...Communication is said to be the basis of every interpersonal relationship. In fact effective communication is the key to a healthy and long lasting relationship. If individuals do not communicate with each other effectively, problems are bound to come. Communication plays a pivotal role in reducing misunderstandings and eventually strengthens the bond among individuals. A relationship loses its charm if individuals do not express and reciprocate their feelings through various modes of communication. A healthy interaction is essential for a healthy relationship. It is no always an individual need to talk to express his or her feelings. Feelings can be expressed through nonverbal modes of communication as well. Your body movements, gestures, facial expressions, hand movements communicate something or the other. Make sure you do not make faces at anyone. You should look happy and contented for the other person to enjoy your presence. Do not always look sad and irritated. Eye movements also have an important role to play in relationships. One can make out whether you are angry, unhappy or frustrated through your eyes only. Dear Shirley and Larry, my advice to you for a successful relationship is effective speaking using verbal communication skills. Effective verbal or spoken communication is dependent on a number of factors and cannot be fully isolated from other important interpersonal skills such as non-verbal communication, listening skills and clarification....
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...A.) Bloxham, S., & Evans, C. (2013). Increasing productivity by improving staff health and wellbeing. Management Services, 57(4), 12-16. B.)This article discusses why staff health and wellbeing is of importance to clinics and how increased ill health costs them money. It describes how increased absenteeism leads to increased turnover, which leads to low productivity and performance, costing countless dollars. It offers ideas of health education to help employees with lifestyle changes such as eating healthier and smoking cessation. Bloxam and Evans offer a good implementation plan with interesting ideas (2013). C.)The majority of my clinic employees stay healthy, although this article has very good ideas it would not be of great importance...
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...Let’s Talk! A Communication Proposal COM425: Communication in Organizations Instructor: Terry Moser March 3, 2014 There are many concepts of communication that must happen within the workplace. In this paper, I will discuss a few concepts that I feel are the most important for successful communication within an organizational setting. I will discuss how to practice active listening, the importance of organizational culture, how to resolve conflict, and the process of formal and informal communication. I will address why they are necessary for successful communication and how best to implement them within your organization. I. Topic Sentence #1 Active listening is a communication skill that facilitates understanding, comprehension and compassion between people. Good listeners actively process information, make comments and ask questions. They engage in conversation and purposeful in listening, therefore creating opportunities that improve relationships, cooperation and solve problems. Supporting Evidence Active listening is important in all situations where people are communicating with each other. According to the National Communication Association, “Effective communication is critical to achieving high quality personal and work relationships” A. Explanation Some people may think that hearing what the other person is saying is enough, but just hearing a person does not guarantee that the person’s message is being interpreted as they intend it. The keyword is...
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...playfulness – skills and abilities that will help an individual when participating in communication. The two levels of communication that operate when people play together are concrete and meta. The relationships between the two levels of communication are they help distinguish communication between playfulness and seriousness, they become signs of communication. As concrete is literal and meta underlines the meaning of literal communication. For example, “go to bed now” is concrete and “GO TO BED NOW!!” is meta. ‘It was argued that play marks a step forward in the evolution of communication – crucial step in the discovery of map-territory relations”. (Bateson) This comment emphasises the importance of play as it helps a person distinguish his/her relationship with another person. Playfulness is another form of communication and if two people understand and happily communicate each other through play it therefore helps them determine the status of their relationship, thus being a happy relationship. The two levels of communication that comes from play helps a person further understand and evaluate the message from the receivers end. ‘Either, as in the case of the play frame, the frame is involved in the evaluation of the messages which it contains, or the frame merely assists the mind in understanding the contained messages’. (Bateson) This comment explains how play and its two levels of communication can help a person evaluate a message. Through play a person can...
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...The World of Media and the everyday communication in a couple’s relationship 4 Factors Associated with Relationship Satisfaction: Importance of Communication Skills 4 Communication and Relationship Management 4 Being a couple in a media world: The mediatization of everyday communication in couple relationships Christine Linke Factors Associated with Relationship Satisfaction: Importance of Communication Skills I.S. Egeci.T. Gencoz Communication and Relationship Management Andrew N. German, Psy.D, associate professor and director of master’s programs Media plays a significant role in everyday life. How does media affect a couple, whose relationship is under constant everyday media pressure? Using the concept of mediatization as theoretical background for analyzing micro level processes. What is the importance of Communication Skills in a relationship and how does communication weigh in relationship management? Partners must establish good communication skills in order to maintain a successful relationship. However, when a couple is very successful and in the “limelight” so to speak, the pressure is undoubtedly more. Shen, S. (2010, July 29). The most successful busines power couples. Huff Post Business, Retrieved from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/29/the-most-successful-busin_n_649622.html. Media plays an even greater risk for these relationships to fail. Media can play mind tricks and play with emotions through falsifying or...
