...Resilience to Stress and Trauma I ended up going with the resilience training module because for some reason my computer did not like the PPT versions. There were aspects of this training module that went over my head a little bit just because it did focus a lot on the scientific research and at the same time it was really interesting to learn how many different things influence how one can be resilience in stress and trauma situations. Going through this training module I kept a running tab on what I have done over my life-time to be as resilient as I am. Before this, I think there was a part of me that did not believe I was very resilient and I realized how wrong I was in thinking that. Dr. Southwick (2011) made a statement in his presentation...
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...The Importance of Managing Physical and Mental Health and Stress Levels And How Might These Skills Relate to Academic and Personal Success Billy J. Houston GEN 200 01/11/2014 FRANCIS JONES It is important to manage our physical and mental health and stress levels because physical health is directly related to mental health and both of which can be affected by high stress levels causing both physical and mental illnesses to develop. The physical health of a person can affect a person's mental abilities resulting in higher stress level. The bottom line is that stress can kill, as I have learned to be true in my own life experiences, as my father passed away from a massive heart attack at the age of 46 years old. How his physical life contributed to his development of stress related maladies is clear as my father was an alcoholic, a smoker, and also a diabetic who never took his conditions or his medications very seriously until it was too late and he was taken from us. He did manage to participate in several activities which reduced his stress somewhat such as fishing, bowling, and playing baseball with his children, but because he had the contributing factors already in place, due to hereditary traits for diabetes and heart disease it would have been much better for him if he did not drink or smoke. As a result of his early death none of his six children drink at all and only one of them smokes and is in the process of quitting. Another reason it is important to manage...
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... iii. Board of Directors 1. Supervisors 2. Directors 3. CEOs/President b. Discuss different tasks and responsibilities of each position c. Emphasize the importance of position power and its effects on the organization or company d. List 6 aspects of position power i. Legitimate ii. Reward iii. Coercive iv. Process v. Information vi. Representative II. Body Paragraphs a. Legitimate i. Stress the importance of trust and legality b. Reward i. Stress the importance of rewards and reinforcement c. Coercive i. Stress the importance of detail and communication with position power d. Process i. Discuss the different tasks and responsibilities of positions and the importance of their position in the organization or company e. Information i. Discuss the importance of information and communication with this aspect f. Representative i. Stress how representation is important to position power III. Body Paragraph a. Review and highlight organizational politics and skills required to be an effective manager and leader i. Communication ii. Active...
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...was oriented x 3. Alejandro shared his stress level was a 5. Alejandro was asked to listen to a guided meditation video, which focused on relaxation techniques. He indicated he usually sleep to help control his stress level. After listening, his stress level decreased to a 4.The client was oriented x 3. Brian shared his stress level before and after the session was a "0". He stated, playing his guitar helps to decrease his stress level. Throughout the session, the client listened to the guided mediation and stated, he found this meditation at the end of the day to be helpful.The client was oriented x 3. Christopher reported his stress level was at a 7, after listening to the guided mediation video, his stress decreased to 5. He shared, he...
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...consists of approximately 15,000 dedicated and well-trained men and women working in air traffic control towers, terminal radar approach control centers, and en route control centers managing 30.2 million square miles of airspace (Federal Aviation Administration, 2013).” FATIGUE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP The human body heavily relies on sleep to maintain a healthy, functioning life. . “Sleep isn’t exactly a time when your body and brain shut off, actually, while you rest, your brain stays busy, overseeing a wide variety of biological maintenance that keeps your body running in top condition, preparing you for the day ahead (Help Guide, 2013).” FATIGUE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP CONT’D Sleep Deprivation side effects include Fatigue, lethargy, and lack of motivation Moodiness and irritability Reduced creativity and problem-solving skills Inability to cope with stress Reduced immunity; frequent colds and infections Concentration and memory problems Weight gain Impaired motor skills and increased risk of accidents Difficulty making decisions Increased risk of diabetes, heart disease, and other health problems FATIGUE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP CONT’D The incident of an air traffic controller falling asleep while on the job in the tower of Reagan National Airport led to the investigation of human fatigue negatively impacting the performance of air traffic controllers everywhere. “We expect controllers to...
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...decision making in organizations: The role of leadership stress”, Mohr and Wolfram (2010), “Stress among managers: The importance of dynamic tasks, predictability, and social support in unpredictable times”, and Ghahroodi, Ghazali, and Ghorban (2013), “Examining ethical leadership and its impacts on the followers' behavioral outcomes”. All three articles had themes related to job stressors which impacted motivational relationships between leaders and followers. The impacted motivational relationships in turn affected the ethical behaviors of leader engagements with subordinates. The distinction between the articles hinged on whether motivational interactions suffered due to ethical dilemmas (Selart and Johansen, 2011), or dynamic work demands (Mohr and Wolfram, 2010), or pressure to be an ethical role models (Ghahroodi et al. 2013). The authors accredited their study importance to recognizing and understanding how stress affects ethical leadership actions. Research Question Comparison Selart and Johansen (2011) considered how stressful conditions affected the behaviors of leaders and their decision making processes. The authors query was toward evaluating if stress affected leadership behaviors, did it also affect how the leader was motivating subordinates. They examined if manager stress inhibits manager ability to identify ethical dilemmas. Mohr and Wolfram (2010) were seeking to connect dynamic work stress to negative health of mangers. The authors specifically...
