...Coca cola SWOT Swot Analysis of the Coca Cola Company Strengths The Coca Cola Company was found in 1886 in USA. It has been developed for over a hundred years. Its long history can really benefit its business since its brand name has been widely spread to the world. People over 200 countries can enjoy its products nowadays and more than 70% of income comes from outside the USA. The promotion strategy of the Coca Cola Company is excellent. Usually it employs the pop singers and movie stars to be its promoters. Thus wide ranges of people in different countries are being influenced to consume its products. Also, the Coco Cola Company creates lots of souvenirs for its customers. People who buy the drinks of the Company can also have the chances to obtain the souvenirs. Most of the souvenirs of Coca Cola are worth to be collected since the value of some of them may appreciate in the future. Moreover, the advertisements of Coca Cola are also appealing. The white bear of Coca Cola gives the customers a great impression of its Coke and innovative slogans are usually introduced. In 2000, the slogan is ¡§Coca Cola Enjoy¡¨. The taste of Coca Cola is unique and widely accepted by the customers. The company has a secret production formula of its Coke. Though many other competitors try to create a coke similar to that of the Coca Cola Company, all of them fail to provide the same taste of Coca Cola. So most of the consumers have a concept that only Coca Cola is the real coke in the...
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...Coca Cola SWOT Analysis: |Strengths |Weaknesses | |Brand equity/image & recognition |Credit rating | |Product distribution and worldwide network |Customer concentration, particularly in the US (Wal-Mart accounts for more | |Solid financial performance |than 10% of Coca Cola's business in the US) | |One of the world's most recognized brand | | |Product diversification (water, juices, soft drinks, sport drinks, etc) | | |Opportunities |Threats | |Bottled water growth |Commodity prices growth | |Acquisitions of smaller players |Image perception in certain parts of the world (i.e., Colombia) | |Health consciousness growth, specially of baby boomers ...
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...Analiza SWOT a companiei COCA-COLA I. INTRODUCERE In economia moderna, firmele reprezinta "forta motrica" a progresului, a dezvoltarii,sunt cele ce asigura necesarul de supravietuire al societatii.Studiind firmele, evidentiem polarizarea acestora in doua categorii: unele care obtinsuccese apreciabile, prospera si se dezvolta constant, iar altele care se lupta cu greu pentrusupravietuire sau inregistreaza performante economico-financiare modeste.Examinarea factorilor care determina succesul sau esecul unei firme (afaceri), adeterminat cererea unor metodologii specifice de analiza si diagnosticare a activitatii firmei(afacerii). Managementul strategic este procesul prin care o firma poate obtine efectematerializate in cresterea semnificativa a performantelor sale, in consolidarea pozitiei ei pe piatasi anume prin elaborarea, implementarea si controlul strategiei firmei in vederea realizariimisiunii asumate si asigurarii avantajului competitiv.Formularea strategiei firmei este procesul prin care managementul firmei definestemisiunea ei strategica, deduce obiectivele strategice necesare realizarii misiunii, alege strategiaadecvata atingerii obiectivelor si precizeaza modalitatile punerii in opera a acesteia.Luarea deciziilor strategice privind definirea misiunii firmei, stabilirea obiectivelor strategice si a strategiei necesare atingerii lor, aplicarea planului care materializeaza strategiarespectiva, se bazeaza pe un amplu proces de analiza si evaluare a mediului de actiune...
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...Introduction: Many small businesses grow by taking opportunities to diversify, although there are risks because of limited resources on all fronts. Businesses should weigh up the risks and costs of opting for growth carefully against the benefits. business diversification isn’t just selling more types of products. Developing a business plan that includes well-researched, strategic efforts will not only expand the reach of the business, but also help increase the value of existing services. Definition: Diversification refers to a strategic direction that takes companies into other productsand/or markets by means of either internal or external development. Diversification can take several forms, including: • new, related products or services to existing customers • new markets for existing products • new products for new markets Deciding how and when to diversify depends on you having: • thorough market and customer research for the new product or service • a clear development strategy - including trying a new line or service for a short test period with prototypes and test marketing before totally committing to the new project • sales, marketing and supply chain operations that can cope with the added demands DIVERSIFICATION1.Introduction There are basicallytwo broad forms of diversification as listed below: Related diversification occurs when a company develops beyond its present productand market whilst remaining in the same area. For example...
