...sophisticated over time. With the increase in threat levels, stronger legislations are being increasingly issued to prevent further attacks. Most of these measures have been aimed at increasing the security of Internet information. Among these methods, the most prominent approach is security authentication and protection. This paper comprehensively evaluates the security authentication process. The paper also introduces security systems that help provide resistance against common attacks. Security Authentication Process Authentication is the process that has increasingly been utilized in verification of the entity or person. Therefore, this is the process utilized in determining whether something or someone is what it is declared to be (LaRoche, 2008). Authentication hence acts as part of numerous online applications. Before accessing an email account, the authentication process is incorporated in identification of the foreign program. Therefore, the most common authentication application is done through incorporation of passwords. Before description of the authentication process, it is important to explain some of the important terms. In this concept, the term AAA is commonly employed to mean authentication, accounting, and authorizations. Let us now...
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...legislations are being increasingly issued to prevent further attacks. Most of these measures have been aimed at increasing the security of Internet information. Among these methods, the most prominent approach is security authentication and protection. This paper comprehensively evaluates the security authentication process. The paper also introduces security systems that help provide resistance against common attacks. Security Authentication Process Authentication is the process that has increasingly been utilized in verification of the entity or person. Therefore, this is the process utilized in determining whether something or someone is what it is declared to be (LaRoche, 2008). Authentication hence acts as part of numerous online applications. Before accessing an email account, the authentication process is incorporated in identification of the foreign program. Therefore, the most common authentication application is done through incorporation of passwords. Before description of the authentication process, it is important to explain some of the important terms. In this concept, the term AAA is commonly employed to mean authentication, accounting, and authorizations. Let us now differentiate between these terms. *...
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...Abused: Postville Raid Abused: Postville Raid is a documentary made by Luis Argueta. The documentary is about the Postville Raid that took place on May 12, 2008 at a meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa. It was known to be one the largest, most expensive and brutal immigration raid in the history of the United States. Argueta reveals the devastating effects of enforcement policies on families, children and communities. The film serves as a cautionary tale against government abuses of the rule of law, the constitution and labor rights. The day of the raid, almost 400 illegal workers employed at the Agriprocessors Inc. meatpacking plant were arrested. The arrested workers were taken from the plant to a nearby fairground, the National Cattle Congress, in Waterloo, Iowa. They were bound by handcuffs at the wrists and chained from the upper torso to their ankles in groups of ten. Hearings were being put on as fast as possible, sentencing five at a time over the course of the three days following the raid. Few workers were allowed to talk to attorneys before being presented before the judge. These immigrant workers were arrested for having false identity paper and were charged with identity theft, document fraud, use of stolen social security numbers and other offenses. Most were convicted within four days of the arrest and sentenced to serve a five month prison sentence before being deported. Many of the immigrant workers had no prior criminal record so they were offered a...
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...Activity 1: 1. Lincoln attempted to carve out a moderate position on slavery, by basically saying that he did not highly like the idea of slavery however he would not stop people or states from having or acquiring slaves. He says this because he knows that if he would completely go against slavery then the South would most likely wants to split from the Union. So Lincoln attempted to keep a moderate position. 2. Lincoln contended that Douglas' ultimate goal was with regard to the expansion of slavery within the country. While Lincoln argue that equality was for all people, Douglas argued strongly against him. However no matter how much they argued both knew that abolishing slavery would be hard because it was such in demand especially in the South. Lincoln contended that Douglas' ultimate goal was with regards to extend slavery. 3. During the debate each man accused the other one about certain things. In this debate Lincoln accused Douglas of not following with Dred Scott decision. Douglas then accuse Lincoln of being wrong about his accusation. Both lies go hand in hand, during those debates each man accused the other of lying. 4. Lincoln asked whether the people of a territory could exclude slavery prior to applying for statehood. Douglas responded with the answer of yes, that prior to applying for statehood people with a territory could exclude slavery. 5. Douglas use the audience's racial fears to discredit Lincoln during the debate. The fear that the audience...