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...Lessons Learned: New Information for A Better Life FULL NAME Mt San Antonio College Abstract Information from Introduction to Psychology can be very useful in real life. Information regarding stress can help a person adjust the level of stress. He can find the best coping method if he knows the basic coping methods and how they work. He will also realize the importance of happiness, and the useful methods to improve the happiness set point. The class also gives the information on several mental disorders, and their symptoms so that students can aware and help those who are suffering from such disorders. However, a person has to aware of the extreme fear of stress and become hesitant in making decisions. The knowledge of stress, happiness, and disorders together with the awareness of extreme fear of stress can improve a person’s life significantly. While every class can provide information and knowledge, receiving that information as lessons, especially useful lessons, is not always applicable. While almost everybody would believe that they are familiar with psychology, most of them have misunderstood or underestimate the meaning of psychology. Psychology is more than a therapy which is used to treat mental disorders and social problems (Weinkauff, 2014). In fact, psychology is a very huge field with many subfields, and its applications are used in not only in therapies, but also in other practical applications (Wade & Tavris, 2014). People can improve their lives by...
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...Discuss the Relationship between Stress, Anxiety, Habits and Phobias and Describe How You Would Treat these Issues with Hypnotherapy | | | | | | | | Discuss the Relationship between Stress, Anxiety, Habits and Phobias and Describe How You Would Treat these Issues with Hypnotherapy In this essay I shall seek to define stress, anxiety, habits and phobias. I shall explore their individual attributes and symptoms and how they may be related. I will also explain methods of treatment for such neurotic conditions, as I have seen fit and the ethical issues that I believe would need to be considered. Stress and anxiety are often coined together, almost into one phrase; where there is one, you will find the other. However there is a distinction between the two and as a therapist it is crucial that one is aware of this. Stress is a response to an external stimulant, resulting in feelings of frustration, anger and/or indeed, anxiety. Stress is in fact a biological reaction to outside pressures. These pressures can vary from work, family, or social changes, to simple changes in one’s environment, to major life changes. All these situations stimulate the age old “fight or flight” response, thereby pumping the body with adrenaline and heightening the senses in preparation to respond. Of course this is not such a negative reaction, indeed in evolutionary terms it would have been this very reaction that has allowed the human race to continue to exist and flourish...
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...Leadership Under Severe Stress in Fire Services Contents Introduction 1 Leadership 1 What is Leadership? 1 Theories of Leadership 2 1. Great Man Theory 2 2. Behavioral Theory 2 3. Participative Theory 2 4. Situational Leadership 2 5. Contingency Theory 2 6. Transactional Leadership 2 7. Transformational Leadership 2 Directive Leadership Theory 3 Supportive Leadership Theory 3 Situational Leadership Theory 3 Transformational Leadership Theory 3 Leadership in Fire Service 4 Who is an effective Leader? 5 Situational Leadership 6 Leadership under severe stress 6 What is Stress? 6 Acute stress 6 Episodic acute stress 6 Chronic stress 6 Kinds of situations in a fire service 6 Leadership under severe situations 7 Leadership Failure 7 Conclusion 7 Introduction Fire service is an organized body of people developed to rescue and help people in case of fire emergencies. A fire service, also known as fire brigade, acts as a savior of people’s lives and property. It includes fire fighters and volunteers as staff. Fire service department works both on public and private grounds. Saving lives is the main objective of this department. Firefighter also help people in situations other than emergency by giving them precautionary advice, setting fire alarms and adequate training in severe situation. All the work done by fire department runs on specific decision guidelines. In a decision guideline a firefighter is taught...
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...on the importance of health and wellness and secondly on stress management * Set up a health and wellness in the workplace committee and have them take responsibility for implementing the selected ideas for health promotion activities * Designate a wellness coordinator for implementing action plans * Allocate a budget for health and wellness in the workplace activities * Health and wellness seminars / discussions – with guest speakers * Wellness information – notice boards, leaflet racks, information points, wellness handouts * Employee Health and wellness newsletter mainly for non-transmissible diseases * Make the employees aware of the importance of balanced diet, water, exercise and sleep. * Send periodic wellness messages to staff via email. * Encourage people to use stairs rather than elevators * Arrange for intra-company games and team building activities * Provide an onsite fitness center that is the gymnasium * Provide onsite group exercise classes like yoga * Employ doctors for regular check up at the organization * enforcement of a smoke-free work environment. Everyone goes through stressful moments and employees and managers are no exception. Stress is often the cause of many illnesses in our body. We deal with stress everyday wherever we may be or how little we do. Managing stress has always been a goal for many of us who are unable to control it. I will promote these activities to reduce the stress of...