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...Coca Cola Co. Name MGT 521 Date Professor’s Name Coca Cola Co. “On May 8, 1886, a pharmacist named Dr. John Pemberton carried a jug of Coca-Cola® syrup to Jacobs’ Pharmacy in downtown Atlanta, where it was mixed with carbonated water and sold for five cents a glass” (Coca Cola Co, 2012). Coca Cola is one of the all time biggest beverage company in the industry, that went from selling a few drinks a day from a pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia to selling billions a day all over the world. According to the Fortune 500, Coca Cola Co ranks number 59 on the 2012 list with revenues of $46,542. millions and profits of $8,572. Millions (CNN Money, 2012). SWOT Analysis The SWOT Analysis is “ a planning tool used to analyzed an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats” (Nickels, W.G, McHugh, J. M. & McHugh, S.M., 2010). Coca Cola Company is the major distributor, maker, and seller in the world, but one of the company’s biggest threat is the competidor such as Pepsi Co. that tries to stay at the same leves as Coca Cola. Strengths Some of the strengths that Coca Cola have are the well known brand, popularity, consumer faithfulness, good advertising and promotion, strong financial position and profits, and International Trades. Coca Cola has been in the Market for over 100 years and is well known all over the world. The company’s ads are popular, specially during Christmas season and Super Bowl. Coca Cola’s branding is recognized worldwide...
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...Coca-Cola Case Analysis 4.SWOT (TOWS) Analysis, 11. List alternative strategies, giving advantages and alternatives for each 12. Recommend specific strategies and long-term objectives. SWOT (TOWS) Analysis Strengths Coca Cola is a well-known company. Being popular gives it a superior strength that is definitely incomparable. The branding system of the company is easily and obvious recognized. In this case, it is without doubt that there is no beverage company that can be compared with Coca Cola social popularity status. Most of the populations do buy coke, not because of its taste, but because it has been accepted widely and they do feel that they are part of something big and unifying. The best term of describing Coca Cola popularity is “Overwhelming”. If one speaks of the word Coca Cola, it is recognized all over the world. The other strength is money. The company is known to deal with massive amounts of money all year round. However, just like any other business, they have experienced up and downs financially, but they have tried to do their best in this compartment and they will continue to do well and improve (Brennan, Tunisini, Harrison and Baraldi, 2007). The money they collect from their sells is much better than most beverage companies, and with this money, they put it back to the company for improvement. Strength important to Coca Cola is its loyalty to its customers. The 80/20 rule becomes effective in this manner. Almost 20% of their profits come from their...
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...Case Study: THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Ian Christopher Tapia Christine Joy Pabiton Edgel Perfinan Ma. Christina Gallaza INTRODUCTION The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational beverage corporation and manufacturer, retailer and marketer of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, which is headquartered in Atlanta,Georgia. The company is best known for its flagship product Coca-Cola, invented in 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in Columbus, Georgia. The Coca-Cola formula and brand was bought in 1889 by Asa Griggs Candler (December 30, 1851 – March 12, 1929), who incorporated The Coca-Cola Company in 1892. The company operates a franchised distribution system dating from 1889 where The Coca-Cola Company only produces syrup concentrate which is then sold to various bottlers throughout the world who hold an exclusive territory. The Coca-Cola Company owns its anchor bottler in North America, Coca-Cola Refreshments. Coca-Cola’s Background Information • Invented in May of 1886 by Dr. John Styth Pemberton • First glass sold for 5 cents at Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta • May 29, 1886- first newspaper advertisement pronounced it “Delicious and Refreshing” Coca-Cola’s History • April 1888, Dr. Pemberton sold off his interest in Coca-Cola and passed away two days after. • April 1888, Asa Candler began buying up Coca-Cola shares • By 1892, Asa Candler was sole proprietor of Coca-Cola for a total investment of $2,300. Coca-Cola’s Growth •...
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...CASE STUDY : COLA WARS CONTINUE : COKE AND PEPSI IN 2006 The case study “Cola Wars Continue: Coke and Pepsi in 2006” focuses on describing Coke and Pepsi within the CSD industry by providing detailed statements about the companies’ accounts and strategies to increase their market share. ‘ Cola war’ is the term used to describe the campaign of mutually targeted television advertisement & marketing campaigns between Coke & Pepsi. Furthermore, the case also focuses on the Coke vs. Pepsi goods which target similar groups of costumers, and how these companies have had and still have great reputation and continue to take risks due to their high capital. Both Coke & Pepsi have segmented the soft drink industry into two divisions, via – 1.Production of soft drink syrup. 2.Manufacturing & distribution of soft drinks at retail level. Coke & Pepsi have chosen to operate primarily on the production of soft drinks syrup,while leaving independent bottlers with more competitive segment of the industry.The purpose of this report is to gain insight into the possible strategies that can be applied, in order to expand the overall throat share in the future. History revealed that a highly competitive strategy that was utilized in the past by both companies resulted in cannibalization. Because of this, the report is described from the perspective of both Coca-Cola and Pepsi. This report focuses on increasing the overall share and finding new opportunities in the unrevealed...
