Premium Essay

Social Work


Submitted By chingyxue
Words 793
Pages 4
Eddie Koiki Mabo
Before I explain
Who was Eddie Koiki Mabo?
What he did for Australia’s Indigenous people?
I want all of you to know about
Who are Australia’s Indigenous people? * An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person is a person
Of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who
Identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and is
Accepted by the community with which he or she is
Who was Eddie Koiki Mabo?

Eddie ‘Koiki’ Mabo was born on 29 June 1936, in the community of Las on Mer, known as Murray Island in the Torres Strait. His birth name was Eddie Koiki Sambo Raised by Uncle Benny Mabo through a customary ‘Island adoption
At the Age of 16 Eddie was exiled from the Murray Island for breaking customary Island law

and he set off for the mainland where a new life was waiting for him. Eddie had many jobs including assistant Teacher, a cane cutter and a ground keeper etc.
Learned a lot about Australian Land ownership Laws in Townsville at James Cook University when he was a ground keeper their and he used to go there and spend a lot of time in the library
At the age of 37 Eddie was shocked to discover that the Land which was passed by hi ancestors (16 generations) was not legally recognised his own, Instead of accepting this injustice
In 1770 British visit Australia and declared the land was Terra Nullius.
Terra Nullius is a Latin Expression Which means Land belongs to nobody. In early 1980’s a land rights conference was held at James Cook University and he made a speech. In his speech he explained his people’s beliefs about the ownership and inheritance of Land on Murray Island. A lawyer heard that speech and he asked Eddie if he would like to challenge Australian Government
A lawyer from Perth Greg McIntyre was at the conference and he agreed to take the case
Eddie started an epic 10

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