...Present Education as I see it: Someone approached me to teach his ward some mathematics or rather to supplement what could not be comprehensively deciphered from the notes from the plethora of private tutors (I don't know whether the notes are photocopies of age-old yellowish original manuscripts written in the last century and passed on from generation to generation). I am not blaming the notes or their authors rather I have the highest regard for both. But what a young impressionable mind in early teens need to appreciate is the beauty, thrill and magic of a subject. For example, in Mathematics the student should be exposed to and told about the interconnecting web that different streams of mathematics offers and how an insight of the interconnection of different streams of mathematics makes learning a seamless fun and that cannot happen if the teenager is considered as a raw material in a factory devoted to production of identical finished goods at the highest production rate attainable so that in given time the maximum number of students are churned out through the machine called a tutorial. I was horrified when I found that the student in question is reading from a book of MCQs which is like a question bank and not even sure of the name of the text books let alone read, read and ingest, digest and internalize the contents of the text book that has been the text book to students for the last hundred years or so and still considered to be the last word in the subject. ...
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...difficult situation for students already trying to pay university tuition and housing bills. Many students have jobs to help pay the costs, so an increase in the price of textbooks is a cause for concern. The University Bookstore is convenient for some students on campus, it can be time saving for some who are trying to get their books on time before semester classes begins. The University Bookstore may be competitive to other bookstores on campus when it comes to pricing, but it will not be as competitive as online book prices. We are going to take a look at textbook prices for ten different courses at two online outlets, and compare them to a third outlet which is the University Bookstore. Pricing Comparison New books Table 1 below is a comparison of textbook prices, the University Bookstore charges the highest price for all ten books. Half.com charges the lowest price for seven out of the ten books, while Amazon.com offers the cheapest price for the remaining three textbooks. In total, five textbooks – in this example for a student taking the courses astronomy, computer, economics, history, and English – cost $544.95 at the University Bookstore. To buy those books on Amazon.com, the total would be $393.88, a saving of $151.07 or approximately 28%. But shipping and handling charges must be taken into account which can quickly add up with the large, heavy packages. Therefor student must take advantage of time and order them earlier with no additional shipping costs. The cost of the textbooks...
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...Applied mathematics for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences, 1997, 1175 pages, Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl Byleen, 0135745756, 9780135745755, Prentice Hall, 1997 Published: 14th July 2010 DOWNLOAD http://bit.ly/1RspljW Applied mathematics for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences This book prepares readers to understand finite mathematics and calculus used in a wide range of disciplines. Covering relevant topics from finance, linear algebra, programming, and probability, the Seventh Edition places emphasis on computational skills, ideas, and problem solving. Other highlights include a rich variety of applications and integration of graphing calculators. Provides optional regression analysis, containing optional examples and exercises illustrating the use of regression techniques to analyze real data. Both graphing calculator and spreadsheet output are included. Offers more optional technology examples and exercises using actual data. Implements use of graphing calculators in optional examples, exercises in technology, illustrations of applications of spreadsheets and sample computer output. DOWNLOAD http://bit.ly/1qC8Dk0 http://www.jstor.org/stable/2483933 Solutions manual to accompany Raymond A. Barnett and Michael R. Ziegler's finite mathematics for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences , R. Michael Ziegler, Raymond A. Barnett, 1990, Science, 476 pages. . Precalculus functions and graphs...
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...goodies that mother prepares, Snuggle up under the quilt, Enjoy the break to the hilt, Let the T.V. blare, but your teachers have found a way. To occupy your days. So here comes your homework for the winter break! Nursery English : Revise A – Z Maths : Together with Mathematics Pg 76 , 77 , 78 , 79 ,98 , 99 G.K : Revise G.K questions of month of December Prep English : Daily read 1 page from English B2 book. Learn poem from pg 153 Hindi : Daily read 1 page from Hindi B2 book. Maths: Learn Number names 1 to 10 Class I Do holidays homework in summer holiday homework copy. Enjoy your holidays. English : 1. Make sentences with words : Favorite Spade Water Happy Village Tree Lunch 2. Revise Has / Have 3. Write 5 lines on water E.V.S: 1. Make two pictures on the following topic given in class work notebook. a) Wild Animals b) Domestic Animals c) Water Animals d) Pet Animals 2. Learn L- 13 The Animal World Maths : Mental Maths : Complete upto page 25 Course book : Complete from page 100 to page 120 Learn and write tables upto 7 Hindi: [pic] Class II Do the homework in your notebook English : 1. Draw a Christmas tree and write 5 lines on it. 2. Revise Lesson – 7 EVS: 1. Draw a tree and paste...
