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Ss Main Office Research Paper

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1931 marked the beginning of the creation of the SS Race and Settlement Main Office. The SS Main office is accountable for the involvement of eugenics and its deep participation in the Third Reich. The SS Main Office served as a driving force in distributing propaganda. For example, slogans had been imprinted and displayed on walls, most often containing violent warnings of the dangers of mixing Aryan blood with other races which were considered undesirable. Similar to American ideology, Nazi leaders believed that the degradation of the German race was due to the addition of primarily Jewish blood. These ideas were followed by enforcement of the Nuremberg laws in 1935 that prohibited the union, and sexual relations between unfit members of society, like the Jews and Roma, and those with pure German blood.
The SS Main Office is also responsible for the creation of Lebensborns. Lebensborns were special programs that were composed of eight rules which focused on Aryan women and their duty to have as much offspring as possible in order to create their ideal race. Doctors also encouraged SS soldiers to …show more content…
The concentration camps in Nazi Germany are mostly credited to the extermination of the racially undesired. Many people in these establishments tortured, buried alive, starved, and put under an extreme number of experiments. Throughout 1945, concentration camps were extremely successful in the mass exterminations and sterilizations of around 8 million Jewish and non-Jewish people, which ultimately were killed in these camps. The Holocaust was an extreme version of the American eugenics movement, it enforced laws and actions to legally remove Jews, Roma, and other races deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime. The actions and ideals from the Nazi agenda has left a negative stigma to the use and practice of eugenics, even in the modern

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