...always been a city unparalleled by any other. Granted that New York is a city that is amazingly beautiful, but it cannot compare to a location that is much more relaxed and does not have the buzz and humdrum of a “city that never sleeps”. San Diego is a city that many people would never leave and not just because of its pleasurable weather, but also because of its location and the simple escape from the crowded feeling of New York. There are many reasons that sunny San Diego is chosen as one of the greatest cities ever, and out of all of those reasons the pleasurable weather is one of the most important. There is no city like San Diego, and despite the brief span of winter, it is almost always sunny in sunny San Diego. It is commonly known that San Diego has long summers and short winters. The weather is almost always like a warm embrace on a relaxing day off. The weather can hardly be described as bipolar or extreme like that of New York. Is San Diego much warmer and more pleasurable than New York? Although many people believe New York is the best place to be it can be a cold and heartless place that is not kind to the weak who prefer a day’s embrace than the metal cold of a “tin” city. There is very little cold weather in San Diego and despite New York's fame it will never feel as good as walking outside to a warm summer day that is common in San Diego. There are not many times you hear about how great a location in reference to a city. However there...
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...location, it was in the middle of nowhere, the name was "Chapel street". The road had no path and the road was so narrow that there were accidents almost every week, I'm 19 now so the creepy name and darkness didn't bother me, I was in a much bigger house now and that is all I cared about. There weren't any street lights outside my house, or anywhere on the road, so I never used to go outside, I didn't want to get hit by a car or anything. Fast forward the story a few months, we're happily living in our new home and I had recently started a new job, I worked in the town centre in a relatively new business, so everyone was young, around 18-25. I introduced myself and told them I am new...
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...Imagine coming from a new country alone, escaping a war and a genocide, learning a new language and having nowhere to stay. Many immigrants from Burundi or other countries can relate to Deo’s story in a book called Strength In What Remains by Tracy Kidder. These book is a nonfiction story about a third year medical student, Deo, twenty four years old immigrating to New York City with a business visa card in the United States Of America with no family, no place where to stay, running away from the genocide, only speaking French and passing cold nights in Central Park of New York City. Deograticias immigrated from Burundi, Africa to New York in 1994, because it was his only way out to survive from the genocide time period a period, when the...
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...“The city that never sleeps” Kida Delacruz Composition 1 04/22/13 New York City the city that never sleep. It is known for its malls, lights, and crowded streets. To me it is much more than that, its where I was born, first went to school, and went to my first baseball with my dad. As we were pulling up to Yankee Stadium for the first time I remember the smell of peanuts and ho dogs. The entrance was flooded with people. After what seemed an eternity we finally got in the stadium. The sound of people chanting “Yankees, Yankees, Yankees” Still goes through my head every time I think of Yankee Stadium. To my left was the entrance to an endless amount of food stands, and to my right was the gift shop and restrooms. We walked straight ahead through a tunnel that led to the field. When we got to the end all you could see is the field, thousands and thousands of people. The Jumbotron was focused on Derek Jeter, and all I could think was that I wanted to be on that field one day. People chanting and you could the feel the energy flowing through your blood. My face lit up like a kid's when they see their presents Christmas morning. In front of me all I could see was an a continuous row of seat filled with people. We walked down all the way down to the first row right on top of the dug out. The players were on the field some were stretching, other were running, and a few were throwing. You could smell the sunflower seed in the dug out. We watched the whole game the Yankees...
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...Macias, Prescilla Prof. Conde ENC 1102 9am 11 April 2016 Fireflies by Owl City portrays to various subjects such as sleep, dreams and fantasies. In this song the artist mentions his incapability to have a good night’s rest, however, he imagines so much. The artist has insomnia and has always had a tough time falling asleep for as long as he can remember. He wanted to sing about his inability to sleep in a whimsical way that portrayed the condition as lighthearted and almost more of a 'blessing' than a curse. It's ironic that when sleep and him cannot bring themselves to meet is often when inspiration strikes hardest to the artist. When asked about this song the artist mentioned "I was up late and in the basement one night when I wrote Fireflies. I was sitting at the keyboard just fooling around, not really trying to write anything. Over the next couple of hours that song came together in the most natural way. I can't explain it but it almost wrote itself.” In the first verse, he sings “You would not believe your eyes if ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep.” This line is an example of a hyperbole. The singer is trying to allow you to relate to how many fireflies there actually are. He does this by greatly over exaggerating the quantity of the fireflies and how much light they're giving off. In your mind, when you think of ten million, you're picturing a ridiculous amount. The diameter of Earth is 7,918 miles, so that's about 42...