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...Willy Ngin AMAT 452: History of Mathematics Mathematical History of China and India Since the beginning of time mathematics has been a part of history. Throughout time without mathematics we wouldn’t have been able to make fundamental advances in science, engineering, technology and much more. Although every country has different histories, cultures and lifestyles; one thing that remains the same is the universal language of Mathematics. If you go to any country in the world, mathematics will always be the same. Addition will always be addition and subtraction will always be subtraction anywhere. Some of the countries who have been able to help further our discoveries and advances in mathematics were China and India. China’s history included many different wars which led to a lot of different dynasties taking over the country. Still, ”the demands of the empire for administrative services, including surveying, taxation, and calendar making, required that many civil servants be competent in certain areas of mathematics” (Katz, 2009, p. 197). It wasn’t until 1984 when they opened the tombs that they found some of the mathematic history. “Among the books was discovered a mathematics text written on 200 bamboo strips. This work, called the Suan shu shu (Book of Numbers and Computation), is the earliest extant text of Chinese mathematics.” (Katz, 2009, p. 196). This work was created during the Han Dynasty. It consisted of different problems and their solution. Alongside...
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...COURSEWORK 1 : Choose one Rukun Negara principle. Do further reading and research and produce an essay to show how the principle has fulfilled its function. COURSEWORK 2 : Provide your opinion the advantages and disadvantages of studying Mathematics and Science in English and whether you support its abolishment. Justify your answer. LECTURER NAME : MRS ZAKIAH GROUP MEMBER’S NAME : 1. MARY CHEE TEAN MIN 2. TRACY TAN LI TING 3. TAN YEE HANG 4. LIM CHUN JIAN 5. SELVA TAMILAN Provide your opinion the advantages and disadvantages of studying Mathematics and Science in English and whether you support its abolishment. Justify your answer. The advantage of learning Mathematics and Science in English is to trains the students in valuable skills with English language. The student can learn more English language before they enter to the workplace. English is an international language for us to communicate but badly our daily life language is not English. They used different kind of languages to communicate with everyone so English language getting lesser and lesser. We need a better strategy to improve the standard of English in the country. Students have to made efforts to speak more often in English and most of them are thinking in English, judging from the manner they phrase their questions when they seek information and help from their friends. They even need to improve their slang while speak English. The subjects should teach in English...
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...Developing Mathematics Learning Skills Sharon Kidd College Algebra – MTH1090XB Instructor – James Baldone November 19, 2010 Developing Mathematics Learning Skills Introduction Mathematics skills play an important role in our lives. To understand math we must read our math books, and understand the use of technical terms like equation, integration and many more. Understanding terms is only part of learning mathematics skills. Comprehension and analysis is needed to understand math concepts. You cannot learn mathematics by being a spectator; you must perform the calculations yourself. Reading a solution in a book and watching someone else solve the problem is not sufficient, although it helps, you must use your brain to solve the problems and write out the full solution. If you are provided with the answers to a math problem or problems you may be able to see how each answer fits, but it is very different working out the problem yourself. The real understanding is if you can do the necessary work yourself or not. Mathematics Study Skills Knowing mathematical principles and concepts can help you to succeed in school and work. It is important to use study skills that apply well to math. The following are some study skills that should be utilized: * Study math everyday during the semester. * Have a specific time and place to study with few distractions. * Keep up to date with homework. * Find an...
