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The Achievement of Desire


Submitted By Meklit
Words 484
Pages 2
Birkit Hailu
English 116
Fall 2014
Graham Bowman
“Learning to Read and Write” In “Learning to Read and Write” Frederick Douglass talked about how he started to read as a young salve boy when he lived at Master Hugh’s family with the help of his mistress. His mistress stopped teaching him to command her husband’s direction. Frederick Douglass didn’t stop there; he has to find a way to get his freedom by using his smart idea on his neighbor’s white children. After he learned how to read he taught himself how to write by going to lumber yard and copies the letters on by one, and using the same method from the white children, and his master’s son. Frederick Douglass felt safe and welcomed at the Master Hugh’s family. When his mistress started to teach him, which probably made him feel equal, for whatever reason she turns her back on him. I am assuming her husband’s feared for his life, and family, because teaching a slave wasn’t allowed at that time. From what I understood the young slave boy never felt slave physically at first, because his mistress was very king. When she changed and become against him he was devastated, and felt mentally slave “She at first lacked the depravity indispensable to shutting me up in mental darkness.”Pp.1 it is very sad what it did to him. It looks like the anger pushed him forward to do better; even though he had closely watched never gave up to read. I am impressed how he found a smart way from the neighborhood white children to learn how to read and write to gain his freedom of knowledge. Knowing how to read wasn’t always a happy journey for him. Sometimes the truth hurt. Reading became his passionate, when he came across the book “The Columbian Orator,” he started to know the meaning of the words he used to hear about slaves, at the same time he understood about how slaves came, and where they came from. In spite of what’s happened in his life; he never gave up seeking for his freedom of knowledge until he is free of his slavery. Frederick Douglass didn’t like been different from the kids around him “‘you will be free as soon as you are twenty one, but I am a slave for life!’”P2 It must hurt him what others can do, but he can’t. He had to continue to learn how to write in order for him to be free, and fulfil his dream. A very power full lessen taught by young slave boy. At some point in our life any human being can be a slave of something, or hurt broken by not getting what you want to accomplish. Because knowing what you want and go after it without giving up can take you the next chapter of your life.

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