:
Tiger Shark. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Discovery Channel Website:
Why Sharks Attack: A Case of Mistaken Identity. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2013, from Discovery Channel Website:

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