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...Questionnaire on Critical evaluation of Primary School Curriculum Name: Department: Q1. In your opinion for the children of grades (I to III) who generally belongs to the age Group of (7-9) have immature minds. They take a little more time then elder children to understand the basic concepts of the subject included in the primary school curriculum for example Science, Social studies, Mathematics e.t.c is it the right decision to bombard their fresh minds with all of these subjects all at once? YES NO Q2. As it is a cleared fact that every thing has got advantages along with disadvantages as well. Do you think it is appropriate to introduce the usage and functions of computers at an early stage of primary education which is included in the respective curricula. 1.Helpful and progressive for them. 2.Injurious to their physical and mental health (As in they get attached to computer games More than physical games) Q3 The culture of memorizing text from curriculum books is due to : 1.Lack of interest of children towards subject given. 2.Extra burden of home assessments and exams on children. Q4. Is the primary school curriculum successful in achieving its general goal to create the Sense Of citizenship in community, country and world till now? YES NO Q5. How successful is the primary school curriculum in developing basic language and ...
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...MATHEMATICS has played a significant role in the development of Indian culture for millennia. Mathematical ideas that originated in the Indian subcontinent have had a profound impact on the world. Swami Vivekananda said: ‘you know how many sciences had their origin in India. Mathematics began there. You are even today counting 1, 2, 3, etc. to zero, after Sanskrit figures, and you all know that algebra also originated in India.’ It is also a fitting time to review the contributions of Indian mathematicians from ancient times to the present, as in 2010, India will be hosting the International Congress of Mathematicians. This quadrennial meeting brings together mathematicians from around the world to discuss the most significant developments in the subject over the past four years and to get a sense of where the subject is heading in the next four. The idea of holding such a congress at regular intervals actually started at The Columbian Exhibition in Chicago in 1893. This exhibition had sessions to highlight the advancement of knowledge in different fields. One of these was a session on mathematics. Another, perhaps more familiar to readers of Prabuddha Bharata, was the famous Parliament of Religions in which Swami Vivekananda first made his public appearance in the West. Following the Chicago meeting, the first International Congress of Mathematicians took place in Zurich in 1897. It was at the next meeting at Paris in 1900 that Hilbert...
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...has been called one of the greatest mathematicians of his time. Legend has it that Hippocrates was a thriving merchant until lost all of his fortune. He is said to have traveled to Athens to try to win his fortunes back in a court of law. Since he was required to stay in Athens for the trials, Hippocrates began to attend lectures on mathematics to pass the time. He eventually became proficient enough in mathematics to open his own school. Hippocrates is believed to have been influenced by the Pythagorean School of Mathematics. His book contained some of the first written accounts of Pythagorean mathematics since the Pythagoreans themselves did not believe in written texts. Hippocrates was one of the first “paid” mathematics teachers, although the Pythagoreans believed it was taboo to earn money from their knowledge. He may have been able to establish a school because of his financial troubles. Hippocrates wrote the first mathematical textbook, called the Elements of Geometry and even though the book is lost, it had a profound influence on the mathematicians who followed him. Euclid based some of his work on that of Hippocrates in his book, Elements that was written more than a century later. One of the most famous problems faced by ancient Greek mathematicians was doubling the cube, also called the Delian Problem. One of the legends of the Delian Problem has to do with the Greek god Apollo. Apollo, who was displeased with his altar, ordered a second altar built...
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...1 A User’s Guide to Learning Styles and Math Tools T he journey of developing this book began almost five years ago. After over sixty combined years of service in schools, two of us—John R. Brunsting and Terry Walsh—were coming to the end of our careers as mathematics instructors and administrators. For most of those sixty years, we had the pleasure of working together in Hinsdale Central High School in Hinsdale, Illinois, where we met Harvey Silver and were introduced to the Thoughtful Classroom professional development model he designed with Richard Strong. What we quickly came to learn is that the Thoughtful Classroom really works. Whenever we implemented Thoughtful Classroom strategies in our classrooms or worked with other teachers to help them implement Thoughtful Classroom strategies in their own classrooms, the effect on student learning was palpable—students became more engaged, discussions got richer, student thinking went deeper, and test scores went up. There was, however, one particular Thoughtful Classroom text that always seemed to make the biggest difference in classrooms in the shortest amount of time. That text was Tools for Promoting Active, In-Depth Learning (Silver, Strong, & Perini, 2001; Silver, Strong, & Commander, 1998). The idea behind Tools for Promoting Active, InDepth Learning is simple. It is a collection of classroom-tested tools, or simple teaching “moves,” that teachers can use to foster active, in-depth learning. These tools are based on the...
