...There is an estimated 1.5 million Americans that have and live with Lupus and more than 16,000 new cases are reported across the country each year (LUPUS Foundation of America; 2011). Lupus is an autoimmune disease that is chronic and can cause damage to any part of the body. The body’s immune system produces proteins referred to as antibodies. These antibodies help to provide protection for the body from invaders. Our immune system cannot tell the difference between these foreign invaders and our body’s healthy tissues; therefore autoantibodies attack and ultimately destroy healthy tissues, which is known as autoimmune or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (LUPUS Foundation of America; 2011). Inflammation, pain, and damage to other various parts of the body are due to these autoantibodies. The causes of SLE are genes, environment, and genetic factors. Even though researchers and scientists are unsure of just how genetic factors may alter or affect the immune system; researchers estimate that 20 - 100 different genetic factors may make a person susceptible to SLE (The New York Times; 2011). Environmental triggers can set off a flare of this disease. Environmental triggers can be ultraviolet rays from either the sun and/or fluorescent light bulbs, sulfa drugs that causes more sensitivity to the sun, penicillin and other antibiotic drugs, an infection, a cold and/or a viral illness, exhaustion, an injury, emotional stress and...
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...Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE) Section 1 1.1 Definition Lupus Erythematosus (LE) is an autoimmune disease that exists on a spectrum. On one part of the spectrum, there is Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) which mainly affects the skin and on the other hand Systematic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) has more systematic implications in regards to important organs in the human body such as the brain, lungs and the heart. SLE is also known as Lupus, is a chronic, long-term disease that is not able to distinguish between healthy tissues and damaged tissues. This causes Lupus to affect several organs and is characterized by the formation of antibodies against certain kinds of self-antigens (Gleichmann, Elven, Van Der Veen & J. P. W., 1982). The disease...
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...Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is considered one of many immune system disorders(5). SLE is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects many parts of the body through an autoimmune process(2). A natural immune system creates antibodies to fight antigens which are harmful substances such as viruses and bacteria. Whereas in SLE, the immune system does not differentiate between the natural tissues of the body and the foreign particles(5)(6). Auto-antibodies are produced that mistakenly attack the immune system itself and cause inflammation and damage to various body tissues(6)(7). The disease course is marked by remissions and relapses and may vary from mild to severe. Just like many immune system disorders,...
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...Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body such as the joints, skin, or even organs. Paediatric-onset SLE accounts for about 10–20% of all patients with SLE (Malattia, 2013). Being a chronic disease, the signs and symptoms may last more than six weeks but a majority of the time they last for years or even a lifetime. In addition, SLE can affect any demographic but for this study we will focus on adolescents from birth to age 18 because, as said by Morgan, children present with a more severe illness, more aggressive disease course with higher disease activity over time greater burden of steroid and immunosuppressive therapies (2013). Currently, there is no cure for SLE. However...
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...Anatomy and Physiology Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to fight against parts of the body that it is designed to protect, not harm. This leads to inflammation and tissue damage in the affected organ. SLE can affect many parts of the body including the skin, the joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and the brain. Typically, SLE is characterized by periods of illness, which are called flares, and periods of wellness, or remission. The key to keeping SLE under control is understanding how to prevent flares and how to treat them when they occur. The cause of SLE is not fully understood, but research suggests that genetics play an important role in its cause. Other factors that contribute...
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...22 March 2015 Systemic Racism Imagine as if you are trapped in a boat, lying in your own filth, heading overseas to a foreign land where you will experience things that you could never dream of. Imagine as if you lose everything you have to work for someone who would punish you for every mistake you make. These scenarios sound cruel, don’t they? Believe it or not, these were a part of everyday life for some groups of people. This kind of behavior occurred in America’s history because of systemic racism. Throughout the years with racism climbing the ladder to become one of the biggest problems. There have been many different factors that contribute to the ever-present issue of racism. When it comes to presidency, Abraham Lincoln was an incredible man who got the respect from millions of Americans. He had the rights of others in the back of his mind throughout his term and cared for everyone he knew. Not many realize though, that he also had slaves doing the same work for him that many other people had their slaves doing. The only difference was that Lincoln felt wrong for having slaves but never got rid of them because those were the ways of the time. So, Lincoln, known as one of the greatest and most inspirational men, felt that he would be judged or criticized if he didn’t have slaves. This reaction wasn’t the work of one individual but it was work of a group of people who agreed with racial profiling. With this being said, this is an example of systemic racism over individual...
