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Spitzer Space Telescope Research Paper

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The spitzer space telescope was launched in 2003 and it was originally supposed to be a 2.5 year long mission but it is still orbiting in space now! Being made up of three low temperature science instruments. The spitzer telescope is an copper telescope that studies the early universe, young galaxies and forming stars, and is used to detect dust disks around stars, considered an important directory of planetary information. This mission was the fourth and final observatory under NASA’s Great Observatory program along with Hubble Space Telescope, Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, and Chandra X-ray
Observatory. NASA’s Great Observatory program are four large telescopes, each of the four are designed to look at wavelengths and energy at a specific …show more content…
The proposal of the Spritzer was originally proposed in 1983, since the shuttle challenger failure, the kick motor that used to put the Spritzer in an earth trailing orbit was banned from use on the shuttle, for safety reasons. It took nineteen to nineteen and a half to get the proposal confirmed and funding after a few redesigns. The spacecraft was launched in 2003 and it was complete 6-12 months before. The
Spritzer was made at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, it took $1.19 billion dollars to launch, to be part of observatory, and to make operations and data analysis. The launching took place at Pad 17-B, Cape
Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. on the Delta II, Model 7920H. NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope has to be warm and cold at the same time to properly function only a few degrees above zero. They do this using a tank of liquid helium or cryogen, while a electric piece of equipment in the spacecraft portion need to operate in room temperature. The Spritzer has highly sensitive instruments in it to operate properly.
Astronomers in the early 1960s attached huge balloons to telescopes to get around the …show more content…
Infrared light is one of several types of radiation present in the electromagnetic spectrum) found that contamination problems were likeable. Their decision to proceed made the first change to the Spritzer making the meaning SIRTF Space Infrared Telescope
The Spritzer is such an amazing telescope that it help spot one of the most known distant planets. This discovery will help improve our understanding of the Milky Way Galaxy planets. The planet that was discovered by the Spritzer is, OGLE-2014-BLG-0124L, is now possible to detect method known as microlensing. When one star passes straight through another, the gravity of a closer object acts as a lens, brightening and making the light bigger from the second star. If the closer of the stars has a planet orbiting it a small spot will be visible in observed magnification. This technique allows astronomers to find other things using it.
The Spritzer is improving life on earth since it observes other galaxies and planets it could help find a place where other living things are, or somewhere we can try to explore next. Instead of sending people into space to take pictures the Spritzer and other Telescope and rovers and doing that for

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