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Song Dynasty Research Paper

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The Song dynasty of China saw many advances in technology, science, medicine, and culture that were incredibly impactful to Chinese history as well as to the world. Within China the period became known as a golden age due to advances in technology and science, a revival of Confucianism that would impact Chinese social and government hierarchy to this day, and an explosion in classical arts and literature. Song China would witness inventions and reinventions that would change daily life and remain influential into the modern era. Marked by their incredible technological and scientific achievements as well as their changes in social and government hierarchy the Song Dynasty would become a period that would permanently reshape China and leave its mark on the world.
The Song dynasty lasting from 960 C.E. to 1279 C.E. Zhao Kuangyin would usurp control of the empire in a coup creating the Northern, or Bei, Song dynasty in 960 C.E. which would last until 1127 C.E. He would later become known as Emperor Taizu – his temple name. He would make the government more centralized and would set the …show more content…
The Song dynasty made civil service examinations the primary means to a career . These changes would alter the social and governmental hierarchy from that based on aristocracy to one based around meritocracy and bureaucracy. While later rulers would attempt to reverse these reforms, some successfully so, they remained socially omnipresent even after the volatility of the following dynasties and regime changes into the 20th century. The importance of examinations is still strongly felt today as even high school standardized tests control your academic and professional future to an extreme degree. Confucian familial and societal values are the basis of modern Chinese relations such as respecting and taking care of elders and valuing calmness and quietness in one’s

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