...Evolution of Leadership Theories Author University Leadership is, and always has been, a vital aspect of social and economic constructs. It is essential to the survival of societies, industries, organizations, and virtually any group of individuals that come together for a common purpose. However, leadership is difficult to define in a single, definitive sense. As such, theories of leadership, what constitutes a great leader, and how leaders are made have evolved constantly throughout history, and still continue to change today in hopes of improving upon our understanding of leadership, its importance, and how it can be most effective in modern organizational cultures. This evolving trend of leadership can generally be seen throughout four distinct eras, the Great Man Leadership era, the Rational Management era, the Team or Lateral Leadership era, and the Learning Leadership era (Daft, 2008, p. 21). Each era utilized a different way of thinking about leadership and leaders than the others, with each new era implementing a unique trend for leadership theories, and sometimes adapting and building upon existing leadership theories. The Great Man Leadership era was the earliest era, employed first by ancient philosophers, such as Plato and Aristotle, who believed that leaders were naturally born with special abilities that made them inherently great leaders (DeGrosky, 2007). The first leadership theory, called the Great Man theory, outlined that these “great men” were...
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...Leadership Theories: The Evolution of Context April 2, 2013 Abstract This paper defines “context” as it relates to leadership and the inclusion of context in leadership theories. I will show examples of different leadership styles and how they relate to the context of leadership. In closing, I will reflect on the challenges of contextual theories and how these challenges can be met in the current environment. Meaning of Context and Treatment in Leadership Research Different types of leadership often need to be applied in a distinct manner, depending on the context and who is involved. Osborn, Hunt, & Jauch (2002) indicated leadership theory and research needs to expand to the complex levels of leadership. The authors further posited leadership theory needs to explore the dynamism involving the context in which leadership takes place, rather than to study leadership taking place in a vacuum. Here, the authors referred to context as the circumstances or parameters that cause effective leaders to emerge. Leadership in context takes on many different characteristics and certain circumstances can cause different actions. A closer examination of the linkages between components of theory increases one’s understanding of individual differences in leadership development (Allen, Shankman, & Miguel, 2012). Authors Osborn, Hunt, & Jauch (2002) illustrated four contexts of leadership; stability, crisis, dynamic equilibrium, and edge of chaos. Stability takes into...
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...Management and Decision Sciences Specialization: Leadership and Organizational Change KAM Assessor: Dr. Javier Fadul Javier.fadul@waldenu.edu Faculty Mentor: Dr. Javier Fadul Javier.fadul@waldenu.edu Walden University February 5, 2011 ABSTRACT Breadth This Knowledge Area Module (KAM) broadens common knowledge of societal and cultural development by looking beyond economic and conflict theories for understanding other positions regarding social advancement. The Breadth Component studies societal and cultural development in terms of evolutionary, cyclical, and fundamentalist theories and demonstrates why it is important to looking beyond the popularly accepted knowledge about social development represented by economic and conflict theory. This approach provides a more robust generalization that more adequately describes social advancement, and concludes that classical researchers did not consider leadership as a social segment to be studied, that influences societal and cultural development. Leadership understanding of societal and cultural development is critical for enabling them to lead positive social change. ABSTRACT Depth The Depth section compares modern research in societal and cultural development to the theories of classical researchers in order to further develop the findings of the classical study, and to determine if leadership consideration has been addressed in modern times. The study shows that the theories of classical researchers are sufficiently robust...
Words: 29149 - Pages: 117
...“Evolution of Silos and the Subsequent Impact on Organizational Behavior". Managing People in Organizations Word Count: - 3,488 Executive Summary This paper focuses on how culture has impacts the evolution of silos, their subsequent impact on organizational behavior and outcomes for the institution if they are not eliminated. In a competitive environment it is imperative that organizations be as effective and efficient as possible. When departments exist in silos this hinders cross functionality and synergy due to lack of communication and common goals. This in turn has a negative impact organizational behavior and culture. This report examines University Y a Federal third level Education Institution in the Country X which specializes in providing tertiary education for female Nationals using an American Curriculum. It specifically looks at the evolution of silos within the Finance and Administration units which support the academic mission. There are seven of these units they include Finance, Human Resources, Campus Services, Campus Physical Development, Marketing and Publications, Contracts and Procurement and Computing Services. In addition to exploring how organizational culture influenced the evolution of these silos, it examines the impact of the unique culture of the COUNTRY X and finally what role the leader played in the sustaining of these silos, showing that leadership and culture are closely aligned. It examines the challenge of applying...