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...Topic Statement To determine the importance of positive communication at Singers Jamaica Ltd Thesis Statement An investigation into the importance of positive communication at Singers Jamaica Ltd Aims * To determine the factors that contributes to positive and negative communication. * To determine the effectiveness of positive communication on employees. Objectives * To determine the advantages of having positive communication among employees. * To determine the disadvantages to the firm when positive communication is not practiced by employees. * To determine the main barriers to effective communication in the firm. Background “Communication is a transactional process of exchanging messages and negotiating meaning to establish and maintain relationships. It is generally agreed that we communicate with a purpose in mind and that the most important purpose is to satisfy a personal or social need. The communication process includes people, messages, signs and codes, meaning, interpretation encoding and decoding and medium and channel. Thus communication is always contextual meaning it is influenced by the time, place, status and relationship of the participants. –Sheila Steinberg (2007). Communication is not just simply just a matter of face-to-face exchange of information. In organizations people communicate in different levels of communication such as interpersonal, intrapersonal...
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...Interpersonal Communication and Personal Development Effects Within Long-Term Romantic Relationships Communication plays a major role in our everyday lives and it is especially needed to start and build relationships. Interpersonal communication affect all types of relationships, although, it consistently contributes to the persistence of long-term relationships to keep them functioning in a positive manner for years to come. No matter what type of relationship one may have it will evolve over-time, but most definitely long-term romantic relationships. Interpersonal communication within long-term romantic relationships are correlated because individuals grow mentally which typically is self-improving and creates a “Domino Effect”; because the person with whom one may...
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...Post its (Notes on a Marriage) was written by Paul Dooley and Winnie Holzman. This drama stresses the importance of spending time with one another. Seems like now and day people do not spend as much time with each other as they should. The subject of the drama is communication. Without communication there is no relationship. Although the characters do not have names both characters grow happy and together because there is communication threw the post it notes left. Paul Dooley and Winne Holzman created this drama to express the importance of communication within a relationship. b. What is the playwright’s background? Education? Experience? c. When did they write the play? d. What was going on in their lives/the world when the play was written? e. How do you think that context affected the development of the play? f. What elements of the play (e.g. character or plot) most reflect/demonstrate how the context impacted the play? The drama stressed the importance of taking the time to be with each other.Paul Dooley and Winnie Holzman’s Post- Its (Notes on a Marriage), stressed the importance of taking the time to be with each other. A man and a woman (both without names) sit apart from each other, reading post-it notes they have left for one another. Through this process, their relationship grows from their first night together all throughout their married life. The audience learns they have a child together named Eugenia, who grows up to have a daughter named Careen...
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...SUBJECT: Effective Business Communication As undergraduate students, we strive to acquire the knowledge and abilities that will allow us to function successfully in the world of business. In all our efforts to prepare for employment, we often overlook the importance of knowing how to communicate effectively in a business setting. We learned from Long Pham and Isidore Okoro that employers look for good communication skills beginning with the hiring process. For any prospective businessperson, it is imperative to understand the role of verbal and written communication and how it should be conducted effectively. This memo is an effort to share and inform you of some of the most important features of business communication. Choosing a Medium When choosing what medium to use for a message, Isidore and Long suggest that it depends on the culture within the firm. E-mail is accepted for most information. The article by Inc.com “How To: Communicate with Employees”, states that as a general rule, anything that requires development of an interpersonal relationship with an employee requires face-to-face communication. Urgent matters are best handled in person as well. Because words on a screen lack context, tone, and nonverbal cues, Long Pham emphasized: when in doubt, speak in person. Verbal Communication Verbal communication is vital to the success of any company. Having good verbal communication within the workplace can help build good relationships among coworkers and employees...
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...What is communication? Communication is an important part of everything in life. The same holds true in business and plays an effective part of ensuring that employees understand their benefits package. As mentioned in the previous portion of the paper, benefits are wonderful tools for employees to help protect themselves and their families, but what good are they if the employees do not receive the proper information regarding their benefits, learn how to use them, or how important they are. The necessary steps to ensuring that employees receive information regarding their benefits are through effective trainings, webinars, email, and policy implementation. The first step in ensuring communication gets through to employees is to implement a consistent training program. A consistent training program can include the human resource manager to make sure that trainings are given at least once a year if not more. These training meetings should include the types of benefits that are offered through the company, why these benefits are important, and how to effectively use them. When explaining how to use those benefits it may consist of bringing in an additional professional such as a financial planner for 401k’s and retirement benefits or an additional human resources representative. Whatever is necessary in order to carryout communication and to perform the tasks should be done within reason. The next form of communication that should be attempted would be email. For most workers...