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...Abstract Redundant Array of Independent Disks, universally known as RAID is a subsystem for disks by definition and as first coined in the year 1987 by David, Garth and Randy Katz at the University of California. Initially RAID was created to combine a number of cheaper drives in order to provide high capacity. However today RAID is designed for providing one of the most important, essential and looked-for feature in any system i.e. “fault tolerance” or “failover protection”. Fault tolerance increases the overall efficiency and reliability of the system. This short paper provides a pragmatic overview of RAID in general, the two methods used in RAID to enhance its reliability and performance, pros and cons associated with RAID and a contrast of RAID level 1 and RAID level 5 schemas on the basis of read and write actions. Introduction RAID has a different drive just for replacing the drive that has crashed. This spare drive is called hot spare. This drive can be compared to a spare part that is used during emergency. This spare drive must always be ready and the replacement of the failed part (drive) should be done straightaway. After replacing the failed drive with the hot spare drive it is required that the entire system knows that the spare drive is being used. In addition we should also take a backup of all the data, just in case the spare drive also fails. However, RAID rules the technology used in implantation of secure systems. Physical and logical arrays and disks...
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...Sweatshops in America Having a globalized economy provides easy access to just about anything we want or need; however we almost never know where these items come from or how they were produced. You don’t need to go to a third world nation to find a sweatshop as they are very prevalent in California and New York. Sweatshops exist because large retailers don’t produce their own clothing. They hire manufactures to coordinate production, and the manufactures typically enter into contracts that require quick turnaround. Sweatshops in America produce a big portion of the shirts, dresses, blouses, and skirts on the shelves of big American retailers. Retailers often claim they are unaware of the conditions in which their clothes are produced. The retailer reaps the benefits of this labor; without, taking responsibility of the cheap production. Sweatshops are back in America because in recent decades, many garment manufacturers have moved overseas and unions have become less powerful. Devastating budget cuts severely limited the U.S. Department of Labor policing of garment factories. There are now only 800 wage, and hour inspectors employed by the Department of Labor. They inspect six million work sites of all kinds in the USA making it easy to avoid inspection. It is estimated that 4,500 of New York’s 7,000 garment factories are sweatshops. These sweatshops are often mobile operations, making them even more difficult to regulate. The only equipment that is really needed...
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...Devin Capuani History 103 Book Report September 28, 2014 Raising Holy Hell The novel Raising Holy Hell at length discusses the madness of John Brown and his life leading up to his famous raid on Harper’s Ferry. John Brown was a radical abolitionist from Connecticut who believed in the violent overthrow of slavery as opposed to law .The raid was just the beginning to rising tensions between the North and South upon the issue of slavery. The raid on Harper’s Ferry lasted only three days until Robert E. Lee had a garrison of marines storm the engine room at Harper’s Ferry and capture all of the raiders. John Brown was captured as a result, put to trial where he was found guilty and executed by hanging. On page 31, there is a piece from John Brown Jr., which talks about the death of his mother. In the passage, the boy talks about how the death of his mother was explained to him and his siblings in religious terms. His father told them that their mother was now with God in heaven but the boy chose not to believe such things. The part of the passage that is the most interesting is the last bit, the boy was fearful of incurring his father’s wrath so never told him the truth. This signifies that John Brown was a very violent man, not only to slave supporters but for his own children to fear speaking their minds due to their father’s anger is a big clue into his personality and in the case of this book, his insanity. The next section that stands out is on page 37. The section...
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...NATIONAL MANAGEMENT COLLEGE STORAGE TECHNOLOHY Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement For Diploma in Hardware Engineering MG AUNG KYAW SOE Roll No. 6 Batch 25 Diploma project report January, 2014 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENT First and foremost, I would like to thank my parents because I had attended “Diploma in Hardware Engineering”. Next, I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Than Win (Principal of National Management Collage, Yangon) and Daw Khin Toe Yin (Managing Director of Winner Computer Group). Special thanks to Saya U Myo Aung Latt. A very grateful thanks to all my teachers, lectures and also teachers from laboratory for their supervision, advise and patience. Special thanks my hardware teachers Daw Ohnmar Myo, U Thein Moe, U Min Thu and U Win Naing Oo. 2 CONTENT Page CHAPTER – 1 1.1 1.2 INTRODUCTION 6 6 7 9 Computer data storage Storage Type 1.2.1 1.2.2 Primary storage Secondary storage CHAPTER – 2 2.1 2.2 STORAGE TECHNOLOGY 12 The basic components of data storage system Interaction with a storage system and other computer Components 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Online storage vs. External hard drives Off-line storage Memory hierarchy Memory organization Main memory Secondary memory Type of storage technology CHAPTER 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 MAGNETIC STORAGE 19 20 21 23 23 24 24 How to work magnetic storage History Design Magnetic recording classes 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 Analog recording Digital...
