...Stop The Bullying Every day, on every playground and hallway in our American schools, children, youths, and teens are harassed, tormented, made fun, physically and mentally abused and embarrassed by bullies. Is your child one of these bullies or a victim of bullying? This bully behavior is not only happening in the United States but all over the world. Many children and youths observe miserably as other school children get bullied at school. Bullies usually pick on personalities and individuals who are weaker than themselves, so they can build themselves to feel better about themselves. Sadly to say, many individuals have witnessed bullying or been a bully themselves. As parents, school administrators and citizens of a community we need to unite and stand up to bullies and give our children the tools, knowledge and skills to reach out for help from their peers, teachers and parents. In many school systems across the nation, plans to protect students from the growing occurrence of bullying are being developed. Bullying within our school systems has become a nationwide growth and development of strategies and proposals between parents, teachers, school administrators and government to assist our school systems to promote antibullying programs, therefore giving the kids who are being bullied an outlet to reach out for help. The current antibully programs in the school systems are not effective because they are based on self-reporting systems and those have been shown...
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...message across to others - meaning no more racism, bullying, and gender equality. We need to have love, tolerance and respect for each other. We can make the choice to end these issues and make Canada even better! Racism has been going on forever! We need to stop hurting people just because of their color, heritage or beliefs. Immigrants are in constant fear of being the target of a hate crime. Global News reported that “The number of police-reported hate crimes targeting Muslim-Canadians more than doubled over a three-year period.” The hate crime rate across Canada is 3.7 per 100,000 people. Ontario has the highest...
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...Bullying is a large problem that today in our modern society has yet to be solved and correctly addressed. Some schools have created a strong anti-bullying policy. Other schools are trying out new programs and means of education on the subject. In fact, according to high school anti-bullying activist, and Huffington Post writer, Kumaran Chanthrakumar, “Hundreds of millions of dollars have been devoted to bullying prevention, with $132 million devoted by the government, under the U.S. Education Department's "Successful, Safe, and Healthy Students" program.” (Chanthrakumar, 2014) But according to the National Bullying Prevention Center, “One-third of all school-aged children are bullied each year…” From these two previous evidences, one may start to think; “Are schools really doing enough to stop bullying?” According to evidence, no, schools are not doing enough to stop bullying. Even after 132 million dollars devoted to bringing bullying to an end, schools have failed to effectively and efficiently use that money. This essay will cover three points of interest that show that schools aren’t doing enough about bullying. These points include the lack of education given to students, the fact that many students have committed suicide, and the lack of understanding or care that...
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...Introduction Emily-Anne Rigal is a teen activist to stop bullying and has a website called We Stop Hate, you can go there if you are getting bullied and need some help and inspiration. She was 16 when she started this with some of her peers. She started to get the word out and people started to help her and popular people started to help and encourage her. She says, “Going to bed with a dream, Waking up with a purpose.” This is telling people that are getting bullied that they have a purpose and that so many people care about yourself even if you’re getting bullied. Emily-Anne Rigal Emily-Anne is a very strong girl and here is her story. She was bullied verbally in elementary school and she had to switch schools and she made a new group...
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...bullying is not right and It’s time to stop it. Bullying can be anywhere, anytime. There are many types of bullying such as cyberbullying, physical, and mental. Bullying is a problem, happening now either by adults, children, and some government are bullying. There are many types of bullying and people can stop this bullying. Bullying should never happen ever. Bullying needs to stop now and forever it not right. Last year someone killed him/herself because of bullying. Bullying is a physical or mental hurt to a victim of any kind. Someone is hitting you and calling you names. They many types of bullying that is wrong for people. There’s Physical. Such as, punching, touch to be annoyed, some sort of damage to the body. And verbal. For...
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...a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody.” Since bullying is a serious and negatively impactful issue, both in person and on the internet, it can trigger the victim’s emotions. Although, the president and many schools are trying to stop bullying it can continuously cause victims to be depressed or even get to the point where sadly they lose their lives. Both texts, “President: Just Say No to Bullying” and “Schools Take Steps to Stop Bullies” support the common fact of the role of society is to stop bullying. First of all, “President: Just Say No to Bullying” informs all people to quit offending people physically and emotionally. “President: Just Say No to Bullying” is a report about a conference with the former president, Barack Obama. In this report he addressed the issues with bullying and in the text, Obama later explained that when he was a child, he too suffered from bullying. He explained that he was bullied for his “humongous” ears. He notes, "Bullying can have destructive consequences for our young people—and it's not...
