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The Role of Youth in Achieving Social Change


Submitted By CEOHan
Words 835
Pages 4
The world is rapidly changing. As we observe many countries had undergone tremendous change like changes in societal value systems, the spread of media technology, and changes in educational systems or population composition, this countries only proves that they’ve gone through Social Change
As local and global social issues continue to emerge, a need for leaders of social change is vital because social change has a crucial role in the promotion of human rights and social justice that leads to sustainable peace (Conner and Strobel, 2007). It is one of the factors which are important to determine whether a country is in progress. Social change as define by as an alteration in the social order of a society. It may include changes in nature, social institutions, social behaviors, or relations.
As to developing countries young people are often key actors in powerful social movements that transform the course of human history. Certainly, youth have been deeply important to every progressive social movement like: successive waves of feminism, environmentalism and environmental justice, the labor, antiwar, and immigrant rights movements, and more. In each of these cases, young people took part in many ways, including through the appropriation of the “new media” tools of their time, which they used to create, circulate, and amplify movement voices and stories. Youth participation in social change can provide us with important insights. Young people can be powerful agents of social change. Many young people have the desire and capacity to transform the world, and are looking for opportunities to do so. In fact, youth have been key actors in nearly every major social movement in modern history. ( Sasha Costanza-Chock, 2012) Youth are the building blocks of a nation. It is a fact that the stronger the youth, the more developed the nation is.

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