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Technology In Scout Reach

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Technology can be defined in many sorts of ways, from the use of pencil and paper to high tech equipment. As part of the Scout Reach Leader the job description is to run scout meetings, plan advancement opportunities for boy scouts, teach boy scouts valuable life lesson and teach boy scouts about S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Through a full day of work technology evolves all around us without us even knowing that we use it.
The idea of Scout Reach is to be able to reach out to those kids who don’t have the opportunity to have all the glamourous things in life. Instead Scout Reach gives these boys some hope, companionship, and involvement with their community. Within Scout Reach there are numerous things that need to …show more content…
Also, the computer is used to email school coordinators to keep them updated with behavior of the boy scouts and to keep them informed about the activities that are going on within boy scouts. But laptops/ computers can become unreliable because of the location of the office; sometimes we have issues with the internet running slow then making the computer to run slower and making it harder to get ahold of people. With having difficulties with scout office laptops/ computers, lesson plans don’t go as planned. So lesson plans are switched and involve the kids with their own search and learning. With the kids doing the searching they get to engage in the technology portion of S.T.E.M. because they get to learn how to search through the internet and get to learn how to use a computer in a more useful way other than playing online games. If Scout Leaders didn’t have access to computers/ laptops it wouldn’t affect the way they communicate with coordinators and parents because they can communicate with them face to …show more content…
Transportation is seen as part of the technology category because not only does it transport us to place to place but, as well gets is to our location to be able to teach and pass our message of the day to kids. With the use of transportation Scout Leaders can help the kids not to lose hope, to keep doing their very best and try to make a difference into each kid’s life. Transportation connects with S.T.E.M. with specifically the engineering portion because there is a time of the year that the kids get to build their own Pinewood Derby Car. Before they get to build their car, they learn some basic understanding of a car for instance rotation of tires, use of tires, use of mirrors, etc. If Scout Leaders don’t have the source of transportation it would be difficult for Scout Leaders to accomplish their goal because if they are unable to arrive at the schools then they are unable to teach the kids lesson

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