...vital to foreign policy decisions (p. 556). Bureaucracies are not powerful unless they are backed by Congress and the president’s support. They seek their legitimacy through the acceptance of their recommendations by both the Congress and the president. In part, their effectiveness arises from whether the small group surrounding the president approves of them. Small group dynamics approach is more likely to occur in groups that are cohesive aka exhibit a high level of amiability among each other. Group Cohesiveness is an essential element of small group dynamics. It is stronger when there is a sense of loyalty between everyone. For e.g. in the decision to go to Iraq in the first Gulf War, President Bush picked people who he was very close to, like Cheney, Gates and Scowcroft. They worked together since the Ford administration (about 14 years). The second important element is Group Insulation which means the lack of other parties involved in the process of decision-making. There’s little to no outside sources of information or opinion, the inner group gets to decide without intervention from the outside....
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...Syllabus Page 1 of 6 GE347—Group Dynamics Note: The course syllabus describes how the course will be taught and how the materials and activities are planned. Please print the syllabus for your reference. Course Description In this course, students examine elements of successful teams and small decision-making groups. Emphasis is on communication, critical thinking and group process techniques. Quarter Credits 4 Instructional Contact Hours 40 Instructional Methods Prerequisite Courses Co-requisite Courses 40 hours theory 0 hour lab GE117 Composition I or equivalent None Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain the importance of group dynamics. Critique the performance of groups/teams in a variety of scenarios. Evaluate the use of problem-solving and decision-making techniques for virtual groups/teams. Apply theories of small group communication during small group activities. Apply ethical standards while participating in groups/teams. Apply critical-thinking and analysis skills to overcome obstacles and improvise solutions as a leader within small groups. 7. Use the ITT Tech Virtual Library for research and information necessary to complete assignments and projects. SCANS Objectives SCANS is an acronym for Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. The committee, created by the National Secretary of Labor in the early 1990's, created a list of skills and competencies that the committee feels are necessary for employees to function in a high technology...
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...Group dynamics is a term used to describe the basic rules why people tend to form groups or teams naturally. The most common reason may be based on activities, interactions, and sentiments. The numbers of interests’ people share with each other effects their chances to group together. These interests may be political, religious, work related, lifestyle, economic, security, etc. There are different stages through which a group passes, both as natural and in a professional atmosphere. Team Cohesiveness is one way through which we can improve team working ability. A team has better chances of performing well if its members have good cordial relationship with each other. A small group which meets frequently to discuss different problem and have the ability to reach a common goal, can increase cohesiveness to a great extent. Personal interactions have a positive effect on the overall performance because it would decrease negative competitiveness. Another way of improving group dynamics is Outcome interdependence. It can be explained as the manner in which group performance is rewarded. If the group is not rewarded at all, it is highly likely that further performance of the group will decrease. If some members of the group are rewarded leaving the rest out, it will likely result into disintegration of the team. This is because the ones left out will not perform productively and the group will suffer as a whole. Rewarding of a group appropriately will also encourage other workers...
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...& GROUP PROCESSES. ASSIGNMENT. * WHAT IS A GROUP? * DISCUSS THE NATURE OF GROUP DYNAMICS. QUESTION 1: WHAT IS A GROUP. INTRODUCTION. Groups are a necessary part of social life. They can be very small including just two people or very large. Being in groups is part of everyday life and many of us will belong to a wide range of groups, for example: family groups, social groups, sports groups, committees, etc. * A group is a collection of people with some common characteristics or purpose. * A collection of individuals who have regular contact and frequent interaction, mutual influence, common feeling of solidarity, and who work together to achieve a common set of goals. * A group is a collection of individuals who have relations to one another that make them interdependent to some significant degree. * A group refers to a class of social entities having in common the property of interdependence among their constituent members. In the past decades, the collectivities of different individuals have been identified and also studied scientifically. In the last decade of the nineteenth century, Émile Durkheim established just how wrapped up individual identity was with group membership, and Gustave Le Bon argued that people changed as they joined groupings such as crowds. Soon North American sociologists such as Charles Horton Cooley (1909) began to theorize groups more closely and this was followed by others looking at particular aspects or types of group. Characteristics...
