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The American Nursing Association (ANA): An Analysis

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The American Nurses Association (ANA) (2014) explains that over the years health care cost have not been affordable and rising, improvements in patient quality of care is in dire need to be addressed, also, equity of healthcare needs to be improved (American Nurses Association, 2014). For these reasons, according to the American Nurses Association (2014), although there are differences in opinions, most Americans agree that the healthcare delivery approach in the U.S. needs to be significantly reconstructed for improvement (American Nurses Association, 2014) . Sorrell (2012), makes an inquiry for the reason that, one would wonder that despite these common goals for the well-being of society, why is reform of the healthcare system such a debated …show more content…
Health benefits are being extended to millions of people who did not originally have access to it. As evidenced by the ANA (2014), registered nurses are educated and their practice is centered around a holistic approach for the patient, nurses view individuals, families and communities as the a complete system and looks forward to protecting this system by keeping the people in it well and healthy (American Nurses Association, 2014). The ANA (2014) explains that the RNs are fundamental and critical to the needed health services and delivery and always are mindful of the goal of transforming the current “sick care” system into a true health care: system (American Nurses Association, 2014). Because of this extension, the need for nurses will peak in all areas of nursing causing “domino effect” in all different areas of patient care. According to Jo Ann Webb, et al (2010), the health care reform opens up more nursing positions in acute in-patient and outpatient, care, chronic care, transitional care, primary care, preventive care, home care, long-term care and palliative care (Webb & Marshall, 2010). Jo Ann, et al (2010), explains that the health care reform is being presented at a time when we are dealing with a nurse shortage and in turn will open up more opportunities for health care workers (Webb & Marshall, 2010). This will also usher in many opportunities to go back to school to …show more content…
This act is much more than just affordable healthcare for individuals around the U.S. Designing the ACA cause a complete chain reaction in the healthcare field. This act begins creating eligible candidates which in turn will make a need for more healthcare workers. When there is a shortage of healthcare workers, available positions become available. With more jobs available for Americans, there will be a need for more educational facilities and students. The ACA covers grants and other government funding under Title VIII of the Public Health Services Act, which; can cover educational loans that current healthcare workers may need assistance in repaying. Not only is healthcare reform a good strategy for the candidates needing affordable healthcare, nor is it just a worthy foundation for the healthcare workers, but it is also a great opportunity individuals currently covered by Medicare. The ACOs put into action, gives Medicare clients the freedom of choice of primary care provider. Reforming healthcare, in my opinion, was an exceptional plan well thought out because it does not serve only one entity of society. Health care reform has advantages for many Americans and when we all play a part in the reform it creates a

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