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Skinny Fit Research Paper

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The skinny fit jean has been a long standing mainstream trend for around a decade in men and women’s wear. With trend forecasters such as struggling to judge when the skinny leg cut will fade out of style.
“Each season a denim consultant came in from Craft to present to me there predicted denim trends. I remember in 2002 I was presented with two silhouettes the super skinny and the super balloon. At this time he strongly believed both would take off and I do remember some designers using the balloon style for a few seasons but the skinny jean was the silhouette that took off. Men’s fashion moves a lot slower then woman’s and it took a couple of years for high street to take the skinny jean trend on in 2004 by Topman” Molloy (18/11/14 Primary)
Molloy worked as a trend forecaster for and has discussed his experience of how the skinny leg came into light and shared his knowledge that the east end of London is where he’s spotted the fashion forward street style of skinny fit. And that usually when a trend becomes main stream they usually drop it. But these trend setters still wear the skinny fit. …show more content…
Much like the corset discussed in chapter one, with trends rotating around a key garment. Similar to corset the skinny fit comes with restrictions even with stretch technology fabric. It’s almost as if roles have been reversed and men are now the ones in restrictive clothing. That also creates a more feminine silhouette after women have fought many decades for it to be acceptable to wear a masculine silhouette. Resembling the motions of the corset we are now waiting upon a drastic change in fashion for this key item to leave and spark a new fashion

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