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Sleep Disorder Among Undergraduate Students


Submitted By schaz
Words 6827
Pages 28
Sleep Disorder Among Undergraduate Students
1. INTRODUCTION University life has presents many new and stressful challenges, such as reduced parental supervision which may increases freedom, self-responsibility, disorganized lifestyle, variable schedules, repeated deadlines, dormitory living, new social opportunity and academic obligations (Anbar and Slothower , 2006) . All of these caused students voluntary to alter their sleeping habits in which they tends to reduce their sleeping time from as recommended sleeping time 8 hours to in between 3 hours to 6 hours of sleeping time per day. This can lead to sleep disorder in which nowadays, insomnia and sleepiness are the most common complaints in general population (Watson, Goldberg, Arguelles, and Buchwald, 2006). Notably that, sleep quality refers to a composite of sleep quantity, length of time to fall asleep, number of awakenings at night, length of time to fall back asleep after awakening, feeling of fatigue or restfulness upon awakening in the morning and general satisfaction with sleep. According to Doghramji (2006), insomnia can be defined as complaint of disturbed sleep, manifested as difficulties in sleep initiation or sleep maintenance, and also refers as early awakenings. According to Kamel and Gammack (2006), there are several causes of insomnia which are including primary specific sleep disorders, physical illness, behavioral, environmental and medication. The examples for sleep disorder are Circadian Rhythm Disorders, Sleep Apnea, Narcolepsy, Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMS), Sleepwalking, Nightmares, factor contributing to poor sleep quality and impacts of daily functioning.
Constructs to be measured
In this study, we tend to measure nine construct items of sleep disorder in relations to undergraduate students.
a. Sleep Apnea Defined as the condition in which an individual stop breathing

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