Words: 4266 - Pages: 18
...Business Leadership Name Institution Business Leadership Abstract This research examines developments made in the leadership studies, beginning with the early theories made to try explaining the concept of leadership in business. Secondary materials were used as the main sources of data in this research paper. The objective of this research is to discuss leadership literature, the success of different writers work on the topic and its impact on business organizations. The literature review starts with a brief history of leadership and the key developments made during its evolution. The literature review then discusses the first phase of the business, which was before the 20th century followed by what was written in the second phase, which is normally called the neo-classical period. The review ends by giving the most recent developments in the field and the impact they have had on business organizations. The paper looks at leadership styles as the most discussed sub-section of leadership in its literature. This paper ends with a conclusion summarizing the research followed by possible recommendations. The importance of this research is to get data relevant to organizational leadership by analyzing literature development over the years. Introduction The concept of leadership is as old as civilization itself. It started from the ancient times when the organization became an entity and many people started getting together to achieve a certain objective. A leader is...
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...The Pursuit of Improvement in My Development of Leadership Leadership has long been an interest of mine. From a young age I excelled as captain of my hockey team, and preferred to always be the team leader in school projects and extracurricular activities. As a young adult I wrote music and lead a band through some success. Now, in my thirties, I’m a GM for a local growing restaurant chain, and I’m working toward one day owning my own restaurant. My reasons for enrolling in this Leadership development class include, understanding the characteristics of a great leader, learning my strengths and weaknesses to become a better leader, and understanding how leadership has evolved and how that may effect future generations of leaders, such as myself. Understanding the characteristics of a great leader is probably my biggest reason for taking this course. In Northhouse’s Leadership Theory and Practice text book, one of the biggest enlightenments I encountered was that there are significant differences between managers and leaders. Even though both share traits such as influence, working with others, and achieving an effective goal, the differences were very surprising to me. I was intrigued to read that truly great leaders are more in touch with there emotions and the emotions of others around them. I guess I had felt that great leaders usually took a more logical than emotional approach. In a managerial setting, emotions don’t come in to play quite as much. Managers are really...
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...Evolution of leadership definition Name Institution Evolution of Leadership Definition Introduction Leadership is a social phenomenon that has been examined historically by both contemporary and classical western and eastern writers and thought leaders, perhaps due to the fact that it is a universal activity for animal and human kind spices. This paper is a historical analysis of how the definition of power has evolved and how leadership conceptually differs from power. The paper argues that leadership is conceptually different from power. Body (a). Leadership Most leadership definitions have tended to lean into any of the following three principles or is multifaceted to acknowledge the multiple principles. • Internal qualities of a leader • Leaders behaviors • Leaders traits and context (b). Power This section will demonstrate that Power is different from the person exercising it by describing sources of power. Conclusion Power and leadership are conceptually different. Essay There are many definitions of leadership and power that have been constructed just as there are leadership theories (Day & Antonakis, 2012). The first attempt to define leadership was done through internal qualities of a leader which scholars believed were what differentiated between leaders and followers. This attempt examined the physical, personality and mental characteristics of leaders with an assumption that leaders were born and not made (Avolio, Walumbwa & Weber...
