...Angelique Selmon Week 10 Discussion Post Tacit/explicit knowledge Briefly define the tacit/explicit knowledge distinction. What kinds of tacit / explicit knowledge will you need to store for your web 2.0 business plan? What will be your strategy for managing the knowledge(refer to article)? Knowledge management is an important, yet difficult task for any organization. In order to ensure that your company stays relevant and ahead of the competition, a significant investment must be made in data analytics and knowledge creation. However, before any organization takes the steps to collect, store, manage, and analyze data, they must first understand the different types of knowledge available. According to Professor Nonaka’s Knowledge Creation Framework, “The interactions between the explicit and tacit knowledge lead to the creation of new knowledge.” Though both are crucial to understanding any process or ideation, explicit and tacit knowledge are two very different forms of learning, and combined they can create extremely valuable data. Most of us have become quite familiar with the concept of explicit knowledge. Throughout our education, we are taught that knowledge comes from recorded materials such as books, documents, and databases. However, arguably the most insightful types of knowledge cannot be found in such reports, but are rather gained from personal actions and experiences. Tacit knowledge is implied and difficult to formalize or communicate to others. These...
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...In 2015, every day 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created, with 90% of the world’s data created in the last two years alone. As a society, we’re producing and capturing more data each day than was seen by everyone since the beginning of the earth. It is hence extremely important that management techniques of organizations evolve to be able to leverage information as a valuable resource. Facebook is a great example to understand how a modern organization looks at the value of information. Apart from various other factors one of the driving factors for Facebook acquiring Whatsapp for $19 billion was to gain access to its user information. On announcing the deal CEO Mark Zuckerberg referenced this specifically: “There are countries [such as] Korea or Japan where another messaging service is bigger, but if you look across the world, WhatsApp – across Europe, Latin America, India, a lot of places in Asia – is the clear leader.” This deal resulted in facebook getting a broader reach and wider access to hundreds of millions of other customer and their information. One of the articles I found on time magazine analyzed the possible reasons behind the deal and it was quite compelling to learn how user information played such an important role in this acquisition (http://time.com/8806/facebooks-whatsapp-acquisition-explained/ (Links to an external site.)). With this acquisition WhatsApp can provide tons of data about the things we’re really interested which in turn can help target...
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...knowledge in a manner that adds value to the company and its stakeholders. This process of acquiring, sharing and using knowledge is referred to as knowledge management. Contents Introduction 2 Knowledge acquisition 3 Tacit and Explicit Knowledge 3 Knowledge Acquisition Strategies 3 Knowledge Sharing 4 Information and Communication Technology (ICTs) 4 Communities of Practice 5 Individual knowledge Sharing 6 Utilization of Knowledge 6 Conclusion 7 Bibliography 8 Introduction Knowledge Management (KM) is the process and ability of acquiring, sharing and utilising knowledge that will benefit the organization. With new knowledge, organizations can grow and learn. Knowledge is constantly being developed by individual minds and it is the organization that plays a critical role in articulating and amplifying that knowledge . (Wiig, 1997) stated that the purpose of KM, from an organizational perspective, is to aid in utilizing internal and external knowledge resources in order to achieve stated goals and sustain competitive advantage. Although KM is now becoming widely accepted and utilized, with increased use of informational technology, organizations tend to focus their efforts on the explicit knowledge rather than the tacit as they only attempt KM through just a hard wired computer system. Few organizations today are fully capable of developing and leveraging critical organizational knowledge to improve their performance . This report will outline the process...
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...Knowledge Management in Health and Social Care Abstract Knowledge management was originally put forward by Teece and established in the mid- 1990s as an essential business development in commercial sector. Teece was the technology and innovation management scientist in America at that time, he found knowledge could leverage much information asset for transnational cooperation when delivering the technological cost between those companies and different countries. Nowadays, knowledge management is widely used with the organizations to deal with the overload information and maintain certain orderliness in all the things. Keywords Knowledge Management, Benefits, Knowledge Management Tools, Learning Organizations, Health and Social Care Introduction Knowledge management was originally put forward by Teece and established in the mid- 1990s as an essential business development in commercial sector. Teece was the technology and innovation management scientist in America at that time; he found knowledge could leverage much information asset for transnational cooperation when delivering the technological cost between those companies and different countries. Nowadays, knowledge management is widely used with the organizations to deal with the overload information and maintain certain orderliness in all the things. The Definition of Knowledge Management Before making knowledge management more clear, we should know what “knowledge” is. “Knowledge is power.” What we need...
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...thinking of it, we as viewers of the pieces of art are confused because we cannot record anything we have ever learnt from them. To most people Art is just there to impress us and for us to admire it. Never would we think that the Art’s actually give us some sort of knowledge. Nevertheless, the reason for this might be because we have the wrong definition of knowledge and are therefore not looking for the correct kind. Essentially, there are two types of knowledge that can be found in pieces of Art: Explicit and Tacit (Implicit) knowledge. Explicit knowledge is the average Joe’s definition of knowledge. It is the knowledge that we acquire everywhere, whether it be at school, in books, at home etc. However, Tacit or implicit knowledge is the tricky one. It is the type that is hidden inside a piece of Art, and that we only acquire through our sub consciousness. Pieces of Art are very powerful instruments of knowledge for they have the power evoke emotions in us due to the tacit knowledge we...
