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The Greer Incident Analysis

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What occurred on September 4, 1941 was not made clear to the public after the incident happened. The deck logs of the American destroyer, USS Greer, and the German submarine, U-652, were different, and public opinion continually shifted throughout the time before and after the Greer Incident occurred. I believe there was no question that Roosevelt both followed public opinion and shaped it, and this is clear just looking at his statements, how he acted, the contrasting accounts of the USS Greer and U-652, and various interviews and legislation. Roosevelt demonized and put Germany erroneously in a negative light, enticing Americans to push for a war even though they didn’t really want one. Despite the fact that Germany went through many lengths to avoid war as well, Roosevelt, “the most war loving of American presidents,” made it apparent that he wanted war and would do what he could to induce it. …show more content…
The Greer sighted a British plane ULA, which reported a U-boat submerged ten miles away. The American destroyer went into the zigzag plan, and once again went into full battle alert as it did earlier that morning. Things became more serious from eight in the morning through noon. The Greer continued in the water in zigzag courses, and around 9:30, the British plane attacked the submarine, releasing four depth charges. The plane departed twenty minutes

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