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Student Loan Problem

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A major social problem I the United States education system is the making sure student are full equipped for life and college mainly student loans students are incurring massive amounts of debt to pay for school. According to an CNBC article entitled “The High Economic and Social cost” sates that more then 1.2 trillion dollars of outstanding loan debt, 40 million of those borrows owe and average of 29,000. Right out college a student does not make enough to fully pay off that much debt and also survive at the same time. The article also states that on a larger scale the student loan problem is also leading to the growth of the worsening economy of the United States. In the world today it a college degree is a must if one wants a good job after graduation. Students are getting penalized for doing what they want to and what they need to in order to be a functioning member of Untied States society. …show more content…
Even President Obama has attempted to find solutions for this problem. He has established “The Student Loan Relief Fund” this is a platform for many students to get help and paying back some of the debt and interest that has been accrued over time. For many students they will be paying off student’s loans for years to come and some many never pay off the debt in full but the relief fund is a start. One solution is to make scholarship easier to fund and apply for while these students are still in school. In my time as a student it was very hard to find certain scholarships. Having someone devoted to find money for students would not only be an asset to the student but also improve the United states economy but put some of that 1.2 trillion back in

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