...PESTLE analysis PESTLE ANALYSIS Summary South Korea has been politically stable since becoming a democratic state. However, its relationship with North Korea continues to present a strong challenge. South Korea fell into a brief financial crisis in 1997 due to structural weakness in the banking sector, however strong economic and financial reforms quickly countered the downturn and put the country back on a growth path by the following year. With the opening up of markets after the financial crisis in 1997, the country became one of the largest technology markets in the world. As far as social issues are concerned, the country has low population growth and fertility rates, leading to an ageing population. Furthermore, the country has a highly qualified labor force, which makes it possible to both produce and commercialize advanced technologies. The country is also well equipped with extensive broadband network and telecommunication facilities. Legal procedures in the country are time consuming and complex, which makes it very difficult for foreign investors. The environmental scenario of the country is characterized by the breach of emission standards, which is reaching unreasonable limits in spite of its relatively small area and population in comparison to other countries. Republic of Korea: Country Analysis Report – In-depth PESTLE Insights © Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Published 06/2008 Page 11 PESTLE analysis ...
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...PESTLE analysis PESTLE ANALYSIS Summary South Korea has been politically stable since becoming a democratic state. However, its relationship with North Korea continues to present a strong challenge. South Korea fell into a brief financial crisis in 1997 due to structural weakness in the banking sector, however strong economic and financial reforms quickly countered the downturn and put the country back on a growth path by the following year. With the opening up of markets after the financial crisis in 1997, the country became one of the largest technology markets in the world. As far as social issues are concerned, the country has low population growth and fertility rates, leading to an ageing population. Furthermore, the country has a highly qualified labor force, which makes it possible to both produce and commercialize advanced technologies. The country is also well equipped with extensive broadband network and telecommunication facilities. Legal procedures in the country are time consuming and complex, which makes it very difficult for foreign investors. The environmental scenario of the country is characterized by the breach of emission standards, which is reaching unreasonable limits in spite of its relatively small area and population in comparison to other countries. Republic of Korea: Country Analysis Report – In-depth PESTLE Insights © Datamonitor. This brief is a licensed product and is not to be photocopied Published 06/2008 Page 11 PESTLE...
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...legal systems, highlighting the ways in which managers in global settings need to be sensitive to these differences. Political differences are described along two dimensions: collectivist vs. individualist and democratic vs. totalitarian. Economic systems are explored in terms of market characteristics: market economies, command economies, and mixed economies. Legal systems are discussed in terms of the protections they offer for business: intellectual property, product safety, liability and contracts. The opening case explores the political and economic situation in Venezuela since Hugo Chavez was elected president in 1998. The closing case describes the challenges facing Indonesia, a vast country populated mainly by Muslims that stretches over 17,000 islands. Indonesia, after decades of corruption and a near dictatorship, now has a newly elected president. OUTLINE OF CHAPTER 2: NATIONAL DIFFERENCES IN POLITICAL ECONOMY Opening Case: Chavez’s Venezuela Introduction Political Systems Collectivism and Individualism Democracy and Totalitarianism Economic Systems Market Economy Command Economy Mixed Economy Legal...
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...Summary : I. The United Kingdom 1. The Make-Up of the UK 2. Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy 3. The Electoral System and Political Parties in the UK 4. The Current Political Situation 5. Devolved Administration in the UK II. The United States of America 1. The Make-Up of the USA 2. The Federal and Constitutional Republic of the USA 3. Political Parties in the USA 4. The Current Political Situation in the USA I. The United Kingdom 1. The Make-Up of the UK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a constitutional monarchy and unitary state. It is made up of four individual countries, which are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It is governed by a parliamentary system and its seat of government is in London. There are also three devolved powers outside of the capital, located in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh (the three capital cities of Ireland, Wales and Scotland respectively). There are also a number of islands that are constitutionally tied to the United Kingdom constitution, but that are not part of the UK. They are the bailiwicks (headed by a bailiff, appointed by the crown to administer) of Jersey and Guernsey (to the south of the UK) and also the Isle of Man, which is off the north-east coast of the British mainland. However, it is true to say that the majority of British might even get confused as to the difference between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the British Isles...
