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Should We Pay Kids To Go To School Analysis

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Countries opinions on how their education systems should operate vary around the world, and often they can contradict one another. Nations have often debated whether or not students should be paid to attend school. Rick Noack author of Why Danish students are paid to go to college, and Nikhil Swaminathan author of Should We Pay Kids to Go to School? argue that students should be financed to attend school. Students should be paid to go to school because it teaches students to become responsible adults, student’s academic performance increases, and attendance in schools increases. Students should be paid to attend school because this payment encourages students to behave as responsible adults. Paying students allows them to learn how to save and spend money carefully. One could argue that the youth of today are not old enough to responsibly manage money and would spend it recklessly. However, Denmark’s students are paid to go to school, and student Astrid Winter Fischer refutes “Some Danish think that we spend money we receive in bars or clubs, but most students understand what is at …show more content…
“In D.C., incentivized students showed marked improvement on reading tests, as did the second graders in Dallas” (Swaminathan 3). A clear correlation is demonstrated between paid students and higher academic scores. Often students who are not paid for their efforts, do not see any type of reward and become less motivated to put forth effort towards academic improvement. Students are encouraged to excel in school if they are rewarded. By paying students to attend school, students spend more time studying, reading, and doing homework because they know that they are being rewarded for their rigorous efforts. Paid students have superior academic grades, test scores, and GPAs, when compared to unpaid students. Therefore, all students should be paid to attend

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