...16.1 Specific Performance The California and Hawaiian Sugar Company (C&H), a California corporation, is an agricultural cooperative owned by 14 sugar plantations in Hawaii. It transports raw sugar to its refinery in Crockett, California. Sugar is a seasonal crop, with about 70 percent of the harvest occurring between April and October. C&H requires reliable seasonal shipping of the raw sugar from Hawaii to California. Sugar stored on the ground or left unharvested suffers a loss of sucrose and goes to waste. After C&H was notified by its normal shipper that it would be withdrawing its services at a specified date in the future, C&H commissioned the design of a large hybrid vessel—a tug of a catamaran design consisting of a barge attached to the tug. After substantial negotiation, C&H contracted with Sun Ship, Inc. (Sun Ship), a Pennsylvania corporation, to build the vessel for $25,405,000. The contract gave Sun Ship one and three quarter years to build and deliver the ship to C&H. The contract also contained a liquidated damages clause calling for a payment of $17,000 per day for each day that the vessel was not delivered to C&H after the agreed-upon delivery date. Sun Ship did not complete the vessel until eight and one-half months after the agreed-upon delivery date. Upon delivery, the vessel was commissioned and christened the Moku Pahu. During the season that the boat had not been delivered, C&H was able to find other means of shipping the crop from Hawaii to its California...
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...Site-specific dance and traditional choreography on a stage mainly differ on the fact of the site where dance is being created. In a traditional setting in a theater, audience members do not have the same free range to move around and explore the piece as they would when watching a site specific piece. When watching a performance in a theater setting you know what to expect, to an extent. Whereas in site-specific dance, the environment can change due to endless spaces available. In my opinion, site-specific dance tends to be a mysterious nature to it because typically when site-specific dance is performed people do not know what is going to happen. The “audience” sometimes becomes the audience without them even expecting to do so. If we were talking about a traditional performance on the the stage, you know what to expect. You may not know what the dancing is going to entail, but you know how the show will run, what genre you will be seeing, etc. You sit down in your seat, wait for the...
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...BUS 303 Week 3 Assignment Characteristics for high performance Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/bus-303-week-3-assignment-characteristics-high-performance/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) Compensation Analysis The strategic and tactical value of producing a evaluation system is how it helps a person to design and perform tactics or specific practices that produce trust, competitive advantage, and value and that accumulate power within the organization as well as the customers they transact with. The capacity to produce new, fresh and increasingly valuable offers and practices enables one to invent new actions to avoid threats, fulfill obligations and exploit opportunities to make the strategies effective, strategic and powerful enough to fulfill Tri-Emerald Group’s business ambitions. Without the production of offers such as this it is impossible to think or act autonomously, effectively, strategically or powerfully to design and perform strategies powerful enough to maintain standards in the top 10% of the marketplace. To Download Complete Tutorial Hit Purchase Button BUS 303 Week 3 Assignment Characteristics for high performance Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders...
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...------------------------------------------------- Performance based services CON 280 CON 280 Defining Performance Based Services The Federal Acquisition Regulation defines performance-based acquisition as “the means an acquisition structured around the results to be achieved as opposed to the manner by which the work is to be performed.” (FAR 2.1) Specifically performance-based services involve strategies, approaches and various techniques that assist with defining a service requirement based on performance objectives. There are specific characteristics that must exist in order for a requirement to be considered a performance-based acquisition and each characteristic influences and shapes the others. One of the most important characteristics necessary for a performance-based service acquisition is the performance work statement. The performance work statement, commonly known to acquisition professionals as the PWS is defined as the following: a statement of work for performance-based acquisitions that describes the required results in clear, specific and objective terms with measurable outcomes.” The performance work statement is the backbone of a performance-based service contract because it is responsible for specifying the definitive expectations of work that is necessary for the successful performance of a contract. As a contracting officer I am just as accountable as my customers to ensure that the performance work statement describes their needs...
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...The setting on the classical ballet video and the contemporary ballet is similar. Neither of the videos showed any setting or used any props. It was simple and plain, as if to emphasize the performance of the dancers than that of the entire play. The costumes on the other hand were completely different. In the classical ballet performers wore fancy, beautiful, bejeweled, costumes while the contemporary ballet dancers wore simple, comfortable, light clothing. It is clear that the costumes are made with the dancers movements in mind. For instance, the classical ballet dancers have more restricting, less fluid movements, while the contemporary ballet dancers are fluid, flexible and contortionists. As for the lighting involved, the contemporary dancers were being focused on most of the time, while the performers’ of classical ballet were not. During the performance the classical ballet used live instrumentation, while the contemporary ballet performed to a recorded soundtrack. Stage #2-Analysis Use of body During their performances the dancers mostly used their legs, however the contemporary dancers used all of their body more than the classical ballet performers. The contemporary performers contorted their bodies to create different shapes. For instance, at the beginning of the performance the male dancer creates an M shape with his body as he approaches the female. These...