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...readings focused on the first metropolis of the New World and what happened next in the next centuries. The Europeans discovered Tenochtitlán which was in the middle of the greatest empire in Mesoamerica. Many considered this city as magnificent and beautiful. The first Europeans to set foot on this city were Hernán Cortés and his men. The Aztec ruler of this empire was Montezuma. Montezuma greeted Cortés and the two exchanged gifts. The city had a well divided market full of live animals, fruits and vegetables, flowers, cooked food, and crafted goods. The streets of Tenochtitlán were kept clean all of the time by a thousand men. Besides the well-organized market and clean streets, the city provided public toilets on the roads. All of these elements support the city’s system of organization. The social structure of the society can be distinguished by the physical appearance of the homes of the people. The significance of money impacted the structure. Unfortunately, this great city was destroyed and the epidemic of smallpox was present in 1520. Near the end of the nineteenth century, immigrants were entering into the New World: specifically New York. The federal authorities dealt with the immigrants on Ellis Island. Ethnic groups were isolated from the rest of the city. They examined every single immigrant for any medical problems and afterwards questioned them what was their purpose for coming over. These federal authorities represent as...
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..."THE EMINEM" (RAP FATHER) "Eminem" Marshall Bruce Mathers a mystical theory,legend, a poor child with worst life like orphan or curse dropped out of High School at age 17, no friend or family, and now he is the most leading riches't person in Detroit city. "Rap God" name was given to him after his 8th successful released Recovery, he is no. 1 rapper in the enitre globe his existance is blessing for all those who loves rap, he was born in outside of Kansas City, Missouri detroit, michigan. He used to be the leader of D12 rap gang and launched devil's night,encore and the eminem show, it's been a short time since we've listen "Till I Collapse" in need of some breeding from a record firm. During seventy six days pause, however, his ever-reliable "lose youself"' 8 mile came across a target that, in many ways, To appreciate a new term shady. He goes by the name of ''Slim Shady" (The Rain Man as in the popular rappers). After creating a buzz in the big windsor troit area for quite sometime, he just got the rap nation's love and attention with his impressive rap guts in predicament occurence like Rap Olympics Rap Battle and won world's leading grammy's award multiple times. One glance of the gladden within his Slim Shady glimpse, one couldn't find but concede that this rapper of the Caucasian...
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...Sometimes it takes a second glance to fully see the significance of a place that may seem irrelevant at first. There is a place that holds this type of importance for me, though it took another visit for me to fully understand it. There aren’t many places I have traveled to in my life. But there has been one place I’ve been to twice. I was born in Bangladesh and moved to New York when I was three years old. The first time my family went back to visit our home country was in the summer of 2004, when I was nine years old. The second time, and most recent, was this past summer. My two trips were extremely different and if I hadn't gone again last summer, my opinion of the place would be completely different right now. The summer of 2013 was an uncertain and awkward stage in my life. I had just graduated high school and was about to head off to college. Right in the middle of all this confusion, my parents decided it would be the perfect time to visit Bangladesh as a family. I, however, did not want to rush my process of getting ready for college by leaving the country. But this was a trip that had been prolonged by my family for a couple of years so there was no way I could get out of it. And so, I was about to visit a country that I was not so enthusiastic about. What started out as a dreaded vacation, ended up being one of my most treasured experiences. In hindsight, I realize my attitude was the problem when we first landed in Dhaka. I did not want to enjoy anything...
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...are my get away, you are my favorite place. * You’re just a little bit out of my limit. * I wish that I could wake up with amnesia and forget about the stupid little things. * She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home. * Torn in two and I know I shouldn’t tell you but I just can’t stop thinking of you. * We’ll never be as young as we are now. * Everybody’s got their demon. * Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps. * They say we’re losers and we’re alright with that. * We are the leaders of the not coming backs. * ‘cause I’m just a sucker for anything that you do. * The blood in my veins is made up of mistakes. * So close but so far away. * I dedicate this song to you, the one who never sees the truth. * Tell me where you hiding your voodoo doll. * Oh, won’t you please stop loving me to death? * Good girls are bad girls that haven’t been caught. * Even when the sky is falling down, even when the earth is crumbling round my feet. * I don’t even like you why’d you want to go and make me feel this way? * Turn off the radio, those late night tv shows, hang up the telephone and just be here with me. * She looks so perfect standing there. * If you don’t swim, you’ll drown. * It’s like we never happen, was it just a lie? * Maybe this time, two wrongs make it right. * We are the kings and the queens of the new broken scene. * But I found my...
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...Popular Girls by Karen Shepard – Text Analysis What is the result of a spoiled girl living in the city that never sleeps, absent parents and her father’s credit card? “Popular Girls” tells the story. “Popular girls”, the title really hits the spot. And what do I mean by this? Well it’s actually quite simple. The story revolves around five, or maybe six, girls living in New York City, which is the richest city in the US, doing everything in their power to be popular. And how do they do this? Well as I said everything they possibly can. Even though they only attend tenth grade, they have become so affected by the big city life that their sense of reality has completely disappeared. They have one thing in mind, and that is becoming older and until that happens, they are doing what they can to at least seem older. They go drinking, they do drugs and they throw themselves at older boys, sleeping with them. The text in itself is pretty hard to analyze because of the structure of the text. The first three pages is basically an environment description which is very confusing. An environment description of the girls lives. How they live and how they go about living. With every third of fourth word being a brand name, the reader fast gets ahold of the idea that, these girls are very aware of how they display themselves to the public. With almost all the attention being put on the girls posh lives, it is easy to miss the subtle contrasts in the text. There are a few times, where we...
