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The Argument Against The Ebola Virus

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Throughout the world, a new virus struck a country causing the spread of the disease. Ebola is an upcoming problem that most countries are trying to prevent. The virus consist of parts in Africa that is spreading through the country. Without knowing, Ebola has traveled to the United States causing eruption of terror. A few cases now of Ebola are active but have been treated. Even though caution is advised for individuals from Africa to travel to different countries, self-belief portrays the allowance of people coming from Ebola countries into the United States. The points that are going to be argued are people entering America anyway they can, economies falling from banned travel ports, and why letting people from Ebola countries are not as …show more content…
Without traveling ports open, many families will try to do whatever they can to get out of the country, even if it means going through a country undetected. According to Russell Berman from the article The Argument Against an Ebola Travel Ban, “there’s a high likelihood they will find another way to get there, and we won’t be able track them as we are now” (Berman, no page). The government cannot document who comes in and out with people going around checkpoints and sneaking in. Even if we try, it won’t stop them from …show more content…
Since many consequences may come from banning the ports, then maybe they should not be banned at all. According to an article by Abby Phillip, “In airports in all of the affected regions and across the world, passengers coming from flights from West Africa are being screened for elevated temperatures” (Phillips, no page). Elevated temperatures is basically something such as a fever, which is the first symptom of Ebola. Many people will be safe, because every passenger that goes through the airport must be checked. If a person comes out with a high temperature, then they are not allowed to travel to any other country. Airports in America use the same procedures that the ports in West Africa have. If anyone is caught with a high temperature at their designated area in America, then they must return back to West Africa to prevent the horrific virus from

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