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Team Self-Evaluation Spectrum


Submitted By LUV972
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Group 4 - Team self-evaluation Spectrum

I/ Context:

In a perfect world, teams work perfectly together, difficulties are easily overcome, meetings run well and members feel confident. In the real world, teams gather individuals who express different opinions, expectations and goals. As a result teams’ first challenge is to find a cohesion between all these individuals.

To create this cohesion, it was necessary to know who we were working with. So we decided to evaluate the members with the theory of Belbin.

In this self-evaluation, we will explain how we managed to create this cohesion, see how we successfully managed our task repartition and what were our success and difficulties.

II/ The profiles according to Belbin

It is crucial to know and understand the people we are working with. As a result, we established the Belbin profiles and this is what we got:

Melissa Philippon is the shaper. She is task-focused individual and do not hesitate to face challenges.

Camille Seugnet and Marie Besson are the completer finishers. Their perfectionism was essential to ensure the excellent finish and quality of the project.

Gaelle LeCoent is the plant. She brought creative ideas and solutions to a problem.

Roman Di Geronimo is the monitor evaluator. He is strategic and discerning all options. The monitor evaluator has an analytical way of thinking. He is in charge of solving current and upcoming problems. *

III/ Tasks repartitions:

Spectrum case was a very time consuming work as it was asked to restructuring the whole sale force of an enormous company. As a result, we knew at this moment that we were going to spend time together and especially organize ourselves.

The work repartition has been made as followed:

First we decided to carefully read and take individual notes in order to discuss and explain what we personally thought about the case and the potential solutions. At the end of the first meeting, we could finally set up the task repartition as follows:

The shaper was dedicated to think about the alternatives by implementing several crash tests in order to prove their efficiency. They were also dedicated in figuring out to improve the implementation of the solution. They kept being challenging us to improve.

The plant was dedicated to find creative ideas in order to help the team to differentiate. She also participated in creating a good summary of the current Spectrum situation. The plant’s role was mainly to find and think about different options that seems efficient and feasible for the shaper.

The completer finishers were helpful to look for mistakes and errors all along. They worked hard to reach a highest quality in the work. They were looking for the logical process of our reflexion through the overall working.

The monitor evaluator assess the decisions made during the meetings. His was dedicated in building a smart evaluation of each alternative by describing what were the strengths and the weaknesses of each decision. He was responsible of the validation of the work before that the completer finisher corrects it.

To conclude task repartition was successfully driven, which improved the performances of the team. *

IV/ Strengths and weaknesses

A) Strengths

1) Good Relationship

We managed to establish and maintain good relationships:

We all got along with each other and worked in a joyous and relaxed atmosphere..

We always managed to find solutions to find slots to work together.

We were all able to be honest with each other and did not hesitate to engage constructive conflicts.

We dedicated time and effort to building reliable relationships.

We also felt mutually responsible for achieving our goals.

2) Work progress

Our brainstorming was efficient to complete the ideas of each team. We managed to reduce time consuming solutions.

B) Weaknesses

1) Collaboration issues

Our collaboration was sometimes harder than usual as we view things differently. We had our own perspectives and opinions regarding the way to reach our goals. In addition each member of the team has its own pace of work. As a result, sometimes it was difficult sometimes to collaborate and work together.

We also use different methods regarding the methods of work.

2) Deadline respect

We also tried hard to not take too much time to find our solutions. One of our recommendations for the next time would be to better define the purpose of each meeting. We could also implement a schedule with several small deadlines.

We successfully to work together and did not experience any pressure or tensions.

To conclude we deserve the same mark:

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