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The Chinooks Essay

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In September of 1805, Lewis’ had the first encounter with three Nez Perce boys, that he gifted with ribbons to make them not worry. Since the Tribewas already eager to see the corps to trade for weapons for protection from their neighbors like the Blackfeet, the transition between both parties was civil, besides the men getting sick from the salmon. The crew was physically beaten down by their travels, were shown how to burn a log into a canoe. Drastically expediting and enhanced the canoes since the tools being used were not adequate. Leaving their horses with them, to later pick them up on their return journey. Both clearly benefitting from each other, and creating a bond.

On October 26, 1805, the flourishing Chinooks’ were first noted by the Corps of Discovery. The Chinooks inhabited the Columbian River, and the Pacific Ocean. Being known as, “Superb canoe builders and navigators, masterful traders, skillful fishermen and planters. They lived in large wooden plank houses and slept on reed mats over raised boards.” Excerpts from Lewis and Clark’s journals described how scantly clothed they were disregarding how cold the weather was, also being accustomed to trading with white men. Gifts such as deer meat were offered to the men from …show more content…
Where they were told about the abundance of elk and wild game on the southern portion of the Columbian River. Naturally causing them to build Fort Clatsop in that area. Relations between the two were good. When food became low, the Clatsop did not keep their knowledge of a beached whale to themselves. No, they continued to help their guests with food and shelter for their winter stay. The only confrontation they had was when a Clatsop canoe was taken on March 22, 1806. To remedy this issue, Lewis and Clark gave their furniture and Fort Clatsop, to Coboway. In the words of Lewis, Coboway, “Has been much more kind an[d] hospitable to us than any other indian in this

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