...Offenders are primarily males, youth ages 15-24 years minority, low SES individuals - Victims “...” Perpertartors are most likely to be acquantances Primarily committed by repeat offenders 6% for between 53% and 71% of violent crime. What year was this report published? 1969. Victimolgy Emergence: 1940’s Hans Von Hentig First person to really bring the idea of victim’s role in criminal events Victims precipitaton - idea that the victim brings on the criminal act Who is more likely to be victimized Victim- Offender Link Likelihood of vicitimization Victime-Offender Link/Overlap What are criminologist referring to when they discuss the victim-offender link Strong correlation between victimization and offending. Correlation vs. causation. Reasons for the relationship Individual heterogeneity Different propensities to victimization ROLE OF GANG MEMBERSHIP Reduction in vicitimization Lifetime likelihood of victimization...
Words: 2997 - Pages: 12
...l University of Phoenix Material Personality Theories Matrix THEORY | Psychoanalytic | Neo-Freudian | Trait | Biological | Humanistic |Behavioral/ Social | Cognitive | |School of Thought (List the factors that each school believes influence personality development) |Psychosexual stages: 1.Oral-Focus on mouth and a satisfaction of sucking and biting. 2. Anal-Pleasure of anus and a concern with feces. 3.Phallic-Fear and anxiety of castration from his father because of sexual desires for one’s mother. 4. Latency-Repression of infantile sexuality. 5.Gential-Maturity of sexuality, capable of genuine love. Concepts of Mental structure: 1. Id-Basic impulses, sexual and aggressive. Impulsive and irrational. This is also known as the pleasure principle when one seeks immediate satisfaction regardless of the consciences. 2. Ego-Test reality, seeks safety and survival, rational, and logic. 3. Super-Ego-Ideal and moral, strives for perfection, dictates, incorporative, imposes limitations on satisfactions. Unconscious Conflict: This is when a person may have a fear of certain things and may use other things to describe the fear. Example: If someone was afraid of an animal that they have never been in contact with. This may be a sign of a fear that is revealed as an unconscious conflict with something they know nothing about. |Alfred Adler: Strive for superiority: Born with a sense of inferiority. Striving to overcome these deficiencies of weakness and helplessness...
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...minuets on this question. • Q.3 is a theories essay for 33 marks. THIS QUESTION IS SYNOPTIC! You should spend 45 minuets on this question. Below is a list of all the areas and studies you need to know for each section of the exam. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the studies, each college/school are likely to teach slightly different ones, just make sure you know about that amount for each section. Q.1 For the first two pure crime parts you need to know: Functionalist theories of crime and deviance Durkheim – Social control, social regulation including suicide Merton-Strain theory, blocked aspirations Cohen – Status frustration Cloward and Ohlin – Deviant subcultures New Right/Right Realism James Wilson – Strict law enforcement needed Wilson and Kelling – Broken windows, zero tolerance Murray – Cultural deprivation, single parents and ineffective, the underclass Erdos – Families without fathers Subcultural theories Cohen – Delinquent subcultures Cloward and Ohlin – Delinquency and opportunity, criminal, conflict and retreatist subcultures Willis – pupil subcultures (learning to labour) Patrick – Gang culture (Glasgow gangs) Humphreys – Gay subcultures and covert participant observation Miller – Focal concerns, lower working class male subculture Matza – Delnquency and drift, techniques of neutralisation, subterranean values Marxist theories of crime and deviance Gordon – Criminogenic...
Words: 2001 - Pages: 9
...Development Theories Sara Nackowicz Psy : 104 Child and Adolescent Development Karen Williams 9/17/12 Page One Development Theories In this paper I will talk about three of the development theories which are personality structure, psychosexual development and psychosocial development. All three of these developments are very important in a child’s life and helps them become who they are and I will explain how and why in this paper. According to Sigmund Freud in our text, there are three essential components: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id stage is more of a selfish state where everything is about you and only you. For an example when you are an infant everything is about you and only you. According to Simply Psychology, “The id consists of all the inherited (i.e. biological) components of personality, including the sex (life) instinct – Eros (which contains the libido), and aggressive (death) instinct – Thanatos.” In an infant, their personality is nothing but Id and then when they become older is when the other two stages fall into place. You cry for a reason and most of the time it is either because you are hungry, dirty, sleepy or even just need to be comforted. So there for you cry because you want your caregiver to feed you, clean you, or even snuggle with you so you can fall asleep. The ego state comes around the age of two or three when as Freud states, “the job of the ego to satisfy the demands of the id and to have realistic...
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...similarity between household and economics? Copyright © 2004 South-Western/Thomson Learning TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS • A household and an economy face many decisions: • Who will work? • What goods and how many of them should be produced? • What resources should be used in production? • At what price should the goods be sold? Copyright © 2004 South-Western/Thomson Learning TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS Society and Scarce Resources: • The management of society’s resources is important because resources are scarce. • Scarcity. . . means that society has limited resources and therefore cannot produce all the goods and services people wish to have. Copyright © 2004 South-Western/Thomson Learning TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS Economics is the study of how society manages its scarce resources. Copyright © 2004 South-Western/Thomson Learning TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS • How people make decisions. • • • • People face tradeoffs. The cost of something is what you give up to get it. Rational people think at the margin. People respond to incentives. Copyright © 2004 South-Western/Thomson Learning TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS • How people interact with each other. • Trade can make everyone better off. • Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity. • Governments can sometimes improve economic outcomes. Copyright © 2004 South-Western/Thomson Learning TEN PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS • The forces and trends that affect how the economy...
