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Silent Demon Book Report

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Markus McCreadie

The waves crashed against the hull of the Defense. Rain poured down onto the deck soaking the crew. Lightning sliced through the sky illuminating the ship approaching from the east. As the ship sailed closer the flag was raised. Pirates.
Captain Shark was a ruthless pirate captain. He took few or no prisoners. When his prisoners became too weak to labor he tied cannonballs to their hands and feet and threw them overboard. In his words he set them “free”, and told them to be glad he was nice enough to let them go free.
Meanwhile on the Defense the crew shuddered at the site of the Silent Demon. Cannons boomed, men screamed, lives were lost. Silent Demon was clearly winning the battle. Many of the crew of the Defense had been killed and the Silent Demon was preparing to board the Defense. The battle was just about over when a white flag was raised aboard the Defense. The victor was clear. Captain Shark boarded the Defense to examine the crew. He chose five of the strongest looking men …show more content…
One cannonball plowed through the slaves two rows ahead of me and showered all of us in blood and wood. Then the slaves in front of me were killed. Then the ones behind me. The Silent Demon was obviously losing the fight. At the end of the battle there were about twenty of the original one hundred slaves left. Blood was everywhere. Holes plastered the side of the ship. The screams of pirates were heard from above. About ten soldiers dressed in ornate uniforms marched down the stairs. One slave who must have thought they were rich pirates attacked them. He received a sword to the gut and was hauled up to the deck and thrown overboard. The soldiers made two lines of five men. Another soldier came down the stairs with a scroll in hand and loudly announced, “ Please welcome His majesty King Martin the Third of Brooktown.” A chunky ugly man waddled down the stairs. He was so fat that the buttons on his coat had all popped

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