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...Stopping Bullying in Schools Bullying in schools is a phenomenon that has received increased attention in the media. Boys and girls both experience bullying. Bullying in boys is more physical and verbal; bullying in girls is more psychological and relational (cdc.gov). According to the National Center for Education Statistics, “bullying activities were as common as daily or weekly happenings in 25 percent of public schools during 2007-08” (nces.ed.gov). Bullying often starts as verbal teasing, and then leads to physical threats and even violence. Bullying creates problems of low self-esteem, decreased focus on school work, and emotional distress in victims. Bullies continually target those that are weaker than them either physically or emotionally. It is important to make schools safer for students by preventing bullying. Many people think of bullying as an act of one child or group of children physically assaulting or teasing another child (eHow.com). The most common type of bullying is name calling or making belittling remarks about another child, whether it be their physical or socioeconomic characteristics. Other types of bullying include spreading rumors, intimidation, and group isolation. Children and teenagers in schools around the world face discrimination, mental and physical violence and other types of bullying every day. From nonviolent to physical abuse, the safety of a student in the school environment can be compromised by bullying. However...
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...Bullying By: Melissa Maring Do you know how much bullying really occurs? Every seven minutes a child is bullied by peers, online, or at home. One hundred and sixty thousand teens do not go to school on any given day because they are afraid they will be bullied. What bullying use to be years ago is not what bullying is today. It has gone from just being peers in school, to expanding out to the internet. (Bullying Stops with Me) One question that people can confuse is: “What is bullying?” There is a difference between bullying and name calling. Bullying is a behavior that is unwanted and aggressive between kids in school that involves a child wanting to be more powerful. This behavior is normally repeated and can involve one or many kids. Bullying is more than verbally attacking someone. It includes making threats, physically attacking someone, spreading rumors, and even excluding someone from a group. (Bullying, 2013) (Stop Bullying, 2012) (Bullying, 2013) Everyone plays a role in bullying whether you are the bully or standing back and watching. The kid who bullies other kids could have many reasons for being a bully. They might think it’s the cool thing since their friends are bullies, or the child could be learning from their parents or siblings. A child that is a bully might have one of many reasons to be a bully. Family can play a large role on a child. If the child doesn’t feel loved by their family, aren’t disciplined or are overly disciplined, or are beat up by...
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...Bullying Bullying affects the majority of people in the following ways: It causes depression, it can cause eating disorders and causes increase in school drop out rates. Is bullying a problem here in the Central Valley? Bullying is apparently an age old problem. Fresno Unified School District takes bullying very seriously. The safety and security of students and staff is top priority. What about bullying in the work environment? It can absolutely take place at work as well as at school. The age old problem of bullying is ever present here in the Central Valley. According to Central Valley: Fresno Regional Center website, bullying is acting in ways that scare or harm another person. Kids who bully usually pick on someone who is weaker or more alone, and they repeat the actions over and over. Bullying starts in elementary school and becomes most common in middle school. A bully will laugh at another kid’s appearance, hitting or throwing things at the student, or calling names to show they are stronger then the weaker student. By high school, it is less common but still occurs. To put it bluntly, bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. According to a discussion on theThe Fresno Regional Center website, The question is also asked: What can you do to stop bullying? Bullying can be stopped if people pay attention and take action. Bullying most often occurs in school, it is most common in...
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...Ciftcikara Bullying in schools for many has become an issue, and that issue for large part is the overwhelming effect it is having on our children that are being subjected to the bullying. Bullying is tragic and something that has gone on in every school since who can remember. Bullying in our schools, do the schools think it is a problem and if so how do we educate the school, students, and parents to end this cruelty. Bullying happens, every day in our schools, and profoundly many of us want to believe it doesn’t happen at all. Our children are victims and also the bully in many cases. Students if educated on what to look for in signs that they are being bullied and not just being played with will go a long way in helping them identify how to stop being the victim. Most students that are victims don’t know it and when they find out they are being bullied they can identify the bully. Many bullies when identified will shy away from it then. They grow off the fear they produce in the victim. Bullying takes place in our schools and it is time we stop portraying that it doesn’t. Working in a school and seeing it first hand, it is very hard to think at first that what you are seeing as bullying or is it just kids being kids. Administrators in our schools are now being educated on how to spot signs of bullying amongst students and how to identify the bullies themselves. This being done will also lead to parents understanding that bullying is an issue in our schools...
Words: 769 - Pages: 4
...Bullying Bullying in schools is believed to be a normal part of school life, however, when people begin to have this mentality, they forget that bullying is physically and psychologically harmful to both the bully and the victim. Therefore, bullying must be eradicated from schools by raising awareness and increasing supervision. Bullying is no joke in my opinion I think that people are just rude and mean. Maybe that’s not always the case but I should know I am a victim of bullying. I became a victim of bullying my third grade year. Lisa would always call me names and tell me how fat I was, like it was my fault I was fat. I had asthma grown up as a child. I had really bad asthma and that consisted of steroids shots. Some days I couldn’t even almost breathe. My bully didn’t care in what I was going though. Sometimes I think if she really new what I was going though would she have stop bullying me? As a kid I didn’t know how to deal with my baller. At first I didn’t realized that I was getting bully. My first bully I thought just maybe she jealous of me growing up as a kid. In a way I kind of felt like she envy me. Maybe I had something she didn’t have, like loving family or parents that were together at the time. Maybe none of that meant nothing to her. I would always wonder why. As the years went on and I moved up in school the bullying got a lot worst. Now it was time to find out why. Why people enjoyed bullying me so much and to were I had low self-esteem. Sometimes I...