Words: 560 - Pages: 3
...students within the OBHR major will craft a program of research that is built upon rigorous theory as well as strong methodological skills that are both necessary for effective scholarship. We encourage collaboration with OBHR faculty that has a proven track record of publishing within a variety of top outlets (Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Labor Research, Harvard Business Review; Human Resource Management; Industrial and Labor Relations Review; Sloan Management Review). Organizational Behavior/Human Resources Management Behavior Systems and Management Thought The objective of this course is to explore the evolution and development of management theory with particular emphasis on the design of behavioral systems in organizations. It is a core premise of the course that the design of systems to manage people in organizations is based on a set of assumptions about humans that are part of the managerial theory that guides the formation and operation of complex organizations. Management theory and the models of human beings that are incorporated in them need not be formally articulated statements. They are often implicit as values, assumptions and beliefs that form the basis for organization and action. This seminar will examine a range of formal and informal management theories and the various models of human beings that are explicit and...
Words: 1362 - Pages: 6
...effectiveness in a variety of different environments, industries and across multiple levels of analyses. Our expectation is that students within the OBHR major will craft a program of research that is built upon rigorous theory as well as strong methodological skills that are both necessary for effective scholarship. We encourage collaboration with OBHR faculty that has a proven track record of publishing within a variety of top outlets (Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Labor Research, Harvard Business Review; Human Resource Management; Industrial and Labor Relations Review; Sloan Management Review). Organizational Behavior/Human Resources Management PhD Program Curriculum Behavior Systems and Management Thought The objective of this course is to explore the evolution and development of management theory with particular emphasis on the design of behavioral systems in organizations. It is a core premise of the course that the design of systems to manage people in organizations is based on a set of assumptions about humans that are part of the managerial theory that guides the formation and operation of complex organizations. Management theory and the models of human beings that are incorporated in them need not be formally articulated statements. They are often implicit as values,...
Words: 1422 - Pages: 6
...distinguish these evolved primates as a certain species of ‘cavemen’ or savages of the Golden Age, or as so respectively a ‘sapient. Whole batches of scientists like to form new ideas about the tree of life, and expect others to adapt their solutions to the equation of evolution. Deciphering these bits and pieces of our society can not only aid you in interpretation of the subject, but can form a more open, and distinguished thought of your history. Revolutions are, in fact part of human and genetic nature. It is...
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...Lecture 2 Quality Theory Ming-Hung Shu, Professor Kuas-IE&M 1 Understanding Quality Concepts 3/1/2014 Outline Quality Theory What is Theory? Inductive Reasoning v.s. Deductive Reasoning Leading Contributors to Quality Theory Dodge; Fisher; Shewhart; Deming; Crosby; Juran; Feigenbaum; Ishikawa; Taguchi; Conclusion Quality Management Evolution Lean Six-Sigma Evolution; Holistic Views of Quality Evolution Viewing Quality Theory from a Contingency Perspective Quality Theory Implementation Depends on ambient Environment 2 Understanding Quality Concepts 3/1/2014 Quality Theory Defining Theory Inductive Reasoning v.s. Deductive Reasoning 3 Understanding Quality Concepts 3/1/2014 Defining Theory A coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena. An example for quality theory Quality Improvement Worker Morale Proposition Explain Phenomena 4 Understanding Quality Concepts 3/1/2014 Induction v.s Deduction Induction Collect data and then find out general phenomena (Chs. 2 and 10) Deduction State hypotheses and assume models, and then collect data to support the statements. (Chs. 11-12) 5 Understanding Quality Concepts 3/1/2014 Leading Contributors to Quality Theory Dodge: AS Fisher: DOE Shehwart: Control Chart Deming: Application Crosby Juran Feigenbaum Ishikawa Taguchi 6 Understanding Quality...
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...TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP James MacGregor Burns has defined leadership as “leaders inducing the followers to act for certain goals that represent the values and the motivations – the wants and needs, the aspirations and expectations – of both leaders and followers” (Burns 1978. p.19.) The concept of leadership as a whole encompasses different explanations, theories and leadership styles and has been popular not only from the organizational perspective but in the educational and political context as well. This essay aims to address the key concepts of Transformational leadership which belongs to the more recent approach taken towards leadership. From around the mid-19th century, social scientists have been engaged in understanding and developing the nature of leadership in social evolution. This has led to the development of various theories and approaches to leadership. The early approach to leadership began with the Great man theories and has gradually led to the formation of the ‘New Leadership Approach’ (Bryman 1992) which included ‘visionary’ (Sashkin 1998) , ‘charisma... ... middle of paper ... ...that have emerged in the North American studies were similar to those found in the UK. (Alimo- Metcalfe & Alban –Metcalfe, 2001) What must be taken into account is the fact that Leadership as a part of the “New Paradigm Model’ has been viewed as a process of “Social Influence” (Bass 1998a, b; Bryman 1992). The main objective in developing and designing a...
