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Stereotypes In William Shakespeare's Othello

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I’ll be reviewing Smooth faced gentlemen’s performance of Othello an all female cast who take on Shakespeare’s work and adapt them. It is britain’s only all-female Shakespeare company who this time decided to take on a captivating tragedy, add a hint of comedy, and thrilling action. Travelling from Venice to the intense heat of Cyprus, Iago conjures a dark twisting plot of revenge, jealousy and violence – destroying Othello’s world in this disturbing thriller.

Director Yaz Al-Shaater says his goal with the Gents is “to put on performances so enthralling that the audience forgets they are watching women playing men’s roles.” Without a shadow of a doubt this casting makes you to think about Shakespeare’s politics within gender and our modern ideas on what separate’s men and women. Although it is more interesting to watch the company own these male characters without applying the …show more content…
The staging helps in keeping the audience’s attention on the performance. Venice and the Cypriot are created through a set of wooden frames and shutters, which the cast set up as each scene moves to the next. This adjustable set allows the cast to expand, contract, and divide the acting space at will.

A quick eighty minute running time, the production is focused on iagos story and like many have said it is iagos play this adaption also pushes this thought its main focus is not about the nobleness of Othello. It makes Ashlea Kaye, playing iago the centre of the audience’s attention. Kaye was very strong I feel she really had iagos intelligence and slimey ways. Helen Coles was maybe the best desdomna I have ever seen she had a lot of love for Othello but decided to play her as strong and it made the story all that more

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