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...Assignment Marketing Plan On (Product Coca-Cola) Prepared by Md. Mosaddek Hossen Id # 0220012 Tanima Trina Id#0220063 Sohel Mahmud Id # 0220013 Sabrina Chawdhury Id # : 0000000 Group- Leo Marketing Management Sec-1 Submitted to Mr. Rumman Hassan Lecturer School of Business Independent University, Bangladesh 25th April, 2006 25 April, 2006 Mr. Rumman Hassan Course Instructor Marketing Management School of business IUB, Dhaka-1212 Sub: Letter of transmittal Dear Sir, It’s our great pleasure to submit you this report on Market plan of Coca-cola. We have got a great experience while working on this report. We would like to leave this report to your kind consideration for any unintentional mistake that may accuser while doing this report. We are always at your service if you want to ask us any thing about this report and it will be a great pleasure to work with you again in future. Sincerely yours Md. Mosaddek Hossen Id # 0220012 Tanima Trina Id#0220063 Sohel Mahmud Id # 0220013 Sabrina Chawdhury Id # : Group- Leo Table of Contents Page number Acknowledgement --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Executive Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Beginning of the project -------------------------------------------------------- 7 Preface -------------------------...
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...com/product-categories/beverages/coca-cola-announces-majororganizational-changes -This link gives a detailed view of major organizational changes announced at the Coca Cola company. They have discussed the top level management change in the coca cola company so that the organization can adapt to the changing customer base and external factors affecting the organization. 2.(http://research.nokia.com/news/) -In this article published on the official website of Nokia, it discusses the major technology change in Nokia and How It had to change from symbian OS to windows phone in order to compete with companies like Google, Apple and RIM. 3.(http://techcrunch.com/2011/02/10/nokia-confirms-microsoft-partnership-new-leadership-team/) -In this link the article confirms top level management change in Nokia, It confirms that CEO of Nokia has announced strategic partnership with Microsoft so that Nokia can present its competitive OS Windows Phone. 4.http://www.strategicmanagementinsight.com/swot-analyses/starbucks-swotanalysis.html -In this link , the published article does a SWOt analysis of Starbucks identifying Starbucks's strength, weakness, opportunities and threats.It describes how rise in coffee bean prices, availability of raw materials, over priced retail outlets, globalization has impacted the company. 5.(http://www.strategicmanagementinsight.com/swot-analyses/facebook-swot-analysis.html) -In this link , the published article does a SWOt analysis of Facebook identifying...
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...Coca-Cola Company Introduction Coca- Cola Company is the world leading manufacturer, distributor, and marketer of soft drinks. It was established after Coca-Cola invention on May 1886 by Dr. Pemberton. This company manufactures about 4000 products and 400 brands using tea, coffee, water, energy drinks, juices and much more. The company’s corporate center of operations is in Atlanta with local operations in more than 200 countries around the world. Only 30 percent of its income comes from within the United States with estimated brand equity of 84 billion dollars relating to more than 50 market share of the global beverage industry. In early 20th century, the company expanded rapidly into some European countries. Major and swift growth worldwide took place after the Second World War II. The African market is targeted the most because of its potential economic growth. The American, European and Asian markets utilized fully that’s why must interest is in African nations because they are undergoing urbanization thus make it easy for this company to distribute its products. Also, the middle-class population is on the rise in Africa hence willing to buy more and more due to increasing income. Coca-Cola Company Organizational Structure The organization structure is so flexible that it can meet both local and global needs. Corporate segment is at the top of the structure; it provides support and directions concerning the formulation of new strategic decisions. It is made up of twelve...