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...Situational Leadership Research on leadership is a subject that has been approached in many different ways. Theories on leadership can be classified according to the type of variable that is emphasized the most. Three types of variables relevant to these theories include (1) characteristics of leaders, (2) characteristics of followers, and (3) characteristics of the situation (Yuri, G., 2010). In the textbook Leadership in Organizations, Yuri, G. classifies these theories into the following five approaches: (1) the trait approach, (2) the behavior approach, (3) the power-influence approach, (4) the situational approach, and (5) the integrative approach. This paper briefly discusses the situational approach of studying leadership. Method Description Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) evolved from the Life Cycle of Leadership Theory developed by Hersey and Blanchard (1969). Hersey and Blanchard’s theory has four major situational variables: (1) task behavior, (2) relationship behavior, (3) follower (or subordinate) maturity, and (4) effectiveness (Johansen, B. P., 1990). Task behavior refers to the extent leaders are likely to organize and explain what activities each of the subordinates is to perform and when, where, and how tasks are to be accomplished (Johansen, B. P., 1990). Relationship behavior is defined as the extent to which leaders are likely to maintain personal relationships between themselves and members of their team and provide socio-emotional support...
Words: 804 - Pages: 4
...RELEVANCE OF LEADERSHIP THEORIES BY APPLYING BILL GATES LEADERSHIP STYLE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 5 2. Bill Gates Leadership and practical relevance to Leadership Theories 5 3. Trait Theory 5 4. Charismatic Leadership Theory 7 5. Transformational Leadership Theory 7 6. Bill Gate’s Leadership Styles 9 7. Conclusion 10 8. List of References 11 Bill Gates leadership is being analyzed by applying various leadership theories and practical relevance are discussed in this report. 1. Bill Gates Leadership and practical relevance to Leadership Theories Leadership is shared interests that influence the relationship between leaders and followers which results changes and effects. (Daft, 2008) The leadership theories evolution started from Great Man & Trait theories to the present "Transformational" leadership. Kippenberger highlights the time-line of the evolution which starts from mid-1900 to present days. The time-line contains Great Man Theory , Traits Theory, Lewis Research in autocratic, democratic & laissez-faire styles , Behavioral Theory, Situational Theory , Contingency Theory, Charismatic Leadership, Team Leadership, Servant Leadership and Transformational Leadership Theories (Kippenberger , 2002) We are applying Trait Theory, Charismatic Leadership and Transformation Leadership Theories to the leadership...
Words: 2185 - Pages: 9
...organization, division by gender Compound Societies Greater division of labor, stratification, composite groups formed Doubly compound All doubly compound societies are settled, non-nomadic, political organization more elaborate, caste system, towns and roads Trebly compound societies Extensive territorial scope of society; Great civilizations, productive, distributive capcity, regular exchange with other societies Historical Materialsm was also a reaction to important contemporary societal and intellectual developments: Lenski: Technology used to adapt to environment; Outcomes: Surplus production, Population growth, Stratification, occupational specialization Harris: Cultural Materialsm (best for preindustrial) Theory Mechanism: Population growth & technological processing deplete the environment, cause decline in living standards, critique: focuses too much on dem., economy low on imp. Key CM Infrastructure: Technology, ecosystems, demographics Structure Political economy & domestic economy Superstructure Basic beliefs, values, norms, philosophy, religion, art, music, ritual Sanderson: Evolutionary Materialism Infrastructure: Technology, economy, ecology, demography Structure:Stratification systems,...
Words: 1219 - Pages: 5