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...organizational level, TNA is pitched at the big picture, dealing with the overall performance and existence of the organization as an entity within its environment or market. TNA here aims to ensure that the organization is capable of meeting its obligations and following its corporate plan. With a mindset of survival in a competitive environment, an HR strategy would typically be developed to support the corporate plan, which itself would be produced to cover a particular time period. The occupational level of needs analysis focuses on specific disciplines within organization, namely at the department level, to identify what skills shortages can be addressed through training and which areas require the recruitment of staff from without, in order to enable the departments to meet its obligations for the period. It would also address some of the environmental issues affecting performance, for example the equipments/software requirements Then there is a third level which reveals the needs of the individual. Variances between actual performance and planned performance at this level are commonly manifested as skills gaps, where the knowledge of the individual does not satisfy the requirement of the role. In order to obtain that knowledge, attendance on a formal training course might provide the desired solution. ORGANIZATIONAL Needs ANALYSIS Within AN ORGANIZATION, there are needs which may be specific to that group of people. It is also the case that those needs may not...
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...activities that generate performance, and input controls focus on resources used in performing a behavior (Wheelen & Hunger, 2008). Behavior controls define how an employee is to perform. These controls include standard operating procedures, instructions from one's supervisor, policies and rules. One behavior control is monitoring an employee during work. For example, monitoring an employee on a customer service phone call or reviewing a worker's computer for inappropriate content not related to work are types for behavior controls. Output controls include benchmarks and performance goals where the specific outcome can be measured. These include measurable facts and figures such as sales quotas or profit objectives. For example, a firm might tell its sales staff that it needs to sell 20% more than last year's figure or it might tell its operations managers that costs need to be reduced by 10% over last year's figure. Input controls include employee skills, motivation and knowledge. Hiring an individual with the necessary education and job skills to perform in a position is an input control. Additionally, there are several primary measures of corporate performance. Financial measures include return on investment (ROI), earnings per share (EPS), and operating cash flow. Shareholder measures include market value added (MVA) and economic value added (EVA). DQ 2 What methods would you consider to measure organizational performance? •SWOT Analysis- used to...
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...worth of specific job, utilizing the human talent in the best possible manner, eliminating unneeded jobs and setting realistic performance measurement standards. Where to place the employees in order to best utilize their skills and talent? How to determine the need of new employees in the organization? How to eliminate unneeded jobs? How to set realistic performance measurement standards? How to identify the jobs and prepare a plan to fill them? One of the main purposes of conducting job analysis is to prepare job description and job specification which in turn helps to hire the right quality of workforce into the organization (analysis process, 2012). An effective analysis of a particular job helps human resources maintain the right quality of employees, measure their performance on realistic standards, assess their training and development needs and increase their productivity. The first step in the job analysis process is to determine its need and desired and output (personal manager, 11/10). Second step is who will conduct the job analysis: The second most important step in the process of job analysis is to decide who will conduct it and for most companies they prefer having it performed by their own human resource department while other companies tend to hire job analysis consultants. The next step is to decide the way in which job analysis process needs to be conducted and having a planned approach of how to carry the process in order to investigate the specific job. Once...
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...descriptions. In doing the analysis, you will need to gather information about the job, eg by interviewing employees, observing performance of certain tasks, asking employees to fill out questionnaires and worksheets, and collecting information about a job from other sources such as related units of competency. Whatever sources you use to get basic information on what the job entails, the analysis should end up with written results that can be reviewed by the incumbent, or other employees who know the job. During the review, duties, competencies, knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics of the job can be added, deleted or modified. Job analysis is designed to provide a reliable method of quickly and effectively identifying critical competencies (ie knowledge, skills and abilities) and establishing the qualifications for a job or role. The step-by-step process below will assist you to complete a job analysis using the template provided. |Process |Explanation | |Step 1. Understand the job |Start by developing a complete understanding of the position. This is the foundation on which training (and | |including duties and tasks |other human resources processes) is based. The basis of a job is the performance of specific duties and tasks. | | | ...
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...Analyzing a job Today's work environment requires employees to be skilled in performing complex tasks in an efficient, cost-effective, and safe manner. Training (a performance improvement tool) is needed when employees are not performing up to a certain standard or at an expected level of performance. The difference between actual the actual level of job performance and the expected level of job performance indicates a need for training. The identification of training needs is the first step in a uniform method of instructional design. A successful training needs analysis that will identify those who need training and what kind of training is needed. It is counter-productive to offer training to individuals who do not need it or to offer the wrong kind of training. A Training Needs Analysis helps to put the training resources to good use. One of the tools is called- Job Description. A job description is an internal document that lays out in detail the exact roles and responsibilities of a particular position. A job description can be used as a tool for new employee orientation by helping to set expectations, supervision and performance reviews. As it was discussed in the class, the primary purpose of a job description is to identify the essential functions of the position. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), essential functions are those tasks or functions of a particular position that are fundamental to the position. Knowing...
