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Shifting Scopes: Redefining Media in an Ever-Converging Society


Submitted By mimidee09
Words 2020
Pages 9
Shifting Scopes: Redefining Media in an Ever-Converging Society

Through the application of convergence theories, governmental policies and previously conducted research, it is clear that the impact of media platform consolidation and convergence is an ever relevant factor in the changing face of our perceptions of technology and the distribution of media content. In order to adapt to the ever-shifting scopes of media, one must be readily adaptable and compliant when it comes to distinguishing new aspects of digital technologies in this age of redefine. No longer do we live in a society with definite mediums and platforms for the distribution of media content. The way we as humans obtain entertainment, news and information is too changing with the initiation of new multi-faceted technologies. However, researchers and members of society argue whether the consolidation of vehicles for media consumption is beneficial for society as a whole.
As the pace of lives for many citizens becomes ever more rapid, consumers of media technology expect to intake incredible amounts of content in a dwindling amount of time, which has pressured the media industry to transform from traditional measures of transference. Researchers Dr. Frederic Gundelsweiler and Dr. Christian Filk attribute this societal demand for instantaneous consumption and its consequences in their article, Future Media Platforms for Convergence Journalisms. “When we examine the traditional media of mass communication, we recognize that they are faced with a hard challenge created by new content standards. The standards are characterized by rapid technological growth, information and communication technology” (Gundelsweiler & Filk, 2012, p.47).These new standards of development are too cited by the researchers for enormous “structural changes in both media and society” (p.47). Due to the changes in

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