Words: 2845 - Pages: 12
...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/1754-243X.htm Corporate governance theorising: limits, critics and alternatives Stephen Letza and James Kirkbride Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK Corporate governance theorising 17 Xiuping Sun Leeds Business School, Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK, and Clive Smallman Commerce Division, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand Abstract Purpose – This paper seeks to examine the mainstream theories of corporate governance in an attempt to suggest that their underlying assumptions and ideologies are misplaced and ought to give way to an emerging pluralistic view of the governing process in order to understand any governance contribution to the dynamics of the business environment. Design/methodology/approach – The paper engages with the traditional literature and views on governance models from law, business and organisational studies perspectives. It then considers the environment and changes in the environment and how those challenge the relevance of the traditional approach, drawing upon the impacts on the fluidity of management and governance perspectives and practices in the global economy. Findings – The reflections and analysis confirm the view that the underlying assumptions of existing models and regulatory frameworks for governance are misplaced and it is suggested, with reason, that a pluralistic view and framework are better than...
Words: 8670 - Pages: 35
...Behaviourist approach The behaviourist theory focuses on the study of observed behaviours and learning theories the three theories are; classical conditioning, operant conditioning and the social learning theory. Within the behaviourist approach there are three different theorists these are; Skinner, Bandura and Pavlov. The first learning theory was approached by the theorist Pavlov. The theory he approached was classical conditioning. This theory is pairing a reflex response with a stimuli. A reflex is an automatic reaction and a stimuli is anything in the environment. Pavlov then carried out an experiment with a dog to prove his theory; Pavlov knew that when animals see food they’re automatic reflex is to salivate, he also wanted to create a noise which the dog could respond to. An example of his experiment; Dog food salivate (reflex) Dog bell food salivate Dog bell salivate This experiment shows that when a dog hears the bell they know they are going to receive food making their automatic reaction to salivate activate. The second learning theory was approached by Skinner. The theory he approached was Operant conditioning. This theory is the reactions of others such as ‘shape’ behaviour. This theory has 3 different approaches these are; positive reinforcement, punishment and negative reinforcement. The first one is Positive reinforcement this encourages behaviour this could be using...
Words: 3058 - Pages: 13
...Behaviourist approach The behaviourist theory focuses on the study of observed behaviours and learning theories the three theories are; classical conditioning, operant conditioning and the social learning theory. Within the behaviourist approach there are three different theorists these are; Skinner, Bandura and Pavlov. The first learning theory was approached by the theorist Pavlov. The theory he approached was classical conditioning. This theory is pairing a reflex response with a stimuli. A reflex is an automatic reaction and a stimuli is anything in the environment. Pavlov then carried out an experiment with a dog to prove his theory; Pavlov knew that when animals see food they’re automatic reflex is to salivate, he also wanted to create a noise which the dog could respond to. An example of his experiment; Dog food salivate (reflex) Dog bell food salivate Dog bell salivate This experiment shows that when a dog hears the bell they know they are going to receive food making their automatic reaction to salivate activate. The second learning theory was approached by Skinner. The theory he approached was Operant conditioning. This theory is the reactions of others such as ‘shape’ behaviour. This theory has 3 different approaches these are; positive reinforcement, punishment and negative reinforcement. The first one is Positive reinforcement this encourages behaviour this could be using...
Words: 3058 - Pages: 13
...Behaviourist approach The behaviourist theory focuses on the study of observed behaviours and learning theories the three theories are; classical conditioning, operant conditioning and the social learning theory. Within the behaviourist approach there are three different theorists these are; Skinner, Bandura and Pavlov. The first learning theory was approached by the theorist Pavlov. The theory he approached was classical conditioning. This theory is pairing a reflex response with a stimuli. A reflex is an automatic reaction and a stimuli is anything in the environment. Pavlov then carried out an experiment with a dog to prove his theory; Pavlov knew that when animals see food they’re automatic reflex is to salivate, he also wanted to create a noise which the dog could respond to. An example of his experiment; Dog food salivate (reflex) Dog bell food salivate Dog bell salivate This experiment shows that when a dog hears the bell they know they are going to receive food making their automatic reaction to salivate activate. The second learning theory was approached by Skinner. The theory he approached was Operant conditioning. This theory is the reactions of others such as ‘shape’ behaviour. This theory has 3 different approaches these are; positive reinforcement, punishment and negative reinforcement. The first one is Positive reinforcement this encourages behaviour this could be using...