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...not simply a higher level of information. It is the guide, which helps us use or process data and information to deliver optimum results. Knowledge Types It has become an accepted convention to categorize knowledge into two major types: Tacit and Explicit. Tacit knowledge is that which exists within a human being. It is embodied. Explicit knowledge is that which has been articulated in an artifact of some type outside a human being. It is embedded. There are advantages and disadvantages of the features of each. Tacit Drawn from experience and is the most powerful form of knowledge Difficult to articulate formally Difficult to communicate and share Includes insights, feelings, culture and values Hard to steal or copy Source of creative advantage Explicit Can be articulated formally as pictures, models and documents Can become obsolete quickly - has a lag Can be duplicated and transmitted easily Can be processed and stored by automated means Can be shared, copied and imitated easily Easy to steal or copy Both forms are important, since Tacit knowledge is required for confident human action, yet Explicit knowledge is the most efficient form of distribution and often is the basis for human inference back to tacit knowledge. Knowledge Dimensions The word ‘Knowledge’ brings with it a set of semantic problems...
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...that knowledge is transferred and best practices are documented and reviewed, then mistakes like these are less likely to happen. Knowledge management is far more important than most people realize. 2. What kind of knowledge is most relevant to understanding the incidents in the case? What does the case tell us about the role of knowledge in organizations? The employee at head office had incorporated messaging the pertinent parties about the chemicals into his job. It wasn’t written into his job description, it was simply something that he had learned to do. Knowing the reasoning behind the task, and even that it was a task, would be considered tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge can be picked up on the job through informal learning, which seems to be the case with the examples. These incidents show that tacit knowledge and informal training are not highly regarded or given much importance. If the companies had been fully prepared through succession planning for the retirement of these employees, they would have given the replacement employees an opportunity to shadow the soon-to-be retired employees and not just expected the new employees to know all aspects of the job based on job...
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...subjective knowledge and ideas, into real information available for everybody. At first, is important to make all of the organization understand and embrace that commitment should be equal from everyone working there. When a person is committed with an organization, that person will identify himself and feel part of it. One of the hardest things is to be able to make all the ideas and subjective knowledge that emerges from the organization go from tacit knowledge to actually explicit knowledge. For this problem there are few interesting points and blueprints that can be used to make all these ideas into available information. Take as an example the insights. When people is making insights of something, tacit knowledge starts to come out in the form of ideas, which later on can be expressed or understood easily. Facing problem is a very good way to develop explicit knowledge. We are told that there are few tools to board a problem. Using metaphors as the first tool, to describe what the possible outcome may result. With these, the tacit knowledge of everyone will try to be shown in different ways, everyone giving part of their knowledge to accomplish real and explicit ideas. The purpose of metaphor is to link ideas and images that at first may sound crazy. Secondly, the analogy. As metaphor is not...
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...willingness of professionals to share and use tacit knowledge. Introduction Effective management of knowledge has been recognized as an essential factor of modern firms’ success. (Lohr, 2002) has found that a trillion dollars is annually spent to analyze, store, and retrieve knowledge. However, such investment is effective in maintaining explicit knowledge but was not proven effective in case of tacit knowledge where knowledge is highly personal and difficult – if not impossible – to reduce to writing. On the other hand, previous literature showed that the willingness of organizational members to share and use tacit knowledge may depend on the extent that co-workers are trusted recipients and sources while some other studies have found that trust has a multi-faceted nature. McAllister (1995) developed and tested empirically the distinctiveness of two forms of trust: 1. affect-based trust, which is grounded in mutual care and concern between workers; and 2. cognition-based trust, which is grounded in co-worker reliability and competence. Nevertheless, no research was found to examine the differential effects of both affect-based and cognition-based trust on employee willingness to share and use tacit knowledge. This study, hence, adds to the literature about the practical understanding of the knowledge transfer process by exploring the effects of both affect-based and cognition-based trust on the willingness of employees to share and use tacit knowledge. Literature Review Explicit...
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...| Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap | Exploring Tacit Knowledge & Knowledge Creation | | Conor Butler | | Abstract With billions of dollars spent each year on management training, business research, management consulting and with many books and articles written on the same subjects, it has been argued that all of this information and knowledge is not reflected in what organisations actually do Pfeffer, Sutton (2000). There is often a big gap that occurs between translating all the knowledge and information that we learn into positive actions that can be of benefit to an organisation. How often does a manager attend a training session, read a manual or be present at a conference, often at the expense of an employer, that attempts to teach them the correct way to implement a strategy or attack and solve a problematic process only for that manager to fall back to old ways of behaving?. Often people can fall back into old work habits due to time pressures, peer pressure, lack of faith in their capabilities, and sometimes by the idea that everything is going fine anyway so the need for change is not that necessary. There are many talented managers that have complex ways of thinking and possess “tacit” knowledge of internal efficiencies but would be unable to write them down in a manual. They are “unable to conceptualize their strategic insights” (Senge, 1990). A lot of this knowledge can then get lost or leave with an employee when they change jobs or retire. ...