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...A Systemic Need The Phenomenon Alcohol and drug abuse is an equal opportunity affliction. As a universal phenomenon, the abuse of mood-altering substances creates multiple and related problems across cultures, ages, gender, races, and religions. Although the thread of addiction is traceable throughout the history of mankind, progress toward identification of a root cause continues to elude the scientific community. Alcohol and drug abuse are linked to a number of social challenges, including, but not limited to, chronic illness, domestic violence, child abuse, crime, homelessness, aging, and mental health. People abuse substances such as drugs, alcohol, and tobacco for varied and complicated reasons that are not always immediately apparent. What remain painfully clear are the price individuals, families, cities, countries, and society at large all pay. The aftermath of substance abuse is significant and exerts a cost in both dollars and pain and suffering that is difficult to quantify. Primary care physicians, community agencies, hospitals, and emergency departments are inundated with the aftermath of substance abuse, and all provide care and support for both the direct damage to physical health and the psychological trauma experienced by the substance-dependent person and those people around him or her. The Research There are a variety of models and views on the treatment for and approach to the management of alcohol and drug abuse. Perspectives range from preventive models...
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...Working Paper Pengawasan Terhadap Lembaga Keuangan Berdampak Sistemik Working Paper: Pengawasan Terhadap Lembaga Keuangan Berdampak Sistemik (Systemically Important Financial Institution) Draft 1November2010 Rofikoh Rokhim*, Arief Wibisono Lubis**, IA Agung Faradynawati*** Makalah ini di presentasikan dalam seminar tentang Macroprudential yang diselenggarakan Bank Indonesia di Bandung, Jawa Barat, pada 1011 November 2010. * Rofikoh Rokhim adalah Staf Pengajar Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Ketua Management Research Center FEUI, dan Head of Business Indonesia Intellegence Unit **Arief Wibisono Lubis adalah Staf Pengajar Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia *** IA Agung Faradynawati adalah Staf Pengajar Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia Korespodensi : Management Research Center, Gedung Departemen Manajemen Lantai 2 Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia Depok 16424. Telepon: (021) 7272425 ext.503. Fax (021) 7863556. Email : rofikoh.rokhim@ui.ac.id Halaman 1 Working Paper Pengawasan Terhadap Lembaga Keuangan Berdampak Sistemik 1. Pendahuluan: Pengertian lembaga keuangan berdampak sistemik (Systemically Important Financial Institution) Pada akhir tahun 2009 perdebatan panjang muncul ketika Bank Century yang saat itu diputuskan oleh Komite Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (KSSK) mendapat bailout karena dianggap sebagai bank gagal yang bersifat sistemik meskipun jika dilihat secara ukuran sangat kecil terhadap keseluruhan industri keuangan. Semenjak itu semakin banyak...
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...Don’t be fooled; white men and women are not the only offenders. Many in our own community have adopted these anti-black attitudes as a side effect of living in a country based on systemic racism. As aforementioned, I didn’t feel quite welcomed by other black girls during elementary school. At first, I wasn’t bothered by it since my school was predominately white. However, 6th grade was a rude awakening. My new middle school was in the center of a black community, meaning that the school itself was predominately black. All year long, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin, and felt as if I was some type of a fraud. That did not keep me from making friends, but even those closest to you can harbor ignorant falsehoods. One day, a friend blatantly proclaimed that I was an ”oreo”. No one had to tell what me what that meant; it was painfully obvious. Whether it was because of the way I talked or because of what music I listened to...
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...Cara Berpikir Sistem dan Penerapannya dalam Analisis Permasalahan-Permasalahan Sosial | Oleh: Any Sulistyowati, Ketua Yayasan ELSPPAT | Di awal millenium ini dunia sedang menghadapi beberapa persoalan besar yang saling terkait satu sama lain dalam satu jalinan permasalahan yang kompleks. Persoalan-persoalan tersebut tidak dapat diselesaikan hanya dengan mengandalkan satu bidang keahlian saja, tanpa mengubah secara mendasar cara kita memandang persoalan tersebut. Cara berpikir sistem adalah salah satu pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk memandang persoalan secara lebih holistik. Latar Belakang Setelah duaribu tahun yang tercatat dalam penanggalan, dunia ini telah mengalami perubahan besar di segala bidang kehidupan. Kemajuan teknologi secara signifikan telah menjadikan dunia terhubung dalam suatu jaringan informasi yang memungkinkan orang berkomunikasi dengan orang di belahan dunia yang lain dalam hitungan detik, memberikan pemahaman bahwa bumi hanyalah setiik air di tengah lautan tata surya yang maha luas, memungkinkan orang tahu bahwa di dalam segenggam tanah di hutan tropis Amazon terkandung beraneka ragam spesies bakteri yang jumlahnya jauh lebih banyak daripada populasi seluruh umat manusia di dunia ini. Kemajuan ini bukannya tidak berdampak. Kemiskinan sebagai ekspresi dari kesenjangan dan ketidakadilan sosial dan kerusakan lingkungan besar-besaran adalah salah satu potret umum yang terjadi di negara-negara yang melakukan pembangunan. Setelah melakukan pembangunan...
