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Strong Relationship Research Paper

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I have a strong relationship with my partner. I feel supported, loved, and valued. I never feel alone. I always have someone to talk to, work through issues with, and get advice from. And, I have a ton of fun with him no matter what we are doing. I have an amazingly strong relationship, but it didn't just fall into place like that. I credit a few things that we have implemented into our relationship that has strengthened it.

1. We Know Each Other Very Well

We are different, but we have taken the time to get to know each other and understand where we are coming from. This has helped us avoid issues that stem from misunderstandings and differences of opinion. It has also helped us to avoid labeling each other with our own assumptions.

We made …show more content…
I won't make something else more important in that moment. He is my number one priority because he is my best friend, biggest supporter, and most valued relationship in my life. If he needs me, I'm there for him. And he does the same.

Moreover, our relationship is important enough that we make time to keep it healthy. Other people and things don't take priority over our relationships health. That's a huge reason for our strong relationship.
8. We Are Not Needy

Of course, just because our number one priority is each other, we don't take advantage of that.

If I know that my partner needs to accomplish something for the day, I'm not going to bring him into my personal issues and take him away from what needs to be done. I value his experience and his life, and I won't take advantage of his concern for me when I know he needs to focus on something that is concerning him. I encourage him to do what he needs to do and then come to me and support me. And he does the same.
9. We Read Between The Lines

Even though we are very honest with each other, we still have that desire to be understood without having to say anything. Reading between the lines is important to accomplish that and maintain a strong

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