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...SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTERS OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS J. Sebastian Smith The Bahamas October 2011 Title Strategic Implications from the People’s Republic of China’s Influence in the Americas: Potential Consequences facing the United States, Brazil &Venezuela Abstract This research seeks to examine the strategic implications facing the United States of America’s due to its benign interest in the Caribbean and Latin America (Americas) given the People’s Republic of China (China) increasing economic interest in the region. It is intended to first define the current security environment of the Americas and the relations between Brazil and Venezuela with that of the United States of America (United States) and China. Thereafter, China’s economic and domestic agenda in the Americas will be examined with hypotheses of the emerging global power potential growth success, challenges or possible collapse in her foreign policy. The likely consequences facing Brazil, Venezuela and the United States will also be examined. The assessment will be done across a continuum of China’s realized economic growth, development of hostile relations due to competition for scarce energy sources or possible collapse due to the country’s internal problems. Finally, the research seeks to encourage proactive thinking by the United States on China’s increasing political and...
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...Chapter 13 Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Nations, States, and Nation-States A. Logistics Students’ Time Requirements Activity 1: The Rise of Nationalism and the Fall of Yugoslavia Readings 60-90 minutes Fill in the blanks 75-90 minutes Activity 2: Iraqaphobia Readings 60-90 minutes Fill in the blanks 75-90 minutes The fill-in-the-blanks activity works very well as an in-class group project. It helps for students to be able to discuss the questions and readings with other students. If so, it is absolutely essential that students read the assigned articles in advance of the discussion. They will need to consult the readings to find pertinent passages, but if they are reading it for the first time during group work, they will either not finish or not contribute. I remind my students of this fact several times in the days leading up to the project. If students don’t finish during class, they can finish at home. If done in groups in class, you may wish to suggest that a different student act as recorder for each block of questions. Also, assign a different student to be the discussion leader/gatekeeper to keep the discussion on track and prevent any single individual from dominating the discussion. A third student could function as timekeeper. See Chapter 11 and 14 role-playing activities for further discussion of these tasks. Remind students that Balkan and Middle East politics are always changing and can get...
Words: 32987 - Pages: 132
...States will increase about 28 percent by 2035; and the world demand for electricity will increase 2.3 percent each year until 2035( EIA, 2011). If we keep producing energy like we are doing now, burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, we would face tremendous problems. Not just the resources might run out, but we would also face pollution, and green-house effects. Failure to develop a new technology that would produce enough clean power, would be devastating result. So when we are trying to find a new technology, why don’t we use a way we already have? I propose nuclear energy, because it will produce clean energy, and it also is more effective than wind or solar power. This is an interesting introduction TO your paper, but it needs to be a summary OF your paper. Nuclear Energy: The best help we have with the energy crisis You need an introduction with a thesis. Power plants are releasing carbon dioxide into the air. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions globally is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in power plants, automobiles, industrial facilities and other sources. Generating electricity is the single largest source of carbon dioxide emissions, representing 41 percent of all emissions. (EPA 2003) So how are we producing carbon dioxide...
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...tells the story of the Viking explorer Erik the Red, who discovered Greeland and Vinland (Terranova, in Canada). Another character is captain Olafsson, a norse sailor who wrote the last news about Greenland in 1410. Another main character is Christopher Columbus, who arrived at Hispaniola in 1492, but now this island is two countries, the Dominican Republic and the Haiti. Diamond studied the politics of two presidents. the dominican Rafael Trujillo, who protected the enviroment and the dictator François, Papa Doc, Duvalier, who decided on politics of deforestatation of his country, Haiti. The author considered the bad politics of another main character, king George II, who was interested in sending merinosheeps from Spain to Australia, an idea which was succesful from 1820 to 1950 but then the farmers understood their lands lost fertility. Another main character is Tokuwaga Jeayasu, a shogun of Japan in 1600, who prohibited Christianity in 1600 and protected his country againt deforestation. The book takes us to a lot of places around the globe: Mayan cities, Rwanda, Viking colonies of Vinland or Greenland, Haiti and Dominican Republic, Easter Island and Polynesian colonies in Pacific, and the Chaco villages in New Mexico (United States). The time period was from 800 AC, when collapsed Mayan cities to 2005. Other locations are the Viking ships, isolated churches in Greenland, ghostly stone heads in Easter Island, sheep farms in Australia or the farmers of Montana (United States)...