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...upfront costs and subsequent high variable costs High fixed costs and high variable costs High upfront costs and low variable costs Low upfront costs and high variable costs Instructor Explanation: Page 144 3. Question : (TCOs 2 & 3) John Steele was asked to take over a project after the entire team left his organization. The term that describes his ability to reconstruct what the team had accomplished through reading emails exchanged by the previous team's members can be considered: Student Answer: Inefficient use of information management Using tacit knowledge Usage of project knowledge Using explicit knowledge Instructor Explanation: Page 144 4. Question : (TCOs 2 & 3) When intellectual property is being managed, this can include all but: Student Answer: Converting explicit knowledge to tacit knowledge Copyrights and trademarks Patents Contracts with confidentiality and noncompete clauses Instructor Explanation: Page 147 5. Question : (TCOs 2 & 3) It can be said that all but the following are associated with dynamic capabilities: Student Answer: Becoming more efficient in operational processes Continuously adopting new ways of serving the evolving needs of the market Learning and innovating The ability of...
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...Selection of KM Approaches and Business Case for KM strategy Madeline Martinez George Washington University Author Note Madeline Martinez, Department of Engineering Management & Systems Engineering, George Washington University. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Madeline Martinez, Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering, George Washington University. Contact: madeline1@gwu.edu Abstract This paper presents the selection and design of KM approaches to address. To select the appropriate approaches company objectives and current gaps were analyzed and link with their respective or tentative approaches. For each approach three KM objectives were presented using the SMART approach to ensure that our KM strategy meets the needs and requirements of the organization. A business case was also made using the information gained from knowledge maps, the letter from the CEO, and the agency maturity assessments. Keywords: SMART objectives, KM approaches, Case Study, Communities of Practice, Lessons Learned. Supporting the Flow of Critical Knowledge by Designing KM Approaches Now we are ready to select and design KM approaches after having a call to action and a gap analysis in place. Previously, we have analyzed Vivint’s strategic knowledge needs, and its gaps and opportunities. This study will help us focus our KM approaches in the right direction, stablishing the most appropriate KM core group and addressing the...
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...This article was downloaded by: [Hong Kong Polytechnic University] On: 3 June 2010 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 738313287] Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 3741 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t713735234 Knowledge and knowledge sharing in retail internationalization: IKEA's entry into Russia Anna Jonssona; Ulf Elga a Department of Business Administration, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden To cite this Article Jonsson, Anna and Elg, Ulf(2006) 'Knowledge and knowledge sharing in retail internationalization: IKEA's entry into Russia', The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 16: 2, 239 — 256 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/09593960600572316 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09593960600572316 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does...
Words: 9382 - Pages: 38
...Nicole Wells MISM 2301 CDM, Inc. Knowledge Management Case Study Questions: 1. What approaches does CDM employ to manage the tacit and the explicit knowledge within the organization and why does this effort require such different approaches to manage tacit versus explicit knowledge? [table] | |Tacit Knowledge |Explicit Knowledge |Why it’s different | |Technical disciplines |discussion forums |library of specific management, trade, and |explicit knowledge exists in formal documents and | |( Maintains its own |meeting and conference event notices |technical content |rules | |Intranet portal of explicit|Technical Discipline e-mail accounts |guidelines |It can be more easily documented, archived | |knowledge |directory of contact information on |frameworks |It can be easily broken down into specific and | | |technical experts |case studies |focused bodies of knowledge | | | |templates |It is usually...
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...Knowledge Management – A Review Knowledge has long been considered an intangible asset that can only be passed on from a teacher to his pupils through years of teaching and knowledge transfer. However, present day technological advancements and the increasingly dynamic nature of knowledge have led to the dissolution of the “sacred” teacher-pupil affiliation. Knowledge, now, is more of an entity that can be codified, stored, mined and retrieved as and when required, by any one and anywhere around the world. Albert Einstein’s quote, “The only source of knowledge is experience”, is now more of an anecdote than reality, as more and more organizations are realizing that knowledge learned from one’s experience can be codified, i.e. transformed into knowledge “packets” that can be stored and transferred to others. Business organizations have been the primary users of such codified knowledge, as huge amounts of information runs through the various divisions of an organization, which can be integrated and used for making more profitable, strategic and constructive business decisions. Thus, the need for knowledge management arose, wherein, chunks of codified knowledge has to be appropriately managed for ease of retrieval and use. The influential paper, “Managing Codified Knowledge” by Zack (1999) is reviewed here. The definition of knowledge and knowledge management, the benefits of knowledge management, the author’s rhetoric on the architecture of knowledge management and its importance...
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