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Orthodontist Research Paper

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Orthodontists help other people have the perfect smile. An orthodontist is a dentist who specializes in how the jaws and teeth are aligned. They have the important job of helping people whose teeth are misaligned or require some kind of correction – those with an improper bite, or malocclusion. Orthodontists have the power to help people feel less anxious about their teeth. They get to help improve smiles and give their patients self-confidence through their work. Well I’m a really nice person so it will be easy for me to help other people and i’m also patient so I’ll be patient with people. My abilities is to help others. Also, i prefer people with really good teeth because if they don’t have good teeth when they smile it won’t be as good. When i did those “cluster activities” they said that i should be a teacher or a nurse …show more content…
I also know a lot of of braces: Metal braces made of stainless steel are still common, but the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) emphasizes a wide variety of other materials that are equally effective in moving teeth. Clear ceramic braces worn on the front teeth are much less visible than metal, for example, although they may not be as sturdy. Completely hidden from view are lingual braces, which attach to the back of the teeth. You even have the option of clear, removable braces you take out when eating and cleaning your teeth. Braces are custom-made appliances that use gentle pressure to straighten your teeth and correct your bite. While some practitioners still favor metal braces as the most reliable, new materials and other advances offer smaller, less noticeable braces than were available a generation ago, and these materials are equally effective. Instead of metal, you can opt for clear or tooth-colored ceramic braces, or removable invisible aligners. Ask your dentist for a recommendation on which type of braces would provide the best results for you. There are also different types of braces: Metal

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