Words: 22095 - Pages: 89
...Business Plan for 1999 December 1998 4905 Del Ray Avenue, Suite 304 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 Phone: 301-652-3556 Fax: 301-652-3557 Email: sethandbarry@honesttea.com Honest Tea Business Plan – December 1998 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Mission Statement ..…………………………………………………………4 Executive Summary ..………………………………………………………..5 Company Story ..…………………………………………………………….6 Product.……………………………………………………………………….6 Product description ..…………………………………………..…….6-8 Flagship line of flavors and new flavors for 1999……………………..8-9 Production and manufacturing ..………………………………..……9-10 Market Opportunity …………………………………………………………10 Profile of target customer ……………………………………………12 Market research and market response ……………………………….13-16 Marketing and Distribution …………………………………………………..16 Distribution and promotion …………………………………………..16-17 Packaging and pricing …..……………………………………………17 International markets …………………..……………………….…….17-18 Product development and future products ……………………………18 Management …………………………………………………………………..18-20 Statement and aspirations for social responsibility ……………………………20-21 Financial Statements YTD and Projections ……………………………………21-23 The Investment Opportunity …………………………………………………..24 The Offering ……………………………………………………………24 Financing History ….…………………………………………………..24 Exit strategies ………………………………………………………….25 Investment risks ………………….…………………………………….25 Competitive Advantage ………………………….…………………….25-26 A Parting Thought .………………………………………………….……..…26 Honest Tea Business Plan...
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...China The first one is the economy. China's economy has been typically the best-performing economy or among the best-performing economies in the world since 1979 when reforms began, averaging about 7 percent growth. One note of concern, though, is that those conditions that allowed that 7 percent growth are not likely to be prevalent in the years to come, because for over 30 years, China has relied extensively on lower wage rates and export-driven growth. But wage rates have been bid up, as happens; the Chinese are victims of their own success, you could say. And secondly, the rest of the countries in the world are not going through high rates of growth, and they’re not going to be importing the way they had been historically. So, that formula isn’t going to be as successful going forward as it has been. China needs to shift away from an export-driven economy to more of a consumption model. It needs to be mindful about funding its state-owned enterprises, about subsidizing state-owned companies. It needs to lessen its reliance on low-end manufacturing and move up the value chain. By the way, these aren’t my observations; these are observations by Chinese leadership. If you follow any Chinese leader’s speech on China’s economic transformation, these are the points he’ll make. We would call that market rationalism or just normal evolution as a country rises to middle-income status. But there are also some countervailing impulses. There’s a strong streak of economic nationalism;...
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...brilliant physicists that work at CalTech in Pasadena, CA. Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper are co-workers, best friends and roommates. Sheldon is “regimented, deeply eccentric, and non-conventional” in his thinking which is a consistent hardship on the relationship between these two friends (“Plot Summary”). They are friends with colleagues Howard Wolowitz, a mechanical engineer, and Rajesh Koothrappali, an Indian immigrant who works as an astrophysicist. The foursome are “self-professed nerds, [with] little or no luck with popular women” (“Plot Summary”). A neighbor, Penny, is of average mind but compared to this brilliant squad she’s made to seem of less than average intelligence. Leonard’s goal is to get Penny to be his girlfriend. Immediately following Big Bang is The Millers created by Greg Garcia and starring Will Arnett. Arnett plays the part of Nathan, a single reporter who has divorced his wife, a secret he’s kept from his parents for several months. His parents pay a visit only to find out about their son’s divorce. After a very brief sadness, Nathan’s parents decide Francis 2 they want a divorce too. Nathan’s mother moves in with him derailing any plans he has of living the single life. Law & Order: SVU is a drama that peeks into the dark side of the...
