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Socrates Anti Woman Analysis

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Women: My body, my choice.
Men: Her body, her choice.
Women: My body, my choice.
Men: Her body, her choice.
Socrates: Excuse me, Miss, but what is going on here?
Vivian: You haven't heard? That orange S.O.B. was elected as President tonight.
Socrates: But what does this have to do with bodies and choices?
Vivian: Now that he is elected, he will implement his policies and use this as a chokehold to oppress and control women. You see, he is pro-life and anti-women. The people gathered here tonight are protesting what he stands for in regards to abortion and women's rights.
Socrates: Oh I see. But I have a question miss ......
Vivian: You can call me Vivian.
Socrates: Hello Vivian, I am Socrates of Alopece.
Vivian: Alopece? As in the city outside the walls of the Athens in ancient Greece?? …show more content…
Socrates: You said that the orange S.O.B. was pro-life and anti-women.
Vivian: Yes, Trump is pro-life so therefore he is anti-women.
Socrates: How is being pro-life anti-women? If we cannot agree upon the meaning of these two words, then we cannot see a direct correlation between the terms.
Vivian: Their definitions are quite simple. Pro-life is the belief that it is immoral for a pregnant woman to have the freedom to choose to have an abortion if she does not want the baby. The definition of the term anti-women is depriving women of choices and forcing them into a specific gender role regardless of their wishes.
Socrates: You are saying that not allowing a woman to abort a baby is a violation of their human rights, am I correct?
Vivian: Her baby, yes.
Socrates: You said that being anti-women meant depriving women of choices and freedoms. Would an abortion not take away the choices and freedoms of a baby, or as you said, her baby?
Vivian: No, because the baby has not reached an intellectual capacity to decide what they want or what it best for their mother. A mother, however, has the intellectual capacity to decide what is best for their unborn

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