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The Meltdown Man Research Paper

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Who was the Piltdown man?
In 1912, Charles Dawson (an amateur antiquarian and paleontologist) made an audacious claim to fame; he asserted that he had discovered the missing link between man and ape1,2,3. Such a “transitional form” rocked the anthropology world as the final nail in the coffin, linking humans to apes by a common ancestor3. Prior to this find, the only evidence of transitional forms was the ancient Java man, the Heidelberg jaw, and Neanderthals1. Since the publication of Charles Darwin’s, On the Origin of Species, British anthropologist had been desperately searching for the remains of a transitional form that would simultaneously prove the theory of descent from an ape like ancestor, and show that Britain had played an integral role in human evolution4,5. The Piltdown man was able to deliver on all accords.
Charles Dawson discovered the specimen in …show more content…
The Piltdown man represents a “hoax unprecedented in its complexity” that was able to fool the scientific community for nearly half a century6. The public revelation, that the fossils were fake, sparked a public distrust in the scientific community at large, and specifically the future finds from any archaeological digs. This public (and scientific) mistrust prevented the remains of Austrailopithecus africanus from being accepted as an actual human ancestor when it was first discovered6. Furthermore, Piltdown significantly delayed further research in the area of human evolution by tying up valuable research resources and funding on examining the Piltdown man3. Since the discovery of the Piltdown man, thousands of hours have been wasted trying to solve a puzzle; this valuable time could have been used furthering scientific knowledge, but instead it was squandered attempting to unravel the

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