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...reading above grade level has been working hard to independently reach her reading goal. When reading out loud she has a strong clear voice and is now adding more expression. She is making meaningful text to self connections and displaying the ability to self correct. I have seen a huge improvement in her being responsible for her belongings and ensuring that her homework and agenda are completed and signed on a daily basis. In Mathematics, Ines has worked hard...
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...2 B. WritePoint 2 C. Tutor Review 3 D. Plagiarism Check 3 E. How to submit a document for review 3 F. Writing Tools 4 1. Tutorials and Guides 4 2. Writing Manuals 5 3. Finding Help 5 III. Library Services 6 A. Introduction to Library Services 6 B. Search FAQ’s 7 C. Ask a Librarian 7 D. Request a Specific Document 8 E. View the Research Tutorial 9 F. Read the Library Guide 9 G. Library Resources 9 1. Article Databases – Major 10 2. Article Databases – Specialized 10 3. Books, Dissertations, and Theses 10 4. Canadian Indexes 10 5. Company Directories and Financials 10 6. Country Profiles and Economic Data 10 7. Encyclopedias and Dictionaries 10 8. Journal Indexes and Abstracts 11 9. Test Guides and Preparation 11 10. Writing and Publishing Resources 11 11. Choose Databases by Subject 11 12. Find a Specific Publication 11 13. Biblioteca in Español 11 14. Library Resources Location 11 IV. Center for Mathematics Excellence 13 A. Introduction to Center for Mathematics Excellence 13 B. Running Start 13 C. Math Anxiety 13 V. Element K Tutorial 14 A. Introduction to Element K Tutorial 14 B. My Content 14 C. Catalog 15 D. Professional Development 15 E. Help 15 Introduction This is a user guide to assist fresh students navigate in the library part of the University of Phoenix net site. It will train the student in...
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...History of European Mathematics…………………………………………….(1) Famous European Mathematician………………………………...(2)-(3) Reference Page………………………………………………………………………(4) Introduction (i) This project introduces you to, the European’s Contributions to the Number system/Numerical system. This project also shows, you famous mathematicians, and more so sit back, read and enjoy this project. (1) History of European Mathematics During the centuries in which the Chinese, Indian and Islamic mathematicians had been in the ascendancy, Europe had fallen into the Dark Ages, in which science, mathematics and almost all intellectual endeavour stagnated. Scholastic scholars only valued studies in the humanities, such as philosophy and literature, and spent much of their energies quarrelling over subtle subjects in metaphysics and theology. From the 4th to 12th Centuries, European knowledge and study of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music was limited mainly to Boethius’ translations of some of the works of ancient Greek masters such as Nicomachus and Euclid. All trade and calculation was made using the clumsy and inefficient Roman numeral system, and with an abacus based on Greek and Roman models. By the 12th Century, though, Europe, and particularly Italy, was beginning to trade with the East, and Eastern knowledge gradually began to spread to the West. Robert of Chester translated Al-Khwarizmi's important book on algebra into Latin in the 12th Century, and the complete text of Euclid's “Elements”...
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...The Influence of Mathematics on Daily Social Activities MTH/110 March 2, 2015 The Influence of Mathematics Society is an important concept in which stands the intellectual development of mathematics and science. Today, in society, mathematics makes extraordinary demands and so to the world of mathematicians and scientists. The purpose of the report is to identify the influence and effects of mathematics in society. It includes some history of math and its major demands and capabilities that come with the material and mathematicians. Math Background People have believed in mathematics and the discipline that comes with it since centuries ago, some may like, and some may not. Some people used to worship mathematics and believe in it for living like Aryabatta and Bhaskara. Back to the 4th century, Aristotle and Plato had already an idea of the existence of mathematics in their mind and the external world; also he argued about a positive effect on individuals (Dossey). In the middle ages, mathematicians were coming out and at one point competing without knowing in discovering new techniques. Archimedes had one of the greatest impacts on its work in mathematics but he was known later in the 16th century when Federico Commandino in 1558 translation into Latin most of his printing texts and spread it out with other mathematicians and physics of the time, that includes Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei (Toomer, 2014). Many other mathematicians...
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