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...HEMOPHILIA ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT MAY 2009 • NO 4 GROUP DYNAMICS AND TEAM BUILDING Second Edition Ann-Marie Nazzaro National Hemophilia Foundation (USA) Joyce Strazzabosco Consultant and Trainer (USA) Published by the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), 2003; revised 2009 © World Federation of Hemophilia, 2009 The WFH encourages redistribution of its publications for educational purposes by not-for-profit hemophilia organizations. In order to obtain permission to reprint, redistribute, or translate this publication, please contact the Communications Department at the address below. This publication is accessible from the World Federation of Hemophilia’s web site at www.wfh.org, Additional copies are also available from the WFH at: World Federation of Hemophilia 1425 René Lévesque Boulevard West, Suite 1010 Montréal, Québec H3G 1T7 CANADA Tel. : (514) 875-7944 Fax : (514) 875-8916 E-mail: wfh@wfh.org Internet: www.wfh.org The Hemophilia Organization Development series aims to help hemophilia society leaders, staff, and volunteers develop the skills necessary to effectively represent the interests of people with hemophilia. The World Federation of Hemophilia does not engage in the practice of medicine and under no circumstances recommends particular treatment for specific individuals. Statements and opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent the opinions, policies, or recommendations of the World Federation of Hemophilia, its...
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...Group Dynamics in Corrections Kadijah Batiste MGT 415 Angela Gillette 09/20/2010 Abstract This paper will provide understanding of group dynamics in the correctional setting using personal examples and outside research. Group Dynamics in Corrections The field of corrections is sometimes considered the lowly or “bottom feeders” in society. Correctional officers get the least respect in the public eye, but we have the most dangerous job. In society eyes we are just babysitters for adults so it benefits us to form groups within the institution so that we can have others to relate to about the job that we do. The group dynamics in a correctional setting consist of different groups. There are your 12 hour groups and your 8 hour groups. In corrections there are many groups from the small groups such as administration, kitchen staff, and janitors to the larger groups such as C.E.R.T team, disciplinary board members for inmates, and shifts. Group dynamics is the study of groups, behavior in groups, group development, and the interrelations between groups and individuals, other groups, and larger entities (Johnson & Johnson, 2009, pg. 1). In the correctional business world group dynamics is important because it enhances the group members’ productivity and how officers interact with one another can set the tone for the whole work environment. If there is discord among group members then the safety and security of the institution is jeopardized. Our textbook say that...
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...Reflection on Team Experience Today in many industries and organizations group/team work is a tool for effective achievement of organizational goals. Understanding the way groups develop and how they impact organizational success is important to the effective use of groups in organizations. One of the most common models to describe how groups develop was described by Tuckman. Tuckman studied group development as it was seen in group therapy. This was then extrapolated to involve the development of all groups and teams that exist in areas such as those seen in organizations. In 1966, Tucker proposed that group development progressed through four identifiable stages which were named forming, storming, norming and performing. The Tuckman model for the stages of group development is one of the most cited models in the business world. Over the years there were other studies that also agreed that groups go through stages and they had identified that there appeared to be an “ending” stage as well. In 1977 Tuckman with Jensen reviewed who the stages of group development had evolved over the years since his first proposal of the stages of group development and in response to other studies they added a final stage of group development which the called adjourning (Tuckman & Jensen, 1977). The adjourning stage will not be reviewed in this paper since there was no real adjourning stage with this group. Another model for group development is the punctuated equilibrium (PE) model which was proposed...