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...momentum effect. They attribute this effect to the fact that investors underreact to the release of firm-specific information. In detail, they compared the performance of stocks that have performed well in the past with those that have performed poorly, in 3-12 months’ time. Their theory is if stock prices either overreact or underreact to information consistently then profitable trading strategies that select stocks based on their past returns will exist. Previous studies in this area had shown that over a 3 to 5 year horizon, stocks that had performed poorly over the previous 3 to 5 years achieved higher returns than stocks that performed well over the same period. Their study covered the period from 1965 to 1989, involved ranking each company at the beginning of each month by its returns over the last ‘J’ months. Based on these rankings, ten equally weighted decile portfolios are constructed, with the portfolio comprised of those companies with the strongest historical returns and the portfolio with the lowest historical returns. The timeframes for both ‘J’ and ‘K’ horizons were 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. They constructed portfolios based on companies’ 3 month historical returns, and looked at their performance over the subsequent 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The paper focused largely on the ‘zero cost’ portfolios, representing the difference in performance between the ‘winners’ and ‘losers’. It is important to note that momentum strategy appears to be temporary...
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...of training materials. When a department requests our assistance in the creation of a course, the very first thing we need to ascertain is the “Gap”. What is the performance gap? We define the “Performance Gap” as the portion between where we are as a unit, department or section and where we optimally would like to be. In a given setting there are a series of tasks that together comprise a job function. The inability to perform any of these tasks can be detrimental to the job function and cause a breakdown in the organization. In researching the reason a given task is not being performed, we look at personnel and training aspects. If a person can perform a task due to lack of knowledge, then the performance gap is a training issue. If the person can’t perform the task due to facility or building constraints, then we deem the breakdown a process issue. Figure 1. Training Needs Assessment Flowchart When conducting a needs analysis we are seeking to identify the “needs” as areas for improvement. These areas can then be addressed in a more specific way to uncover areas where training can be a solution to the specific need. The flowchart above helps determining how to deal with a performance gap in terms of a training need. Often times, the worker has already received training addressing the performance gap. If that is the case, then feedback and practice would be the indicated plan of action. A Partnering Process Many requests to develop...
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... direction, and purpose of their performances. T.J. Miller did not adhere to a strict structural script within his performance. His performance was impromptu and minimally scripted. Therefore, a strict structure did not exist. Instead, his performance had a topical organization—jumping from idea to idea, carefully accommodating the audience’s reactions. Due to the abrupt topical switches, he had little transitional sentences, but I do not believe this negatively impacted the performance. His initial contact with the audience was dry, but eventually connected with the audience. Miller began with an introduction of himself and his background, which served as a bridge to relate with the audience and establish his credibility or ethos. In addition, he interacted with audience members by asking them questions and using their answers as jokes to further establish his ethos. There was no specific objective in his comedy other than the overarching goal to entertain. His speeches and monologues were varied and covered many topics from school to sex and drugs. Therefore, an explicit thesis did not exist. However, there were many elements attributing to the purpose of his performance. First, he implemented a rhetorical genre to guide his performance’s content and style. He began with a speech of introduction to establish rapport and familiarity with the audience. Miller then moved to the speech of enrichment for the primary content of his performance—comedy. Miller seemed to be familiar...
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...out if it is or is not? Yes. People differ greatly with respect to their abilities and specific skills. Abilities can be defined as mental and physical capacities to perform various tasks whereas skills are dexterity at performing specific tasks, which has been acquired through training and experience. There are two types of abilities; intellectual abilities (or intelligence), which involve the capacity to perform various cognitive tasks and physical abilities, which refer to the capacity to perform various physical actions. Intellectual abilities or Intelligence * Cognitive intelligence – able to understand complex ideas, adapt effectively to the environment, learn from experience, engage in various forms of reasoning and overcome obstacles by careful thought. * Practical intelligence – adeptness at solving the practical problems of everyday life * Emotional intelligence – cluster of skills relating to the emotional side life Physical abilities * Involves people’s capacities to engage in the physical tasks required to perform a job. * Social skills – capacity to interact effectively with others. Therefore, to test a person based on the “selling ability” test in order to find agents that will generate high levels of sales might not be appropriate and suitable approach as different people will have different sets of abilities and skills. Based on the job performance of the agents in terms of sales from time to time, might be the best way to indicate whether...
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...1. What, according to you, are some of the signs of a troubled employee that you have noticed? Changes in employee behavior can signify that an individual may have a personal problem that is interfering with their work performance. There are “red flags” in an employee’s behavior that can be used as indicators. There is usually no single event, but rather a noticeable pattern of change in the employee’s behavior, attitude or work activity. Individually, these signs may seem harmless enough but taken together they may represent a serious problem. It is important to avoid ignoring the initial indicators. These are some of the signs that might help you identify an employee who has a problem. Work Related Unable to concentrate on work and complete the given task/activities on time. Errors in the task completed Making excuses for substandard work Procrastination, inability to concentrate Self Major changes in personal appearance, attitude or behavior Problems with family, friends, co-workers, legal issues, financial issues Heightened anxiety, overly defensive 2. Have you come across any such individual/s at your organisations? YES 3. How have you handled the situation? A ONCE-to-be valuable and productive employee unexpectedly starts turning in less than an acceptable worker. More often than not, the root cause of such dramatic behavioural change is troubles - either personal or professional. Most employees develop some...
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