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...Joseph Ormsbee Professor Marciano English December 6, 2012 The City That Never Sleeps Everyone that’s anyone has always dreamt about going to New York City. People go to New York for all different reasons; whether it’s for a tourist attraction, a show, a business trip, or just simply for the amazing sights there are to see. The city offers something unique for everyone. Many well known people have used the connections New York City has to offer to reach their goals. “The Big Apple”, otherwise known as the city that never sleeps, is a place where all dreams are attainable. People from all ages go to New York for all it has to offer. A few of my favorite places to visit in the city are the Statue of Liberty, Radio City Music Hall, Central park, and finally my all-time favorite, Times Square. If it were not for these historical places, New York City wouldn’t be the place it is today. The first stop is well known everywhere, and has been standing for over a hundred and twenty five years. It is also the most meaningful figurine in the city, the Statue of Liberty. Throughout the entire city the statue represents new beginnings and independence. The statue was built in September of 1875 and was given as a gift from France representing peace. It honors the friendship and the commitment to liberty between France and the United States of America. There is a very special quote on the statue that reads: "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe...
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...favorite place for several reasons. The number one reason: since I am an active duty in the military, it's so hard to take leave from my work. Before I visit to see my family, I let my brothers-in-law know that I am coming to NY. Me and my brothers-in-law get together and take out the whole family out to Bear Mountain, where we cook out, swim in the pool and spend quality time with each other. My second reason is that New York never sleeps. I love going out during the nightfall because of the lights of the buildings and city noises inspires me. After long day, me and my friends gather at one of our favorite Uzbek restaurant, which is called Naris cafe. The food over there is excellent, and they are open till late at night. After we are done eating, we go to play pool. Another reason why New York City is my favorite place because of its tall buildings, history, and where culture is intertwined with its people. I love walking in busy sidewalk, and seeing different faces from all around the world. It never gets tiring. If you have never been in New York City, you should come visit. You will have great experience, and it might become your favorite place...
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...knowledge is gained through travel. Christian is the central character of the book and the hero of the pilgrimage. Christian represents one aspect of the human experience: the search for religious truth. He is his faith (hence his name). Christian’s motivation, the search for salvation in the Celestial City, is comparable to the pilgrimage of high school. A pilgrimage depends in travel, and so a pilgrim, or high school student, must be prepared to go far and wide. High school is a pilgrimage, every student is a pilgrim united under a common goal: Graduation. The obstacles that are overcome in The Pilgrim’s Progress by the main character, Christian, correlate to the obstacles a student faces on her way to Graduation. In The Pilgrim’s Progress, the pilgrims face a series of obstacles and thwarters on their way to the Celestial City. They have to overcome their obstacles one by one. For me, achieving the grades that I needed to be successful in high school was not an easy thing for me to do. Over the course of my high school career I struggled to maintain a grade point average (GPA) that I thought would appease my parents and would also be high enough to get me into a good college. I have never been the greatest mathematician. It is difficult for me to remember to check my simple addition, so I have always struggled with making many small errors when it really counts. I have a big problem with rushing through equations. During a test, I am worried that I will forget how to do something...
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...Journal of Charlotte August 5, 1890 Today I boarded the ship to take me to America. Leaving behind mother and father was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. My faith was shaken at the death that surrounds my beloved Poland. After brothers death there was little choice for mother and father but to ensure my safety. Russia’s forces take Poland and tare her soil from her back and spread the blood of her people across the land. The place I sleep I do not really sleep. The hold is full of others like me who sold all they own to start over in a new world. August 6, 1890 Today I finally got to go up on deck they let a few of the younger females up when we are passing other ships. I get looks from the other passengers who could afford to ride first or second class. They think we are filthy you can tell by the disgust that cover their faces as they look at us. To say that the conditions are bad is an understatement. The trip thankfully will not be as long as it once was because of steam. I am not certain of how all that works but I do know it makes the conditions in the hold much hotter when they should be much cooler. Below deck there are many who cough and cry, some longing for home others sick from the voyage and others still I am afraid it may be worse. More are sick than not, perhaps that is just my imagination taking hold. Fear that something may yet stop me from my journey. August 9, 1890 I was not wrong about the sickness; it seems...
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...another reason to stay up; to get that promotion, to improve a grade in school, or even due to a sleep disorder such as insomnia or sleep apnea, a disorder which causes a person to stop breathing briefly while they are sleeping, sometimes hundreds of times a night, depriving the brain of oxygen. This narrative is all-too familiar for many teenagers and adults. Almost everyone has had to pull an all-nighter at least once in their life...
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