Words: 9711 - Pages: 39
...Migrating Sun-based Oracle® Databases to Dell™ PowerEdge™ Servers Dell PowerEdge 6450 and 8450 with Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Advanced Server 1 Enterprise Systems Group (ESG) Dell White Paper 2 By Dave Jaffe and Todd Muirhead 3 dave_jaffe@dell.com 4 todd_muirhead@dell.com 5 [pic] Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 Solution Overview 6 The Database Servers 8 The Hardware 8 The Software 9 The Application Servers 11 The Hardware 11 The Software 11 Migrating the Application 13 The Tests 15 Conclusions 17 Acknowledgements 18 Bibliography 19 Appendix A : Baseball Database Organization 20 Database Tables 20 Master 20 Teammaster 20 Batting 21 Pitching 21 Fielding 22 Sample Query 22 Figure 1: The Dell and Sun Solution Implementations 6 Table 1: Database Server Comparison: PowerEdge 6450 and 8450 vs. Sun Enterprise 4500 8 Table 2: RAID Organization for Three Configurations 9 Table 3: Oracle Database Layout 9 Table 4: Oracle9i Tuning Parameters 10 Table 5: Application Servers: Dell PowerEdge 1550 vs. Sun Enterprise 220R 11 Table 6: Oracle Pricing 12 Table 7: 4-CPU Test Results: PowerEdge 6450 vs. Sun E4500 w/ 4 CPUs 15 Table 8: 8-CPU Test Results: PowerEdge 8450 vs. Sun E4500 w/ 8 CPUs 16 Section 1 Executive Summary Following studies showing the advantages of migrating Tier 1 web servers and Tier 2 application...
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...American Studies Final Question Answers M5Q1 NOTES: 1. Which of the following best describes Henry David Thoreau's response to Brown's raid? |1.|Thoreau praises Brown and seeks to defend his memory against those who viewed him as a murderer or insane man| |2.|Thoreau is horrified by the violent methods Brown used, arguing that violence will turn many Americans who oppose the extension of slavery against the abolitionists| |3.|Thoreau argues that Brown should not be put to death as this would cause sectional strife and lead to a civil war| |4.|Thoreau is one of many abolitionists who plea for Brown's life to be saved| 3 points Question 2 1. Which of the following best summarizes the letters John Brown wrote to his family while in prison? |1.|Brown is very hopeful that his wife and remaining children will come visit him| |2.|Brown calls upon his sons to continue his work. Although he speaks in very vague terms, it is clear that he hopes they will launch another slave uprising so that his death will not be in vain| |3.|Brown is upset at the fact that some of his children are ashamed to be sons and daughters of the man who planed the raid at Harper's Ferry| |4.|Brown does not write any letters to his family members while in prison, a fact John Earle makes plain in his introduction| |5.|Brown is upbeat and speaks in mostly religious terms about how there is no need to grieve for their father| Question 3 1. Which of the following is TRUE regarding John Brown's Provisional...
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...TERM PAPER OF ESSENTIALS OF MARKETING [pic] Topic- MARKETING PLAN OF REID AND TAYLOR T-SHIRTS SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: MR.LOKESH JASRAI (Lect.) SUMIT KUMAR ROLL.- RR1814A17 REG. NO. -10805838 ACKNOWLEGMENT Firstly, i would like to give special thanks to my teacher Mr. LOKESH JASRAI who give me such type of opportunities to write my own views and ideas on a particular topic so that i can increase my knowledge about this topic and i can represent myself as good as i can. Secondly i also thanks all my friends to help me to complete this project at every time. INTRODUCTION OF RAID AND TAYLOR T-SHIRTS: REID AND TAYLOR T-shirts are multi-functional garment worn by all age groups as innerwear and outerwear. They are simply constructed garments that consist of a front and a back, sleeves and a neckline. A few styles may also have pockets. Many styles are now considered unisex. Fashion maybe reflected in oversize styling, deep armhole, cutoff lengths and fitted body. Seasonal changes in T-shirts maybe reflected in sleeve length, color and fabric weight. Reversible T-shirts may be made with two layers of fabric. Plain T-shirts are often referred to as Blanks for the imprint market. Printed T-shirt, which appeal to both males and females, provide humor, ideas or...