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...| SWOT Analysis - The Pepsi Company | Unit 2 - Assignment | | Alicia Rucker - 191951 | 2/15/2013 | | SWOT Analysis of Pepsi Company The Pepsi Company or PepsiCo is a global corporation which manufactures, distributes and markets beverages, snacks and other products. When looking at the net revenue of all the beverage and food companies worldwide, the PepsiCo ranks as the second. However, when compared to only those food and beverage companies within the United States, the PepsiCo is number one. Just in the 2009 alone, PepsiCo's revenue on just 19 of their products brought in over $1 billion each in revenue. (www. mba-posts.blogspot.com) Just reviewing their revenue statements and reading their mission statement “At PepsiCo, we believe being a responsible corporate citizen is not only the right thing to do, but the right thing to do for our business.” (www.pepsico.com) one can clearly see the PepsiCo Corporation is not only looking out for their customers, but the way they manage their strategy is definitely working for them. Strengths * Ranked at #1 in the United States of America * 19 of PepsiCo’s products achieved over $1 billion in revenue each. * Offers wide variety of nationally known products from soft drinks to snacks * In retail sales alone PepsiCo as a daily revenue of over $300 million a day * The PepsiCo potato chip called “Banner Sun” has an annual retail sale of over $10 billion * Unlike its competitors, PepsiCo...
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...Coke Zero SWOT Analysis Monessa Catuncan Trident University International SLP 1- Segmentation and Targeting Product/Brand Analyzed/Corporate Background- Since Coke Zero was first introduced to the US market in 2005, the soda drink has brought numerous accolades and profits to its parent company, Coca Cola. Coke Zero is a low-calorie variation of Coca Cola made to have the “real Coke flavor” without any of the adverse ingredients (The Coca-Cola Company.com, n.d.). While Coke Zero had a rough beginning, the product has since boomed into one of the most successful beverages out of the Coke brands. Coke Zero currently markets under the Coca Cola Enterprises NYSE symbol (CCE) and the product is sold in 130 countries around the world with its strongest markets currently being North America and Europe. The beverage’s sales numbers have increased by double-digits every year since 2006 with no signs of slowing (McWilliams, 2010). According to the last two Coca Cola Company Form 10Ks, Coke Zero saw continued success with its sales increasing by 15 percent in 2010 and 11 percent in 2011. The company’s profit margin and market share has also increased through its newest soda beverage. Since 2005, Coca Cola Enterprise’s profit margin has held around sixty-percent, and its market share averaged about $3.00 per share with a spike above $5.00 in 2010. CCE’s cost structure primarily focuses on variable products such as syrup, artificial sweeteners, and metal for its cans...
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...HRM/531 08/02/2012 L. Robinson Coca-Cola Company In order for Coca-Cola to continue thriving as a business, we must look at ahead and see trends and forces that shape Coca-Cola for the future and move forward to prepare for what’s coming. Mission Coca-Cola’s mission serves as a standard in which the company looks at their actions and decisions. * To refresh the world * To inspire moments of happiness and excitement * To create value and make a difference Vision The company has a vision that serves as framework for their mission and each area of Coca-Cola by stating what Coca-Cola would need if they want to continue to grow. * People: Be able to inspire people to be the best they can be and be a wonderful place to work. * Portfolio: Taken pleasure in given people their desires and needs by bringing the world quality beverage brands. * Partners: To cultivate a network of customers that work together to create value. * Planet: Making a difference by being an accountable person that helps build and hold up maintainable communities. * Profit: Being careful of responsibilities that maximize long-term returns to shareholders. * Productivity: Be an effective and fast-moving company. The Coca-Cola Company is the world’s biggest beverage company. Coca-Cola has factories in more than 400 countries and markets more than 3,000 beverage products including waters, juices, teas, coffees, and sparkling drinks. Coca-Cola manufactures syrups and beverages...
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...4 SWOT ANALYSIS 5 MARKETING 3 STRATEGIES 2 SALES FORCASTING 3 COCA-COLA SWOT ANALYSIS 4 PEPSICO SWOT ANALYSIS 4 CONCLUSION 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose Recently our company has been interested in the comparison of other companies so that we may learn from the successes and mistakes of others. With an analytical view, companies that have failed can be broken down and show the decaying process that lead to their demise. On the other hand, we can also break down a successful company and adopt a similar business approach in hopes that we can understand and be even more successful than our predecessors. The nature of our business led me to compare Pepsico and Coca-Cola. Both of these companies have had major ups and downs, and on the contrast they have also been very successful companies. This report will analyze the company history, mission statements, business strategy and financial history. Results in Brief Once upon a time, in a simpler more innocent world, one could order a cola without being asked “Which one?” That world is no more. Over the years, companies like Pepsi and Coca-Cola have spent a great deal of time and energy encouraging people to choose soft drinks more than any other beverage because soft drinks have become part of American life. Coca-Cola is a 100-year old soft drink that started out as anything but soft. It was, first and foremost, a medicine. However, as a result of Robert Woodruff’s brilliant perception, Coca-Cola...
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