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Summary: Should The Government Fund NASA

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The government should not necessarily "foot the bill" for all of NASA's space exhibitions. Back in 1969 when the government poured money into funding the mission that allowed man to set foot on the moon it is important to remember we were in the midst of a "space race" against the Soviet Union. The cold war was a real threat to our safety and we feared that if the Soviet's kept advancing their space technology faster than us than they would have more advanced missiles and potentially attack us with them. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. So the government doesn't fund NASA for the sake of scientific discovery but in the hope of discovering or achieving some kind of practical and tangible …show more content…
However, I believe that privately owned companies such as SpaceX and Bigelow provide a great opportunity for us to continue our space odyssey without requiring government funding. These companies realize that by investing in space technology and travel it will take years before they can turn a profit but are convinced that when they can officially give man the capability to visit and even live on other planets they will own the entire market on the newest and most exciting technology in the world. However, these companies are primarily interested in the commercialization of space and have little interest in exploring beyond what is profitable. This is where the government can step in and create new legislation that will grant tax breaks to commercial space companies as long as they allocate a certain percentage of their resources to doing things, which NASA normally has to do such as climate research and exploring for new minerals. NASA and SpaceX have already worked together on several missions so this would not be a huge transition for them (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

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