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...Organizational Behavior Trends Abstract This group and team paper contains the essentials for the establishment of a high-performance team. First, the foundation of this paper consists of the explanation on how to become a high-performance team. Second, the definition and the impact of demographic characteristics and cultural diversity on group behavior are implemented in the paper. Description of how the affects of demographic characteristics and cultural diversity can enhance or divert high-performance. The five stages of group development such as forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning are explained in this group and team paper. Groups and Teams Paper A group of people can become a high-performance team by achieving accomplishments with self-gratification. These small groups of people may consist of diverse races, cultures, genders, ethics, religions, personality traits, and behaviors. Team members can successfully collaborate their skills to accomplish a common goal or task High-performance teams have core values; clear performance objectives; the right mix of skills; and diverse creativity (Hunt, J., Osborn, R., Schermerhorn, J., 2005). Open systems, group input factors, group dynamics, and inter-group dynamics are some sources that can help a group to become a high-performance team. These high-performance teams can achieve a more effective and efficient productivity when they collaborate in an open system. This system allows all members to...
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...semester of 2015, the group known as “Risky Business” was founded in the small group communications course led by Brandon Ferderer. Our group consisted of From the moment we met each other, we came to the unanimous consensus that we each wanted to earn an A in the class. This was an important goal to set, as it showed that each member was equally invested in working together to earn the highest grade. After a couple weeks of getting to know each other, primary roles for each member were beginning to emerge within our group. When determining roles within a group, oftentimes members will struggle with roles designated to them. However, group endorsement was prevalent within Risky Business, and the members accepted their roles as appropriate and consistent with their skill set. When it came time to establish them, the following primary roles were determined by our group: Kennedy assumed the role of task leader; Haley and Jin accepted the role of our tension releasers; Xinyi was deemed our information provider; and Brad was designated our central negative or “Devil’s advocate”. As the semester progressed and different projects arose, each member adapted to new roles to fit the project or the issue. This ability to readily accept roles and adapt to new roles as needed, made our group efficient and effective. From starting the first project, our group strived to build group cohesion. Group cohesion refers to “the degree of attraction members feel for the group.” Problems we believed...
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...Many companies have embraced executive coaching and mentoring as their main approaches to promote development initiatives. But in today’s businesses these do not address the real-world, group dynamics that executives must contend with. Behavior within a group in the organization can be influenced by group dynamics, interactions, group cohesiveness, the work environment, social influences, and leadership. We will explore each of these elements of group behavior within an organization. Groups Dynamics “Group dynamics is the area of social science that focuses on advancing knowledge about the nature of group life” (Johnson & Johnson, 2009, pg.1). Understanding group dynamics in the business world allows companies to change their focus and production to meet the new challenges of a global market. Companies today, rely on teams of employees to help develop, design and initiate new products. Not only do these teams work together in the same location, they are able to work across the country or around the world. Group dynamics can also enhance leadership development. Group based leadership requires leaders to work in unison so they may develop executive skill sets, tackle real-world challenges in real time, provide one another with high-value feedback, and enhance their interpersonal communications. Achieving Mutual Goals through Positive Interdependence “Positive interdependence exists when one perceives that one is linked with others in a way that one cannot...
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...John Doe Week 1 Homework - SP2750 Chapter 1 1. Group - a number of individuals who join together to achieve a goal, several individuals who are interdependent in some way, a number of individuals who are interacting with one another, a social unit consisting of two or more persons who perceive as belonging to a group, a collection of individuals whose interactions are structured roles and norms, a collection of individuals who influence each other, and a collection of individuals who are trying to satisfy some personal need through their joint association. 2. Group dynamics - the scientific study of the nature of groups, behavior in groups, group development, and the interrelations between groups and individuals, other groups, and larger entities. 3. Group effectiveness - the ability of a group to accomplish its goals effectively. 4. Interdependence - the idea that in a group an event that affects one of them affects them all. 5. Role - expectation of the appropriate behavior of an occupant of a position toward other related positions. 6. Norm - common belief regarding group members’ appropriate behavior, attitudes, and perceptions; rules, implicit or explicit, that regulate the behavior of group members. 7. Status - the degree to which an individual’s contribution is crucial to the success and prestige of the group, how much power and control over outcomes that individual has, and the extent to which the person embodies some idealized or admired characteristic...
