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Tattoo Design: Global Context: Personal And Cultural Expression

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Words 352
Pages 2
Name: Zoya Kurji
Class: MYP 3
Subject: Design
Unit: Tattoo Design
Topic: Research
Criteria: A
Date: 9/29/17
Word Count:
Statement of Inquiry: Expression is the exception that proves the rule
Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression
Key Concept: Systems

Need for a Solution
Having a tattoo in today’s society is like a taboo and to explain the society we need to make a tattoo that inspires good faith. We need a solution to inform people about tattoos and that tattoos usually don’t have to be a taboo and tattoos usually don’t have to be offensive and harmful. If the right ink and the right tools are used the tattoos are not usually harmful. Also, that the tattoos can also be religious ad that can’t be offensive.
Tattoos are Taboo

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