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...Self-Discovery thru the Art of Listening: An Annotated Bibliography Diane Jones Saint Petersburg College INTRODUCTION The resources listed in this annotated bibliography are intended to bring to light the importance of listening, in our professional lives as well as in our personal lives. The focus is learning to listen and the importance of being a good listener. Whether in a business relationship or a personal relationship, communication is the key --- forty-five percent of which is listening. Having good listening skills can lead to career advancement. For instance, a manager needs to have the ability to listen nonjudgmentally for valid information and to understand others point of view in order to make managerial decisions. Active listening can help you better understand thoughts and feelings of others and provide positive communication in your relationships. A portion of this research involves self-knowledge and how to get to know yourself better. We are always talking to ourselves, silently, in our heads, thinking… without really paying attention or analyzing our thoughts. Are we really even listening to ourselves? Perhaps we could discover a part of our unknown selves… I am now wondering what all I have missed out on in my lifetime from hearing rather than listening. There is an art to listening and it must be learned and developed through practice. Learning to listen effectively is a complex, challenging, and lifelong undertaking. These resources offer...
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...Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Settings Introduction Competence is defined as the skills, knowledge and other attributes that lead to success in a chosen area. One of the major factors for students to ponder upon after graduation in college is whether they became competent to the different challenges of the global market. Acquiring techniques or knowledge for new trends is a head start for being a competent employee which can be learned through quality education. Job qualification for Hotel industry is essential in finding a competitive work in the Philippines or even in other countries. Due to the rampant growth in hospitality industry, there has been a major concern for the Hotel and Restaurant Management students to be highly competitive or highly qualified in terms of hotel and restaurant preferences and standards. The job market in the hospitality industry is very competitive, employers will always want new graduates who are ready to “jump in” and start working immediately. Equipped with knowledge on the new trends for today’s hospitality industry, in order to be competitive in this market, newly graduates must possess the maximum skills required to perform efficiently and effectively in the hospitality industry. Industry professionals often claim that what educators teach in the classroom is out dated (Kang, Wu, & Gould, 2005). Technology, the workforce, hospitality and tourism products, and customers are constantly changing. As a result, relevant competencies...
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...converse how effective the communication in nursing practice will ease a mutually satisfying therapeutic patient nurse and their family relationship. Nursing is a challenging profession and requires critical thinking and good communication skills. With the baby boomers getting older the need for nurses is more than ever. No matter the setting whether it is in the hospital or in a community, nurses receive the same reward of helping people. Nursing has come a long way since Florence Nightingale and will continue to evolve well beyond into the future. Communication mainly requires the mindful utilization of the spoken word, and even though accounting for only fifteen percent of all interpersonal communication, is the major means of stating factual information in relations among nurse, patient and patient’s family. At the same time as communication is a vital part of building the relationship among nurse, patient and patient family members it is also just as significant among nurse and coworker. A virtuous relationship is good to quality patient care, obviously both nurse and coworker have the similar agenda, to care for the patient, mend and accelerate recovery Superior communication between providers can be a wonderful boon to older patients and their families; therefore, improved nurse–physician communication is not simply a remedy for diminished job satisfaction, it is similarly an elixir for improving patient care”. Evidently the use of verbal communication among the nurse and...
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...Why Communication Education is important: The Centrality of the Discipline in the 21st Century. Communication is an important aspect of our lives. It is hard to imagine a life where there is absolutely no communication. In this article we can see that thematic analysis of journal and newspaper articles, reports, and surveys provide evidence of the centrality of communication in developing the whole person, improving the educational enterprise, being a responsible social and cultural participant in the world, succeeding in one’s career and in business, enhancing organizational processes and organizational life, and, addressing several emerging concerns in the 21st century including health communication, crisis communication, and crime and policing. This article helps us understand how people use messages to generate meaning within and across various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. It also talks about the content and importance of each of six themes which provide evidence of the importance of communication instruction in the 21st century. Communication is important in the 21st century because it allows people to share ideas, interests, and develop relationships. We learn that while humans are born with the ability to vocalize, they are not born with a full accoutrement of the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that constitute communication competence. The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately is learned and should be taught. The...
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...SAMPLE ANSWER 01 CAM CAM Diploma Marketing and Consumer Behaviour December 2010 Contents Task 1: Marketing Principles Task 2: Communication Task 3: Communication, Advertising and Media Task 4: Consumer Behaviour Task 5: Channel Behaviour Appendices: Background information to THE AGE Appendices to task 2 4 - 14 15 - 20 21 - 31 32 - 43 44 - 47 48 - 54 References 55 - 57 Task 1 Word count 1618 Marketing Planning Planning is an essential task to ensure THE AGE continues to be a market leader. Drummond et al (2005) suggest planning should be systematic and structured, and is required in order to adapt to the changing business environment. The corporate objectives are at the heart of the marketing planning process (Brassington et al, 2000). The marketing plan will contribute to the corporate plan by developing specific functional strategies and tactics to achieve the corporate objectives. Figure 1.1 demonstrates the process. THE AGEs corporate plan is ‘to build on profits from the previous year and continue to be Britain’s number one quality selling newspaper’. From this, the marketing plan could be ‘to increase the number of subscribers’. Marketing planning process diagram A common framework to use in the planning process is the SOSTAC model, see figure 1.2 Marketing planning process • • Situational Analysis – The first stage of the planning process is to look at where the THE AGE is now - Britain’s number one selling quality newspaper with...
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