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The Flash


Submitted By jgarc86
Words 992
Pages 4
The Flash
APA 6Th Edition
Juan Carlos Garcia
South Texas College

"My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive” Like most comic book characters we often get different versions to a character’s past, and story lines. I’ll be talking from the current TV show The Flash from The CW Network. The First episode aired: October 7, 2014 and right now season 2 is going on and episode 18 will be airing April 19th. The title of this episode is “Versus Zoom”
This is Barry Allen and he is known for working really slow and arriving late anywhere he goes. He is a scientist in the Criminal and Forensic Science Division of the Central Police Department. He lives with his boss and adoptive father Joe West and Joe’s daughter Iris West, she happens to be the love of his life. Barry’s mother was killed by a yellow streak when he was just a little kid and his dad (Henry Allen) went to jail for the murder of his wife (Nora Allen) which he did not commit. Barry is determined to solve this case and free his dad by becoming a forensic investigator. One day while Barry was working at his office he was struck by a lightning bolt, that was produced by S.T.A.R. labs, when the particle accelerator exploded and created a giant thundercloud. When waking up from a coma after nine months, he discovers that he can run really really fast and had developed other super abilities. Shortly after this he starts acting like a vigilante and super hero known as the “Red Streak” or “The Streak” but soon the public recognize him as The Flash. Barry teams up with a group from S.T.A.R. Labs and becomes friends with Doctor Caitlin Snow and the brilliant Cisco Ramon who are mentored by Dr. Harrison Wells.
The team helps Barry fight a bunch of villains during season one, they call them metahumans such as Weather Wizard, Captain cold, Blackout, Heath Wave, The Mist, Golden Glider, Trickster, Gorilla Grodd, Every Man, and his ultimate nemesis The Reverse Flash. These “metahumans” are individuals that were exposed by the explosion of the particle accelerator and received power just like The Flash. Barry also gets assistance from team Arrow, Firestorm, the Atom and his friend/rival detective Edie Tawne. Iris got engaged to Edie while he was in a coma so Barry is frustrated because he is in love with her.
One day Barry decides to confess his loves towards Iris and they find out that they feel the same way about each other. Sadly, he had to run to save the Central city from Weather Wizard because he created a tsunami to destroy the City. The Flash runs along the beach to create a wall made out of wind, he ran so fast that he traveled in time for the first time without him knowing. He travels one day into the past resetting the future and preventing Weather Wizard from destroying Central City.
Creating an alternative time line by going back in the past, everything was changed in the present and Iris and Barry never had that conversation when he confesses his love to her. He was the only one that knew it had happened so he tried to recreate the conversation and in this timeline Iris doesn’t tell him that she loves him. Now that I’m talking about alternative timelines, the Reverse Flash is a time traveler speedster who got stuck in the past and needs Barry’s speed to return to the future. He is also a supervillain named Eobard Tawne a distant descendant of Edie Tawne who is responsible for killing Barry’s mother.
The Reverse Flash is in disguise as Dr Harrison Wells since he killed the real Harrison Wells and took over the Dr’s body in order to get close to Barry and steal his powers to go back to the future. Luckily Joe, Sisco, and Edie are able to find the truth about Harrison Wells, that he is The Reverse Flash. The Reverse Flash is a lot more powerful than The Flash so he calls the Arrow and Firestorm to help him take down the Reverse Flash. Once he is defeated, Barry put him in a special prison where he couldn’t escape.
Barry ask the Reverse Flash why he killed his mother and his answer was because a future version of Barry Allen had done something to him. Eventually Barry was able to access the speed force by increasing his speed and traveling through time to make a deal with the Reverse Flash. S.T.A.R labs team open a wormhole to send the Reverse Flash back to the future while Barry goes back in time to try to save his mother. A future version of himself stops him from saving his mom so Barry came back because he realizes that he had everything he wanted already.
The Flash and the Reverse Flash start fighting but Reverse flash had the upper hand since he was more powerful. Eddie watching The Flash getting beat by Reverse Flash he shoots himself causing the Reverse Flash to be erased from existence by sacrificing and saving everyone else. Unfortunately, the wormhole created a singularity (like a black hole) that started destroying Central City. It looks like is the end for everyone since the singularity was pulling everything inside of it, but Barry goes to the singularity and starts running counter clockwise very fast and was able to stop the singularity from destroying everything with the help of Firestorm.
This is how season one ends.

Work Cited

Barry Allen. (2016). Arrowverse Wiki. Retrieved 6 April 2016, from

The Flash Video - Quick Cut: The Man Who Saved Central City | Watch Online Free. (2016). The CW Network. Retrieved 10 April 2016, from

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