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...TITLE: BEHAVIOURS IN ORGANIZATION QUESTION: GROUP DYNAMICS GROUP 6 NAMES: MATRIC NO: COMB: 1. FIFONYINKEN SERAH ANU 20120104022 GCP/YOR 2. ABDULQADIR SHUKRAH ADEFOLAKE 20120104049 GCP/ISS 3. MEDAHUNSI ELIZABETH I. 20120104023 GCP/YOR 4. AJIBUWA ROSEMARY ADERONKE 20120104033 GCP/CRS LECTURER-IN-CH ARGE DR. ONABAMIRO A. A WHAT IS A GROUP A group is defined as two or more individuals who are connected to one another by social relationships. Every organization is a group unto itself. A group refers to two or more people who share a common meaning and evaluation of themselves and come together to achieve common goals. In other words, a group is a collection of people who interact with one another; accept rights and obligations as members and who share a common identity. MEANING OF GROUP DYNAMICS The word dynamics means ‘force’. Group dynamics means the study of forces within a group. Since human beings have an innate desire for belonging to a group, group dynamism is bound to occur. In an organization or in a society, we can see groups, small or large, working for the well-being. The social process by which people interact with each other in small groups can be called group dynamism. A group has certain common objectives and goals and members are bound together with certain values and culture. In organizational development, group dynamics refers to the understanding of behaviour of people in groups that are trying to solve a problem or making...
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...Groups and Teams Paper Anita Fields Management 307 Paul Mahajan April 27, 2011 Groups and Teams A team is internally organized with specific goals and usually with specific roles for different members of a team. A group is a collection of people with something in common, such as working in the same place, sharing the same interest, and mutually making decisions deciding what needs be done. The group’s purpose is the same as the organizational mission. All organizations start as a group, but to produce and succeed, a group must form a team. The most important component of joining a team is to have a goal and time to meet the goal. A team compliments each other, encourages open-ended discussion, and active problem-solving meetings. A team also performs directly by assessing collective work products and work together. Behaviors of a team are different from a group. Larger team requires structure and support; smaller teams often have difficulty meeting when members are absent. The formation of a group is often easier than the formation of a team. People are grouped based on age, gender,...
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...Rapfael Whiteside, THE FORMATION OF GROUPS & TEAMS The Formation of Groups & Teams Rapfael Whiteside Embry Riddle Aeronautical University MGMT 317 Organizational Behavior 01 December 2010 In this paper I will explain how and why teams and groups are formed, the different types of groups and effectiveness of work groups. The process of a group activity is the interaction and mutual influence among group members as they complete the group activity, communication, leadership, conflict, conflict resolutions and norms of behavior in the group. A group is two or more people who interact with each other to achieve certain goals or needs. The purpose is to accomplish the same goal using my skills, personalities, abilities and experiences to be more effective. “Group forming is a process and there are five stages for group development: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.” (Hunter, Dale, Bailey, Anne, Taylor, Bill, 1995). Some characteristics of work groups that influence or affect the way members behave in the area of group performance can include the group size, group composition, group function, group status, group efficacy and social facilitation. Groups control their members with roles and rules. Role is the division of work among the group members. Rules are made to control group behavior. Work groups establish goals to achieve, using all...
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...Management (2010-12) XLRI School of Business and Human Resources Organizational Behavior Grouping 1. Introduction A group can be broadly defined as a collection of two or more individuals, who have come together for a common purpose. Generally, the common purpose is apparent as is the case with trade unions- which are formed with the purpose of upholding the interests of the labor force, or reader’s clubs- formed for the purpose of sharing opinions and perspectives on various books. However, sometimes the common interests might not exactly be a purpose, but more of a necessity, as is the case with groups of friends formed at schools, hostels or between neighbours. The importance of groups cannot be emphasized on enough in our complex intertwined lives. At all levels, be they personal, societal, professional, recreational or any other, we seem to be part of one group or the other. The underlying principle of pursuit of common purpose is at the heart of the concept of grouping, through which one seems to reach higher levels of attainment- which might not have been possible through individual pursuits. 2. Conceptual framework Groups form an essential and constituting unit in an organizational setting. They effectively break-down the organizational targets and goals into smaller group goals. This leads to a more focused and modularized approach towards achieving organizational objectives. This approach is also beneficial for the...
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