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Personal Narrative: Inner Identity

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Inner Identity
I identify strongly as American. I am also Polish and German however I do not really identify as that. My grandpa was 100% Polish, but when his parents moved to America, they left Polish culture behind. Because of that my grandpa and his siblings never learned Polish. Although they never learned the culture they still enjoyed Polish sausage, perogies, and paczkis. My other grandpa is German. On that side we learned some German traditions, but it was never enough for me to have a connection there. Many Americans have different cultures from both sides of their families. In that sense I can identify as American. I eat Polish and German food at home, and I may celebrate some German traditions on Christmas, but for the most part …show more content…
I love doing what are considered American things. I am a huge baseball fan. I enjoy eating hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were my favorite as a kid. I feel a sense of pride being an American because even though our country is not perfect, there is still a lot of opportunities here. In addition, because our country is so young we have a lot of room to improve. My family has lived in America for a long time and has adopted the culture, so now, I consider myself to be American.
Outer Identity
I live in a southwest suburb of Chicago where most of the people on and around my street are upper middle class. My family is middle class. We have a nice house, and my parents do a lot of work for the house themselves. My parents installed all the doors, cabinets, and flooring to save money when building the house. They waited and saved their money until ten years after the house was built to paint it. My parents saved a lot of their money to build our house …show more content…
I was always missing school for being sick. After family parties especially, I would always wake up in the middle of the night and get sick a few times. When my family went out to dinner at restaurants I would get sick. My mom blamed it on me eating too many sweets. I stopped eating so many sweets at parties, but still I got sick. This eventually just became something I lived with. At restaurants, I would only eat a little bit of food and take the rest home to eat later. When I went to family parties, I would just limit what I was eating. If I got sick I would just hide it. I hated doing all of that. It was always a major source of stress for me, especially, when I was out with others. In high school I played basketball. My senior year I hurt my knee, and I needed surgery. I had a rough recovery and it took me a week to go back to school not because of my mobility, but because I kept getting sick. I ended up getting sick a few weeks after the surgery too. My mom was concerned there was a compilation. We went to the doctor and explained that I just had knee surgery, but I have been getting sick like this a lot my whole life. He decided to run some blood work. When the results came back I felt so many emotions; I was relieved, scared, and angry. I found out I might have celiac disease. Celiac is an autoimmune disease that attacks your small intestine. I was relieved because I finally figured out what was

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