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...What is Foreign Policy? Foreign policy has many exegesis as there are internationalist who attempt to define this most intriguing subject of international relations. Initially, it has been define as a “ statement of national goals limited both absolutely and relatively by national power”. The Foreign Service Institute of the Philippines prefers to allude to it as “ set of guidelines articulated by the government to a country in order to promote its national interest through the conduct of its relations with other countries” The Foreign Service Institute of the Philippines has likewise quoted a dictum ascribed to President Ferdinand E. Marcos that: The foreign policy of a nation is the articulation of its fondest needs and aspiration, and in international affairs, it is its sole weapon for the promotion of national interest. Foreign Policy is a “part of the general program of government. It is furthermore an extension of its domestic policy”. The term “system” when used in the context of an organization, implies an entity composed of a set of parts and created to accomplish certain, objectives. The aim of the system is the coordination of human efforts and material resources to produce desired results in a dynamic organization. An organization, as social system, has certain inherent characteristics: 1) it has subsystem and, is part of a suprasystem in continual interaction with one another 2) It has define objectives to accomplish 3) There...
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...Index Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Diversity Amid Globalization-------------------------------------------------------5 The Changing Global Environment----------------------------------------------11 North America---------------------------------------------------------------------------12 Latin America---------------------------------------------------------------------------23 The Caribbean--------------------------------------------------------------------------27 Sub-Saharan Africa-------------------------------------------------------------------31 Southwest Asia and North Africa------------------------------------------------32 Europe------------------------------------------------------------------------------------34 The Russian Domain-----------------------------------------------------------------39 Central Asia-----------------------------------------------------------------------------42 East Asia---------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 South Asia-------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 Southeast Asia-------------------------------------------------------------------------50 Australia and Oceania---------------------------------------------------------------57 Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------------60 Bibliography----------------------------------------------------------------------------61 ...
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...the Yuan Dynasty, from AD 1279 to 1368, and the Manchus during the Ch'ing Dynasty, from AD 1644 to 1911, but the foreigners were largely absorbed into the culture they governed. It is as if the Roman Empire had lasted from the time of the Caesars to the 20th century, and during that time had evolved a cultural system and written language shared by all the peoples of Europe. The dynastic system was overturned in 1911, and a weak republican form of government existed until 1949. In that year, after a long civil war, the People's Republic of China, with a Communist government, was proclaimed. This government and the ruling Communist party have controlled China ever since. Although the dynastic system has disappeared, the People's Republic occupies essentially the same territory and governs the same people. If anything, the culture and power of China seem stronger in the late 20th century than at almost any other period in history. Under the People's Republic, China's role...
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...Brazil versus China: A comparative study of their relative attractiveness as destinations for multinational firm´s Table of Contents Pg. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 2.0 INTRODUCTION 4 2.1 History of Economy in Brazil 5 2.2 History of Economy in China 6 3.0 COUNTRY RISK 7 3.1China Country Risk 7 3.2 Brazil Country Risk 8 3.2.1. Current Political Issues in Brazil 3.3 Risk factors analysis comparison and Key reasons to consider 9 3.4. Current Issues in China 10 3.4.1. Fiscal policy 10 3.4.2. Monetary policy 10 3.4.3. External sector 10 3.4.4. General Political Environment 11 3.4.5. Investment Environment 11 3.4.6. Political Violence 12 3.4.7. China Political Outlook 12 3.5. Current Issues in Brazil 12 3.5.1. Real Sector 12 3.5.2. Monetary 13 3.5.3. External Sector 13 3.5.4. Fiscal 13 3.5.5. Outlook 13 3.5.6. General Political Environment 14 3.5.7. Investment Environment 14 3.5.8. Political Violence 14 3.5.9. Brazil Political Outlook 15 3.6 China Corporate Governance Law 15 3.7 Brazil Corporate Governance Law 16 4.0 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK 17 4.1 Brazil Foreign Exchange Risk 17 4.2China Foreign Exchange Risk 18 5.0 EXPANDED OPPORTUNITY...
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