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Summary Of Haiti In Crisis

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In the article “Haiti in Crisis” by Bryan Brown published inside the magazine “Junior Scholastic” in November 2016, an economic crisis still continues to hit the island nation of Haiti hard after many years of struggle. Located on the island of Hispaniola, these hardships forced onto the people of Haiti continues to destroy their way of life. Even though these seem like the world’s problems, they may relate to you in many ways. Haitians are struggling to recover after these many terrible events. Many disasters and government related problems leave the island of Haiti struggling to recover. Haiti’s geological location practically puts them right in the middle of a disaster zone. Many earthquakes and hurricanes occur in Haiti. Including many …show more content…
Similarly, problems from the past affect the present and the near future. Some problems include that Haitians are descendants of slaves controlled by the French. After rebelling and winning the war, the French made Haiti pay them what is worth about $20 million in today’s money for their lost land. With additional interest, Haiti was paying this unfortunate debt until the end of World War II. Therefore, the unstable food production causes risk of famine after natural disasters. The unstable government previously stated also comes from the tyrants that took over Haiti. They took lots of both money and lives. To try to help Haiti recover after many natural disasters, countries from around the world are donating money. For instance, the United States gave $14 million along with other countries to help repair and help Haiti recover. After the 2010 earthquake, though, donations went towards temporary measures instead of long term measures such as food and good shelter. Some of these temporary measures include tents instead of houses with better structure. Along with the many donations and

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