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...[TERM PAPER ON FILE SYSTEMS] | Detailed study and comparison of various file systems including FAT,NTFS ,RAID and EXT | ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank my teacher for assigning me the topic ( Comparison of various File Systems) . I would also like to thank for providing me with the necessary details which were required for the completion of the term paper. I would also like to thank my friends for helping me with this term paper. I thank you all. CONTENT * INTRODUCTION * FILE ALLOCATION TABLE * fat * vfat * fat12 * fat16 * fat32 * fdt * NEW TECHONOLOGY FILE SYSTEM * ntfs * hpfs * ntfs 5.0 * mft * REDUNDANT ARRAY OF INDEPENDENT DISKS * raid * raid 0 * raid 1 * raid 3 * raid 5 * raid 10 * raid 30 and 50 * EXTENDED FILE SYSTEM * -ext 2 * -ext 3 * -linux swap * CONCLUSION * REFERENCES File System Definition: Computers use particular kinds of file systems to store and organize data on media, such as a hard drive, the CDs, DVDs, and BDs in an optical drive or on a flash drive. Any place that a PC stores data is employing the use of some type of file system. A file system can be thought of as an index or database containing the physical location of every piece of data on a hard drive. A file system is setup on a drive during a format...
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...They followed through on their plan and started raiding townships and murdering their residents. Eventually his forces made an attempt to make their way to Jerusalem, Virginia. On their way, nearly 24 hours after the raids began, the rebels were met with organized resistance and were halted at a farm. The forces then split up into smaller groups and were eventually found by white police force and militiamen, which effectively ended the rebellion. Although the rebellion was stopped, the damage had been done. In about 48 hours, Turner’s forces killed 55 men, women, and children and caused thousands of dollars of damage (Breen). The horrific events spread like wildfire throughout the country, but especially in the southern states. In papers such as Woodcut there were graphic drawings published that detailed the events showing depictions of slaves slaughtering whites and soldiers fighting back against the slaves. The raids had struck fear into both slaves and whites as they both began to fear what the other could do. While the rebels were stopped, Turner was nowhere to be found. In fact, Turner wouldn’t be found for another two months until October when he turned himself in to authorities (Fraser 370)....
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...& I.T. Pt. Ravi Shankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.) surendrapatelit2004@gmail.com Anil Kumar Sharma Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics and Information Technology Govt. N.P.G. Science College, Raipur (C.G.) sharmaanil.mail@gmail.com Abstract— Cloud computing is a new field in Internet computing that provides novel perspectives in internetworking technologies and raises issues in the architecture, design, and implementation of existing networks and data centers. In these beliefs, users of cloud storage services no longer physically maintain direct control over their data, which makes data security one of the major concerns of using cloud. This paper investigated the problem of data security in cloud data storage, which is fundamentally a dispersed storage system. Index Terms—Cloud Computing, Data Storage, Security, Green Computing. 1. INTRODUCTION The remarkable development of cloud computing in recent years is increasingly sparking the interest of Internet and IT users seeking to derive the greatest benefit from the services and applications available on line via the web in service-on-demand mode with per-usage billing. Cloud computing offers a new economic model for ICTs – a model which heralds new modes of investment in, and operation of, IT resources. With cloud computing, organizations, institutions and companies no longer need to invest heavily in such resources, which are of necessity limited and require burdensome and costly internal...
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...P10 CIS 230 Chapter 10 Computer Peripherals Fall 2013 __________________________ are devices that are external to the main processing function of the computer itself. They are external to the CPU. They do not include the CPU, memory and power supply. T/F. The peripherals in a mainframe computer are similar, except larger, with more capacity. They may be 100 keyboards and terminals and a hard drive array. T/F. Computer storage is often conceptualized hierarchically, based upon the speed with which data can be accessed. In the hierarchy of storage, access to CPU __________________________ is essentially instantaneous, since they are actually a part of the CPU. In the hierarchy of storage, __________________________ is the fastest memory outside the CPU. __________________________ is a small amount of fast memory that is used to hold current data and instructions. __________________________ storage refers to both types of RAM, DRAM and SRAM. T/F. Both DRAM and SRAM provide immediate access to program instructions and data by the CPU and can be used for the execution of instructions. __________________________ storage refers to hard drives, thumb drives, CD-ROMs/DVDs and magnetic tape. T/F. Data and programs in secondary storage must be copied to primary storage (memory) for CPU access. T/F. Most secondary devices are mechanical in nature and are therefore slower than primary memory. The only exception is flash memory. ...
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