Words: 3058 - Pages: 13
...[pic] Ecole Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales Appliquées Review of Literature Behavioral Finance Presented to Dr. Mohamed EL-Hennawy Group Assignment Prepared By Albert Naguib Noha Samir Wael Shams EL-Din Moshira Gamil Marie Zarif January 2012 | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | |List of Table………………………………………………………………………….. | |List of Figure ………………………………………………………………………… | |List of Abbreviations/Acronyms ……………………………………………………. | |Introduction……………………………………………………………………….. | |2. Appearance of Behavioral Finance…………………………………………………… | |2.1. Important Contributors…………………………………………………. ………. | |3. Behavioral Biases…………………………………………………………………… ...
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...B398 Ch. 1 • • • Mon. May 5. 2014. Chapter 1 -‐ Organizations and Organizational Theory Org theory helps us understand and explain what happened to an org in the past and what may happen in the future so that we can manage orgs more effectively. Important to choose the right change strategy and design the right structure depending on the changing environment and its impact on the org à orgs are not static! Adapt to external env. *Theory: ideas about what something is, how it works; the key elements are generalizability, explanation, prediction! Large, successful orgs are still vulnerable; orgs are only as strong as their decision makers. • Current Challenges • Challenges today are different from the past, so org theory is evolving. • Top execs say that coping with rapid change is the most common problem in orgs. • Globalization: world is shrinking with rapid advances...
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...Cognitive Personality Approach Introduction Psychology definition is the study of the human mind and human behaviors. It is an theoretical discipline and is applied science in which seeks the understanding of individuals and groups by establishing overall principles, along with researching specific form of cases. There are many different approaches to psychology such as humanist, behavioral, and cognitive. One must understand the cognitive approach before truly understand the cognitive personality approach. Cognitive psychology “is the scientific investigation of human cognition, that is, all our mental abilities – perceiving, learning, remembering, thinking, reasoning, and understanding”(Lu & Dosher, 2007, p. 1). As the term ‘cognition’ comes from the Latin word “cognoscere”. Cognitive psychology is the study in which how people obtain and apply knowledge or information to their everyday lives. It is a modern form that includes a set of new technologies in the field of psychological science. The study of human cognitive is traced back to Aristotle De Memoria in Hothersall in 1984. The overall concept of cognitive psychology began with the cognitive approaches to psychological issues in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s with the work of Wundt, Cattell, and William James. It claimed the first half of the approach during the 20th century with the behaviorism approach in cognitive psychology. Within this dissertation it will be covering different aspects of cognitive personality...
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...The age old question of why juveniles commit crime is one that will never end. There are multiple theories that attempt to explain this occurrence, but two specific concepts stand out above the rest. It’s the nature versus nurture debate. This debate involves the belief that it is either the environment or biological traits that eventually lead juveniles to criminal behavior. Does some type of “evil gene” exist that causes some to commit crimes? There are some that feel that criminal behavior is due to a person’s upbringing and/or life experiences (“nurture”). Others feel that criminal behavior is much more than environmental factors and involves a person’s genetic makeup (“nature”). Are people just born that way? Is criminal behavior...
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...organization is a consciously coordinated social entity with distinct boundaries which functions to achieve goals. It has an activity system linked to the external environment (it does not exist alone). An organization consists of people, things, knowledge and technologies. Modernists’ assumption of reality is objectivism and view organizations are real entities which exist in the objective world. Organizations are viewed as real entities driven by rationality to achieve efficiency and organizational objectives/goals. When organizations are well-managed, they are systems of decision and action driven by norms of rationality, efficiency and effectiveness for stated purposes. Similar to modernists, critical theorists’ ontology is also objectivism, and organizations are real entities which exist in the objective world. However, critical theorists view organizations as objects used by capitalists for the exploitation and alienation of workers and the environment. Symbolic interpretivists believe that reality is subjective, and only exists if we give meaning to it. As such, organizations are socially constructed realities which are constructed and reconstructed by their members through symbolically mediated interaction. Without its members giving meaning to it, an organization does not exist. Postmodernists suggest that reality is constructed through language and discourse. Organizations are ‘imagined’ entities whereby power and social arrangements are reinforced through language...
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...The theory of individualism/collectivism developed by Harry Triandis (1990, 1995) emphasizes individual differences and cross-cultural differences in many of the same tendencies discussed by social identity theory. The theory of individualism/collectivism describes cross-cultural differences in the extent to which emphasis is placed on the goals and needs of the in group rather than on individual rights and interests. For individuals highly predisposed to collectivism, ingroup norms and the duty to cooperate and subordinate individual goals to the needs of the group are paramount. Collectivist cultures are characterized by social embeddedness in a network of extended kinship relationships. Such cultures develop an “unquestioned attachment” to the ingroup, including “the perception that ingroup norms are universally valid (a form of ethnocentrism), automatic obedience to ingroup authorities [i.e., authoritarianism], and willingness to fight and die for the ingroup. These characteristics are usually associated with distrust of and unwillingness to cooperate with outgroups” (Triandis, 1990:55); collectivist cultures are more prone to ingroup bias (Heine and Lehman, 1997; Triandis and Trafimow, 2001). Like social identity processes, tendencies toward collectivism are exacerbated in times of external threat, again suggesting that the tendency toward collectivism is a facultative response that evolved as a mechanism of between-group conflict. Groups: Process & Practice was...
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