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The Period Problem

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The Period Problem: How The Ability To Reproduce Effects The Lives Of American Women
It’s taken a long time for women to get where they are now. Women currently have rights, like voting, that they didn’t have before. But now that women have more rights, does this mean they’ve achieved equality? Looking at society today there is evidence that show women still have yet to achieve it. One major piece of evidence to look at is a women’s ability to reproduce. The reproduction, or lack thereof, effects how much a women makes at her job, controls what she purchases, and can make homelife more challenging.
Out of all the workers in the United States, one half is made up by women (Posner). While women equally contribute to the workforce, there is a …show more content…
Women spend on average $150 to $300 a year on feminine hygiene products (Meyer). Although it seems like a small amount, it adds up over time. Women menstruate for over thirty years of their life, so by the time they’ve stopped menstruating they have spent over $5,000 on feminine hygiene products (Meyer). To help reduce the the amount of money women spend on feminine hygiene products, cheaper alternatives, like menstrual cups, have been made (Meyer). Menstrual cups are sold in stores for around $40, but it only needs to be replaced every year (Meyer).
To relieve the pain felt from cramping, there are a couple remedies women can purchase. The first option is to take oral pain relievers like Aleve, Advil, and Tylenol (“Menstrual Cramps”). And if the cramping is so bad that pain relievers don’t work, women can take birth control (“Menstrual Cramps”). Birth control releases hormones that stop ovulation, and reduce the pain from menstrual cramps (“Menstrual Cramps”). While effective, birth control can cost up to $50, and not every health insurance plan covers it …show more content…
According to a study done by Pew, the shift in family size has to do with women’s increasing participation in the workforce, and the increase in the cost to raise a child (Gao). Even though there’s been an increase of women in the workforce, they still take on more childrearing tasks than the father. In a survey done by Pew, in a two-parent household where both parents worked full-time, the mother did more when it came to managing kids schedules and taking care of the kids when they were sick (youtube video). As for the cost of raising children, a study done by the US Department of Agriculture found that the cost to raise a child to the age of eighteen had grown from 1960 to 2013 by $46, 780 (Gao). Besides putting more energy into the kids, the mother also does more household activities than the father too (Holland). Full time working mothers spend close to two hours a day doing household activities while full time working fathers spend about one hour and eighteen minutes

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