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...IMPORTANCE OF BUDGETING AND SAVING Importance of Budgeting and Saving Andrea N. Kirkwood GEN/200 22 March 2010 Mr. Otis Langford IMPORTANCE OF BUDGETING AND SAVING Importance of Budgeting and Saving Do you find yourself living from paycheck to paycheck, unable to pay your bills, struggling financially? If so, you are amongst the millions of people who suffer from these same issues everyday. One of the best ways for you to get on financial track is to establish a budget. What is a budget you ask? As defined by Merriam-Webster, a budget is “a plan for the coordination of resources and expenditures” or “the amount of money that is available for, required for, or assigned to a particular purpose” (Merriam-Webster). A budget will help you realize your true income, assess your debt, see how your money is really being spent, and should help you save on some of your unnecessary spending. Budgeting is one of the most important factors when it comes to financial stability. A budget is a precise way to help you live within your means and get your finances under control. Making an individual or a family budget will assist you in your planning when it comes to saving for the education expenses of you or your children, maintaining an emergency fund, planning vacations, buying a home and numerous other unexpected events that life may throw your way. IMPORTANCE OF BUDGETING AND SAVING Creating a budget should be a very simple process. You...
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...currency senior unsecured debt rating of ‘Ba1’ and Metrobank’s local currency subordinated debt rating of ‘Ba2’. “The bank financial strength ratings of the four banks remain unchanged,” Moody’s said in a statement. It explained that “credit strength of the government is an important input in our assessment of the government's capacity to provide support in times of stress.” "The review for upgrade of BDO's, BPI's, LBP's and MBT's ratings reflect our assessment that these ratings would likely benefit from an additional notch of systemic support uplift in the event that the parallel review of the Philippine sovereign debt rating concludes with a rating upgrade," Moody's Assistant Vice President and Lead Analyst for the Philippine banks Simon Chen said. Aside from assessing the government’s ability to extend support, the debt watcher said the current evaluation “will also take into account the systemic importance of each bank, which would influence the government's willingness to extend support in times of stress.” Among the factors that Moody’s will take into consideration in checking on the systemic importance of each of the banks are the bank's market share of system deposits and loans, and the financial institutions’ role in the country's payment system. The statement cited that “the government's...
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...contribute to your academic goals? The goals that I have created using SMART criteria is completing my assignments, making sure that all of my posts, and DQs are done by Sundays of each week. SMART contributes to my academic goals by helping me not to stress from college and personal life settings. It helps to keep my assignments in an organized manner. * * * * Describe one professional/career goal you have created using the SMART criteria and Career Plan Building Activities results. How did the results of the Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Activity on Competencies contribute to your professional goal development? * One professional goal that I have created using SMART criteria is not letting the job stress me as much. It contributes to my professional goals because I can make sure everything is done instead of letting the other staffs completing it. I’m willing to learn how to complete all the paper work that is need on my job. I like to make sure that my surrounding are organized and everything is completed by the end of my shift. * * * * * Describe the stress and time-management strategies you have learned this week that will help you achieve your goals. Stress and time-management strategies that I have learned this week that will help me to achieve my goals are learning to be in a quiet place, so that I can understand my assignments. I will take 30 minutes to an hour each day so that my work will not be...
Words: 433 - Pages: 2
...Nontraditional students coming into the educational environment seem to naturally apprehend the importance of breaking down everyday tasks to effectively manage time. Students that fit the nontraditional standard: 24 and over, supporting dependents, and working fulltime have experience in the need for proper time management skills. Students experienced in time management still should understand the importance of maintaining a healthy system to perform at a higher level and minimize stress in an educational environment and strive to intertwine an educational lifestyle with their personal lives. Learning to effectively manage time may require some lifestyle changes from the student as well as educational model changes from universities. It is...
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...Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness… In most of the schools, physical education is part of the curriculum. Apart from maintaining physical fitness, it includes training in the development and care of the human body It helps a person sharpen overall cognitive abilities and motor skills through athletics, exercise and various other physical activities. Seeing its benefits for the body and its effect on life, the importance of physical education can’t be ignored. Physical education inculcates in children the importance of maintaining a healthy body and teaches then the importance of regular fitness activity in daily routine, which in turn keeps them happy and energized. This helps the children to maintain their fitness, develop their muscular strength and increase their stamina. Research has proved that children who actively participate in sports, be it team sports or dual and individual sports, have high self-confidence, which is very important for the development of a person’s character. Physical education instills the desire to participate, enjoy victory and take defeat positively, developing the overall personality of the character. By making children participate in sports, especially team sports, physical education also imbibes in them a sense of team spirit. Children learn how to work as a team member, organize themselves and function together towards attaining a goal. This in turn improves a child’s overall communications skills and...
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