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Synthesis Example


Submitted By ans1987
Words 763
Pages 4
4 July 2012
The Formation of Storms and Tornadoes What are tornadoes and what role do thunderstorms play in the formation of tornadoes? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) defines a tornado as “a violently rotating column of air extending from a cumuliform cloud, such as a thunderstorm, to the ground (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).” Not all thunderstorms will produce a tornado. Several factors and circumstances must be in place for the formation of a tornado to take place. Thunderstorms take place when moisture, unstable air masses, and lift are in the right place at the right time. A common misconception about tornadoes is that a tornado will form when "warm moist Gulf air meets cold Canadian air and dry air from the Rockies (Edwards)." Most thunderstorms will form under these conditions, but these conditions alone do not guarantee that a tornado will form. Even with the advanced technology available to meteorologists, much is still unknown about tornadoes, including why they form and what causes one storm to produce a tornado while another does not. All thunderstorms have air called an outflow that surrounds the entire storm system. While some tornadoes die when they become wrapped in this outflow air, the opposite may also occur in which a tornado is spawned as a result of outflow air conditions (Edwards). This unpredictability of tornadoes makes them very difficult for meteorologists to accurately forecast. A thunderstorm requires several ingredients to form: Moisture, unstable air, and lift. Moisture is required for cloud and rain formation. Unstable air is a warm air mass in the atmosphere that rises rapidly and provides lift which may be caused by warm or cold fronts, mountains or the sun’s heat (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).
Thunderstorms complete a three stage life cycle. The first stage is the developing stage in which large, towering clouds called cumulus clouds begin to form. There is typically little to no rain or lightning and this phase of a thunderstorm lasts very briefly, usually about ten minutes. The second phase of thunderstorm formation is the mature stage. The mature phase is the period in which hail, driving rain, frequent and dangerous lightning, and tornadoes occur. Most thunderstorms in the mature phase will only last ten to twenty minutes, though some storms may last longer and evolve into a Supercell. The final phase of a thunderstorm is the dissipating stage in which downdrafts, or downward flowing air is the prominent characteristic of the storm. Rainfall will decrease and clouds will appear wispy rather than towering and fluffy as in the developing stage. Lightning remains a danger, as well as strong winds, during the dissipating phase (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). How do thunderstorms and tornadoes correlate to one another? Meteorologists have found that before a thunderstorm begins to form, the winds within the immature storm cell will change direction and the wind speed will increase. This change in speed and direction creates a spinning effect in the lower atmosphere. The rising air associated with a thunderstorm’s updraft, or lift, tilts the spinning air column and positions it vertically (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). This will show on a Doppler radar as rotation called a hook echo, or a curled, finger-like projection attached to the edge of a storm system, also called mesocyclone. These thunderstorms with mesocyclones are referred to as Supercell thunderstorms. Though there may be rotation showing on Doppler radar, in order to be correctly labeled a tornado, the rotating column of air must be attached to the base of a wall cloud, as well as touching the ground (Edwards). Not every supercell will produce a tornado. The vast majority of supercellular thunderstorms will produce heavy rains, frequent lightning, flash flooding and may produce hail with no tornado ever touching down or showing on Doppler radar. Once a tornado loses the heat, moisture and lift of its host thunderstorm, it will dissipate (Edwards). Recent studies conducted by the National Weather Service suggest that tornadoes form based upon temperature differences in the edge of the downdraft air that surround the mesocyclone, which is called the occlusion downdraft. Other studies contradict this finding with recorded tornadoes that have formed with no temperature variants within the downdraft air. (Edwards)
Works Cited
Edwards, Roger. "The Tornado FAQ." 23 03 2012. Storm Prediction Center NOAA. Website Document. 05 07 2012.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service, U.S Department of Commerce. "Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, Lightning... Nature's Most Violent Storms." n.d. Preparedness Guide. 05 07 2012.

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