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...in schools as well. Many schools in the country have anti-bullying policies. These policies are all different and are implemented in different ways. Most of these policies are not effective though. Anti-bullying policies are not effective against all bullying because school bullying and its effects are still seen, because of the growing use of technology, and because of family influences. Anti-bullying policies are not effective because school bullying cases are still frequently happening in schools. Bullying is a major problem in the world today and it can be seen almost everywhere and it happens every day to people. It most commonly occurs in schools though. Many schools have adopted policies that they use to help prevent bullying in their establishment. However, these policies are not always effective. A study by a University of Texas in Arlington found that students at a school that had an anti-bullying policy, “were 1.2 times more likely” to be bullied than students who attended a school without an anti-bullying policy (Antoniades, pg. 1). This confirms the fact that these policies are not always effective. A school that does have a policy actually is more likely to have bullying. A student is often challenged to bully because they see that they can’t and that urges them break the rules. They want to do it even more then. Bullying still happens in school and some schools seem to have increasing rates of bullying. The policies put in place, “appear to lead to higher rates...
Words: 1672 - Pages: 7
...Bullying comes in many different forms, from cyber bulling to physical bullying. It’s all wrong and it has to stop. Bullying has a real negative effect on the victim’s life. Those who are constantly bullied can be pushed to the breaking point, where they could end up hurting themselves or others. Why do students bully their class mates? I believe students bully other because they are insecure and lack confidence. They use bullying tactics to impress other students. Bullies thrive on attention they get from their fellow classmates. Their hurtful actions make them feel powerful and popular. Bullies pick on students who they think are weak in physical stature, unpopular with their peers, easily intimated, or discriminated against. Bullying occurs on a regular basis in many schools. It’s usually started by the same person or a ring leader who gets a few other students to join in on the bullying. Unfortunately, the majority of students are spectators who act like the “peanut gallery” laughing out loud or snickering behind the victim’s back. The “peanut gallery” may not directly bully the victim, but by standing on the sidelines giving their attention to the actions they encourage they bully. Even though I am not a bully, I have been part of the “peanut gallery” that makes bullying an even worse situation. The “peanut gallery” are students that can make a positive change to stop bullying. As students, we can take action to stop bullying in our schools and I have some ideas...
Words: 581 - Pages: 3
...Bullying comes in many different forms, from cyber bulling to physical bullying. It’s all wrong and it has to stop. Bullying has a real negative effect on the victim’s life. Those who are constantly bullied can be pushed to the breaking point, where they could end up hurting themselves or others. Why do students bully their class mates? I believe students bully other because they are insecure and lack confidence. They use bullying tactics to impress other students. Bullies thrive on attention they get from their fellow classmates. Their hurtful actions make them feel powerful and popular. Bullies pick on students who they think are weak in physical stature, unpopular with their peers, easily intimated, or discriminated against. Bullying occurs on a regular basis in many schools. It’s usually started by the same person or a ring leader who gets a few other students to join in on the bullying. Unfortunately, the majority of students are spectators who act like the “peanut gallery” laughing out loud or snickering behind the victim’s back. The “peanut gallery” may not directly bully the victim, but by standing on the sidelines giving their attention to the actions they encourage they bully. Even though I am not a bully, I have been part of the “peanut gallery” that makes bullying an even worse situation. The “peanut gallery” are students that can make a positive change to stop bullying. As students, we can take action to stop bullying in our schools and I have some ideas...
Words: 581 - Pages: 3
...this is called bullying. Many teens kill themselves over a situation such as this. 500,000 teenagers try to commit suicide and only 5,000 actually succeed (Jaredstory.com). There are many types of bullying but, the most common form of bullying, that is on the rise, is Cyber bullying. “Cyber bullying is the number one cause of suicide” (Jaredstory.com). Not only does bullying affect the victim but the victim's family as well. Bullying is negatively affecting the United States today. One way Cyber bullying is negatively affecting the United States today is academically. “Cyber bullying is when a child, adolescent or young adult bullies, harasses or repeatedly threatens one of their peers electronically through email, instant messages, blogging, text messages and Web Sites dedicated to humiliating another child” (How Is Cyber Bullying Affecting Your Kids). Cyber bullying does not affect the child only personally but academically. A person with an unstable home will most likely not be able to focus on their work in the classroom. Stress is put upon that person and so they have many other things on their mind instead of their classwork. When writing papers, one may try to avoid using the computer, to keep themselves from getting hate emails, messages or tweets. “The person being bullied grades will start to lower, “because their lack of confidence will prevent them from contributing and asking questions in class”(How Is Cyber Bullying Affecting Your Kids). Cyber bullying can ruin ones...
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