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...1. INTRODUCTION In the Systemic Functional Grammar: “Language seems to have evolved for three major purposes. These are: 1. to talk about what is happening, what will happen and what has happened, 2. to interact and/or to express a point of view, 3) to turn the output of the previous two functions into coherent whole.” (Butt et al, 2003: 5) According to this statement, there are three broad and principal functions of language that are central to the way the grammar works in the language system. These three functions express experiential (ideational), interpersonal and textual meanings. In order to understand the full functionality of any utterance it is necessary to consider all of these three meanings simultaneously. The paper compares two...
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...KASUS SISTEMIK Kasus Sistemik yang saya ambil sebagai kasus adalah tempat kerja yang lama sebelum beberapa perusahaan TI dan PPM yang bernama CV DNP yang bergerak di bidang jasa TI. CV DNP memiliki beberapa unit bisnis TI seperti Warnet, Jasa Pembuatan Web dan Toko Buku Online. Yang saya bahas disini adalah unit bisnis Warnet yang bernama DNPNET dimana saya bekerja selama hampir 7 tahun (1999 – 2006) dari awalnya Operator terus menjadi Admin (SPV). Sampai sekarang pun saya masih ikut serta dalam maintenance walaupun sekarang saya posisinya menjadi vendor atau outsource bukan internal lagi. Sedikit mundur jauh kebelakang dimana nanti akan terlihat ujung pangkal masalah yang masih saja terjadi sampai sekarang ini. Sistem organisasi Warnet pada umumnya adalah seperti ini: 1. Pemilik Modal 2. Manajer 3. Admin 4. Operator Penjelasannya dari masing-masing adalah: Pemilik Modal Warnet yaitu seseorang atau lebih, ataupun sebuah institusi atau lebih, yang menyediakan modal usaha baik uang, hardware/software maupun tempat usaha bagi pendirian sebuah warnet. Dalam hal pendirian sebuah warnet, pemilik modal warnet diharapkan: 1. Pemilik Modal Warnet harus memperhatikan dan mengkaji dengan benar aspek-aspek sosial pada masyarakat sekitar tempat rencana pendirian warnet. Aspek sosial tersebut antara lain daya beli masyarakat, tingkat pemahaman masyarakat tentang Internet, kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap Internet dan strata sosial dan jenis komunitas yang berdekatan...
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...Systemic allergic contact dermatitis. What is systemic contact allergic dermatitis? Systemic contact dermatitis (SCD) or systemically reactivated allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a dermatitis/eczema that occurs when a person who is already sensitized to a substance through skin contact is exposed to that substance (allergen) via a systemic route. Exposure may be through oral, inhalational, injectable, and trans-mucosal routes. Systemic contact dermatitis was first described in 1895 where individuals with a contact sensitivity to mercury developed dermatitis after systemic mercury exposure. Throughout the years many other allergens have been identified and the routes of exposure increased significantly. What causes systemic contact dermatitis?...
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...himself or herself by not eating the foods their friends have at parties, outings, etc. She also works with the families on how to educate the schools (child's teachers) about the illness and how the school could embrace the child and create an atmosphere where the child feels more comfortable socially and the other students are not intimidated by child's wheelchair and/or presence of personal assistant or nurse. Ronit also, spent 7 years practicing in the foster home/adoption field. She worked with prospective adoptive parents during the time they meet the child they decide to adopt from the foster care system. She utilizes a brief systemic model of therapy. In her approach, the client is the expert and we work with the strengths and resources the client already possesses. In this approach (solution-focused therapy is one model of systemic therapy she uses), she and her client’s look at what has worked in the past and what was the client doing differently to achieve these exceptions when the "problem" was not present or controlling the client's life. A very similar model is the Narrative approach (client and therapist discuss an "ideal future" and look for the "unique outcomes" when the problem is not so present in the client's life. In this model, metaphors are used during the conversation. In solution-focused...
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...Role: James Michaels – senior associate/manager Summary: * Audit team for Spector falling apart * Team members had difficulty completing work * Arvind Patel (co-op student) complained consistently; always needed Ellis’ help – rumored to shirk work previously * Adrian Noth (co-op student) – rumored to shirk work previously * Caleb Oldman (co-op student) – publicly wished to join Alpha LLP (competitor firm) * Jody Ellis & Kira Dee (both senior associates) – escorted out by security; appeared to have been fired despite their outstanding past performances– both recently failed CA qualification exams * Scott Ireland & Heather Goodman (junior associates) – both writing CA exams soon worried about being fired if they didn’t pass – performance reviews assessed by ability to complete work efficiently and help senior associates * Requested adding new team members to help with work – request was denied by Adam Nguyen and Feldman (both senior managers) * Animosity between people who took work home vs. people who stayed at work * Received information late by Spector; later received different/new information * Senior managers/associates ignored Michaels doubts – didn’t address issues * Wood – partner of the firm and in charge of the Spector audit 1. Was the team destined for failure? Who or what is to blame for the failure? No, based off the team’s past performance, it seemed as though the job would be similar to other cases they’ve...
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