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Social Workers Case Study

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Sexual Relationship with a Former Client
The term sexual relationship can be defined as having a relationship that involves any sort of sexual intimacy between two people. (FreeDictionary) However, the term sexual relationship fluctuates between different professions, for example the Canadian Association of Social Workers guidelines for ethical practices, states that social workers are not to engage in sexual activities or sexual contact with former clients. (Canadian Association of Social Workers, 2005) The College of Physicians and Surgeons Standard of Practice lists many examples of sexualizing an interaction such as sexualizing comments, sexualizing body contact and making physician-patient sexual contact. (College of Physicians and Surgeons, 2011) The issue of having a sexual relationship with a former client is continuously being publicized in the news and has seemingly become quite common in today’s society. This past year a twenty-seven year old Edmonton teacher admitted to having a sexual relationship with a fifteen-year-old student that attended …show more content…
(Canadian Association of Social Workers, 2005) In addition, social workers may not engage in sexual relationships with any client who was provided with psychotherapy or any in-depth counseling. (Canadian Association of Social Workers, 2005) The social workers codes of ethics are not as strong, as the codes of ethics for both teachers and physicians, because they are not as in depth with other examples of sexual activates that are forbidden compared to the other two professions. In addition, the guidelines seemed very vague, there should be further information discussing the responsibility of the social worker and what to do if an incident like this were to

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